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Sources say that Sarah is the daughter of John Hermann Knochenhauer, mother Lydia. Sarah appears in records in Frederick Maryland with a birthdate of Jan. 30, 1784 in Frederick, Frederick, Maryland and a christening date of Aug. 7, 1785. Evangeli
cal Reformed Church.

Here is info on this father:

Johann Hermann Knochenhauer bio
by Loyd Bonecutter on Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:31 pm

Fritz Knochenhauer (Denver, CO) wrote:
Johann Hermann Knochenhauer, born 1755 in Hessen, Germany, was the first documented Knochenhauer in America. Assigned to the Hessen-Kassel Artillery, he fought initially for the British during The Revolutionary War.

A cannonier, he was first captured in Trenton, was exchanged, then rejoined the Americans as Johannes Bohnard. His unit captain reported him missing in action on January 4, 1782, after he was captured by the British during the Battle of Yorktown u sing the name Bonecutter. German "soldiers-for-hire" fought for both sides of the Revolution, but Johann Hermann fought on each side and lived to tell about it!

He settled in Frederick, MD with his wife, Lydia Ann, whom he married in Germany, later moving to Virginia and lastly, Ohio.

In 1792, he reportedly was detained in Virginia while befriending a 46-year-old runaway black slave named Duck, and used the name John Harmon Bonecutter. They were accused of stealing grain.

Harmon and Lydia both died in 1831 in Leesburg, OH, leaving two daughters and four sons who prodigiously carried on the Bonecutter legacy. He is buried in Olinger-Barger Cemetery in Fayette, OH.

Their children were named:
1) Martin Bonecutter, b. 1775, Virginia;
2) William Bonecutter, b. Abt 1775, unknown location; (later referenced as "Wm. Buncutter")
3) Sarah Bonecutter, b. Jan. 30, 1784, Frederick, Maryland;
4) George Bonecutter, b. Feb. 20, 1786, Frederick County, Virginia;
5) Christopher Bonecutter, b. 1788, Frederick County, Virginia;
6) Catherine Bonecutter, b. May 4, 1797, Virginia

It is unknown if any later Knochenhauers anglicized the name to Bonecutter. Why the name Buncutter/Bter was introduced is open to speculation. Comments welcome.

Records exist of other Knochenhauers emigrating from Germany since this time, but the bloodline is unclear at best, my family included. 
Knochenhauer (Bonecutter), Sarah Ann (I16217)

Still at home (Drymen) at 1871 census. 
McFarlane, Margaret McLaren (I13387)

Suggested as being a close relative of the John Baird b. 1790 who was executed in 1820 for the rebellion that led to the transportation to Australia of her husband. 
Baird, Elizabeth (I18103)

The 1910 census from Baldwin, Allegheny co, PA shows Wm W Mcfarlin an
d Anna R McFarlin (b age 40) married 19 years and parents of one child ; dau Eva C McFarlin living with them age 22 
McFarlin, William W (I16227)

William McFarlane
BIRTH 2 Jun 1873
DEATH 31 Dec 1902 (aged 29)
BURIAL Kinneddar Graveyard, Lossiemouth, Moray, Scotland
PLOT Ki394
MEMORIAL ID 202951052

Following a long illness borne with much patience and fortitude.

Place of Birth : DRAINIE Place of Death : DRAINIE
Mcfarlane, William (I11408)

With maternal grandparents at 1871 census.-Ed. 
Robb, George (I11669)
"She also entered the Sisters of Lorreto. She was known as Sister Mary Columbiere. She died about 1927 in Kankakee, Illinois. Bothe Aunt Julia and Aunt Florence were teachers in the elementary school system."
From Memoirs of Viola Jane McEwen, 1996. 
McFarland, Florence (I8702)
(1154) Agnes Durnars, d/o Mary , b. 3, 2, 1803, d. 5, 30, 1885. 1st m. 5, 3, 1821, to David McKnight, b. 5, 30. 1798, d. 4, 20, 1824. They resided in Clarkville, Mercer Co., Pa., and had two children ; 2nd m. to Thomas McFarland, b, 1794, near Harrisburg, Pa., d. 10mo. 1862, son of Robert McFarland and .Martha Burnside. They resided in Hartford Tp., Trumbull Co., Ohio, and had three children :

3062. Melinda McKnight. b. 2, 12, 1822 m. Archibald McFarland.
3063. Mary McKnight, b. 3, 9 , 1824, m. Jacob Kepner. .

3064. Thos. F. McFarland, b. 4. 13, 1828, { m1. Parthenia Leslie m2. Alice B. Brockway.}
3065. Amelia McFarland, m. Martin Wilson.
3066. Phebe McFarland, m. Andrew McDowe1l.
[Attachment to e-mail from Holly Stevens rec: 9 Apr 2017] 
Dumars, Nancy Agnes (I24068)
1 - 18d. Capt. William MacFarlane, who was born circa 1673 in Scotland, and married Miss Govan of Buchapel, daughter of ___ Govan of Buchapel, but died without surviving issue.
(Chapter 1: The barons of Arrochar)

2 - The fourth son, William, also an officer in the army, married but left no surviving issue.
(History of Clan MacFarlane by James MacFarlane 1922)

2 - 23 August 1755 Alexander McFarlane will names uncle William McFarlane of Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland; mother Helen Spottiswood and brother John Spottiswood of Spottiswoode, Berwickshire, Scotland; cousin Andrew McFarlane, St. Mary's Parish, Jamaica; widow of Robert McFarlane, late shopkeeper in Salt Markett St., Glasgow; cousin Duncan McFarlane; brother Walter McFarlan of Scotland; brother William McFarlan of Edinburgh (Jamaica Wills, 30:72).
(McFarlane Chronology Scotland (with a few early American & Jamaican records)
[ ]

3 - tries to link this William, husband of Janet Barr, as son of Andrew MacFarlane of Ardess 18th of Arrochar & his second wife Jean Campbell.
This appears to be a bad connection as their son William dsps aft. Aug. 1755.

I have added Janet Barr as a second wife pending further investigation. The dsps may relate to his first wife.-Ed. 
Macfarlane, Capt. William of Dunbar (I16006)
1 - 20e. Duncan MacFarlane, Gentleman, who was born circa 1735 at Rowchoish in Craigroystan, Buchanan Parish, Stirlingshire, Scotland, and died in Scotland in 1783 (buried on Inchcailleach in Loch Lomond, Buchanan Parish). One source states that he spent time on Jamaica, if so, he returned to reside at Croch Coille near Ardess in Buchanan Parish, and later on Inchfad in Loch Lomond, Buchanan Parish. Duncan married (banns 13 March 1756, Buchanan Parish) Katharine MacGregor, sister of Duncan MacGregor (born 1749; died 28 October 1815) from Rowchoish.
[from 'The barons of Arrochar and their cadets' a manuscript by Chevalier Terrance Gach MacFarlane, chapt. 5 - 25e p3]

2 - 23 TS This I'll defend (per J G Smith, Strathendrick 101) This is the Appointed burrying place of Duncan M'FARLANE and Katharine M'GRIGOR in Inchfade and their children 1783 shield, saltire engrailed between four roses (for McFARLANE) supported by two armed highlanders.

24 (at head of 23) Duncan McFARLAN & Kathren McGRIGOR in Inchfad, da Christie d 22.11[1783] 18
[ Buchanan-Inchcailloch churchyard MI ]

3 - Duncan, Katherine and most of their offspring are buried on the Isle of Inch Cailleach [in Loch Lomond]
[ Macfarlane of Balmaha tree rec 29 Mar 2008 ]

4 - The ruins [of the church ] show that it was a small and narrow building standing east and west. Near the spot where the high altar stood, a fine old dressed stone six feet four inches long, is lying in the grass. From its shape it is probably the lid of a stone coffin. All the graves with tombstones are to the west of the church, and, counting the enclosed burying place of the Mitchells in Arrachymore as one, there are twenty-three memorials of the dead still in existence. There used to be more. Some were removed to the New Buchanan churchyard. Many are now over-grown by the turf and are invisible, and doubtless many a good man and woman were laid to rest with nothing above them save the green sod.
The names of M'Gregors and Macfarlanes predominate, but not to a very large extent. Among the few interesting stones is one called " The Templars' Grave." No one knows why. There is no lettering on this old stone, but cut into it is a sword with is on the hilt. It lies north and south immediately to the west of the Mitchell's enclosure, and was probably removed from its original position when Arrachymore formed his family burying place in 1778. In the Mitchell enclosure many of this well-known race are buried. To the south of it is a curious old stone. It has a cross incised upon it, with a sword lying on the cross. Towards the bottom of the stone there is still visible :
1695 c
Close to the west end of the church is a fine large stone on six pillars. It bears the motto
above the M'Gregor coat of arms ; under these is this inscription :
AGE 32.
A little further off is another interesting old stone on pillars with this motto :
above a Macfarlane coat of arms, under which is cut :
[ from Strathendrick and its inhabitants from early times THE ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY OF BUCHANAN p101 ]

2 - Inchfad "The Long Island"
Ownership: Private Height: 25 Meters Length: 1.35 Kilometers
Illicit whisky stills have long had a reputation around the Loch, after the arrival of a Government cuter in the mid nineteenth century this ended the trade. Inchfad however became the home of a registered distillery. You can still see the ruins on the island to this day, Inchfad distillery was run by an ancestor of the MacFarlanes of Balmaha who today run the island mail service and boat yard. A canal was built to minimize the distance that the raw materials for the whisky had to be man handled, the canal has recently been re-furbished and is approximately 1/4 mile long. There are two houses on Inchfad, a modernized bungalow which served as the original farmhouse and a wooden house used as a holiday home.
[ ] 
McFarlan in Inchfad, Duncan BY31787 BY31788 (I15984)
1 - 53rd Regiment of Foot
Formed as the 55th Regiment of Foot [1755]
Renumbered 53rd Regiment [1757]
Arrived Quebec [May 1776]
Surrendered at Saratoga [Oct 1777]

2 - Miss Margaret Elizabeth, elder daughter of the above John, sworn at Aberdeen on 29 May 1827 in which she "depones that Major James Macfarlane (grandson of Andrew of Ardess, the 18th Chief) was Cousin German of the deponants' s grandfatherWilliam, the 21st Chief)." Thus the House of Ardess at the death of Robert, the 24th Chief, became successors to the title of Macfarlane of Macfarlane and heirs male of the ancient House of Lennox. This Major James of Ardess was therefore the 25th Chief and his eldest son, Duncan (if he survived his father), the 26th laird.
Major James had three sons, but as according to the testimony of the Miss Macfarlane of Macfarlane already referred to, they all to the best of her knowledge, died without leaving ; heirs male (the two younger sons did. not marry), the line again failed.
[History of Clan Macfarlane Vol. II (manuscript by James Macfarlane]

3 - James, eldest son of Duncan, like his father, adopted the army as his profession and ultimately attained the rank of Major. On 13 August 1754 he married Jean Forbes, a daughter of Sir Alexander Forbes of Foveran and had a family of three sons and two daughters, Duncan, William, James, Henrietta and Maria Susannah.
At the time of his marriage James was a Lieutenant in Beauclerk's Foot. The conversion of the Regiment into the 53rd of the line was completed early in 1756 and James was appointed one of the first captains (30 December 1755).
He was promoted Major as from 30 August 1768. In the spring of 1776 the Regiment was sent to assist in the relief of Quebec. Major James MacFarlane's name still appeared; in the Army List of that year, but had been deleted and that of Lord Balcarres substituted under date of 9 December 1775. The obvious inference is that Major James died or retired on or before that date, and too late, in 1775, for the alteration to be made in the Army List for 1776.
He certainly died before the middle of 1782 as in an obituary notice in the Aberdeen Journal and in the record of her Will, Jean Forbes, who died on 15 August 1782, is described as "widow of Major James MacFarlane of the 53rd Foot".
In some ms notes in the possession of Major W Lachlan Forbes, evidently written in 1849, James is referred to as "Son of Duncan, third son of Andrew MacFarlane of that Ilk".
As to the family of Major James and Jean Forbes, we are indebted to the researches of Major W Lachlan Forbes, who has published the following:
"At Aberdeen the Twenty Ninth Day of May eighteen Hundred and Twenty Seven Years. In presence of William Kennedy esquire Sheriff Substitute of Aberdeenshire. Miss Margaret Paton, 'being solemnly sworn and interrogated' as to the family of Sir Alexander Forbes of Foveran, Bart., and Lady Forbes his wife, one of the Skenes of Skene, Depones that their daughter 'Jean married one of the family of MacFarlane of MacFarlane.'
Another witness; Mrs Catherine Leslie, depones that she recollects hearing of the death of one of Mrs MacFarlane's sons but she cannot say which of them, and she has not heard of any of them being alive for the last forty years and upwards'.
A third witness, 'Miss Margaret MacFarlane residing in Dundas Street, Edinbr. who being solemnly sworn Depones that she always understood from her Aunt who is now dead, that Major James MacFarlane was married to a daughter of Sir Alexr. Forbes of Foveran. And Depones that the said Major James MacFarlane was Cousin German of the Deponent's Grandfather (William, 21st Chief). Depones that they left three Sons and two Daughters. That the eldest Son went abroad much more than forty years ago and has never been heard of, and the two other Sons died unmarried, and that it was never heard of that the Eldest son who went abroad was married or left issue. Depones that one of the Daughters married a Mackenzie and went to the West Indies with him more than thirty years ago, and the Deponent has not heard of her, for many years and never heard of her having any Family, and the Deponent has not heard of the other Daughter, and has every reason to believe that she is dead without issue, and that the three Sons before refered to would have been heirs male to the Family of MacFarlane failing the Deponent's Uncle (Presumably Robert - Ed). And all this is Truth as the Deponent shall Answer to God." (signed) "M. E. MacFarlane"
As Miss MacFarlane of MacFarlane was the person most likely to have accurate knowledge of her immediate kinsmen, these statements on oath are almost conclusive that the issue of Major James, in respect of heirs male had died out.
[History of Clan Macfarlane Vol. II (manuscript by James Macfarlane chapt. 26]

4 - Macfarlane, Major James, of the 53d Regiment of Foot 9 Jan. 1781 and 23 Aug. 1782 See also Forbes, Jean.
(Commissariot of Edinburgh.- REGISTER OF TESTAMENTS)

5 - James seems to have made a new will after the death of his wife.-Ed
Forename JAMES
Date 23 / 8 / 1782
Reference Number CC8/8/125
(Scotlands People-Legal records - Wills and testaments) 
Macfarlane, Maj. James in the 53rd Regiment of Foot (I15967)
1 - Andrew died fighting against the French in the War of the Spanish Succession, at the Battle of Malplaquet on the French/Belgian border.

2 - The Battle of Malplaquet was a battle of the War of the Spanish Succession that took place on September 11 , 1709 between France and a British–Austrian alliance (known as the Allies).
The British and Austrians were led by John_Churchill 1st Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugène of Savoy , with a contingent of Dutch troops, while the French were commanded by Marshal Villars and Marshal Louis Franois Boufflers. Each side had about 90,000 troops, and were encamped within cannon range of each other near the Belgian border. The Austrians attacked at 9 am, pushing the French back into the forest behind them. The Dutch broke off to attack the French right flank and were defeated with heavy casualties, but they distracted Boufflers enough that he could not come to Villars aid.
Villars was able to regroup his forces, but Marlborough and Eugène attacked again and forced Villars to retreat by 3 pm. The Allies had suffered so many casualties in their attack that they could not pursue him. By this time they had lost 20,000 men, twice as many as the French. It was the bloodiest battle of the war, and prevented the Allies from moving on towards Paris .
Retrieved from "<>" 
Macfarlane, Major Andrew (I11134)
1 - Apparently this "younger son" went to Jamaica (possibly to join his cousin, Alexander, third son of John the 19th Chief, his father's eldest brother) for we have the statement (see House of Ardess Chapter 26) that he was home in Edinburgh in 1764 and intended to return to Jamaica in the spring of 1765.
From Miss Margaret's statements it might reasonably be inferred that this Duncan died without leaving a son. The Alexander mentioned above was Miss Margaret's grand uncle and if the younger Duncan, as we have suggested, joined Alexander in Jamaica, Miss Margaret would know of his family affairs through her grand uncle, Alexander, with whom her other grand uncle Walter, the Antiquary, and her grandfather, William, were apparently in close touch.
[History of Clan Macfarlane Vol. II (manuscript by James Macfarlane]

2 - 23 August 1755 Alexander McFarlane will names uncle William McFarlane of Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland; mother Helen Spottiswood and brother John Spottiswood of Spottiswoode, Berwickshire, Scotland; cousin Andrew McFarlane, St. Mary's Parish, Jamaica; widow of Robert McFarlane, late shopkeeper in Salt Markett St., Glasgow; cousin Duncan McFarlane; brother Walter McFarlan of Scotland; brother William McFarlan of Edinburgh (Jamaica Wills, 30:72).
(McFarlane Chronology Scotland (with a few early American & Jamaican records)
[ ]

3 - On 23 November 1764, he was in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland and was said to be planning to return to his plantation on Jamaica in the Spring of 1765. Four of his sons are said to have followed him to Jamaica. Sometime later he and his wife, Jean, are said to have returned to Lochlomondside where they lived with their eldest son, Walter at Glen of Luss farm, Luss Parish, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. Duncan spent his last days alone in Kilmaronock Parish, Stirlingshire, Scotland before finally being found dead in the snow in Bonhill Parish, Dunbartonshire.
[from 'The barons of Arrochar and their cadets' a manuscript by Chevalier Terrance Gach MacFarlane Chapt 5 - 19b]

4 - Duncan, the younger son of Duncan (I). It would seem that this Duncan emigrated to Jamaica and returned to Edinburgh in 1764. A letter dated 23 November in that year written by a member of the Erin's family, (also named Duncan) to his father contains this reference to [this] Duncan:
"There is just now in town a cousin of the Laird of Macfarlane (Walter, 20th Chief ), son to Captain Duncan, come from Jamaica. He goes back in Spring."
Our information ends here. It is for the clansmen in Jamaica to bridge the gap, if it can be spanned from 1764 to 1928. A letter to The Daily Gleaner of Jamaica elicited no adequate response.
[History of Clan Macfarlane Vol. II - a manuscript by James Macfarlane]

5 - Captain Duncan the fifth son had two sons, Captain James and Duncan, but we do not know, as stated above, whether his son Duncan, who was alive in 1764, left a family.
(History of Clan Macfarlane by James Macfarlane 1922) 
Macfarlane, Duncan (I15960)
1 - Battle of Malplaquet,
This took place in northern France, on the border with Belgium, north of the village of Malplaquet on the 11th September 1709. In August 1709 Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy took Tournai and moved on to besiege Mons. Marshal Villars, was ordered to raise the siege, and with an army of 80,000 men, took up a strong position. Marlborough advanced with 110,000 allied troops. Villars was wounded in the battle and Boufflers, who had taken command, eventually fell back on Le Quesnoy, having lost 17,000 men to the Allies' 25,000.

2 - In 1708 Marlborough and Eugene by winning a great victory at Oudenarde, took Lille and finally drove the French back to within their borders. Further attempts at peace negotiations failed, and the imperial forces in 1709 won a very costly victory at the Battle of Malplaquet, with the loss of many lives. Lord Orkney himself had nearly his entire regiment massacred at a French entrenchment, while Marlborough and Eugene were still reeling from their losses. Another account has this to say about events at Malplaquet:
..."it was under very changed conditions from Blenheim when Marlborough met the troops of Louis at Malplaquet. France was well-nigh worn out by the prolonged war. Famine within her borders, military disaster without, had caused her imperious ruler to look anxiously for peace. To this end his craftiest Ministers sought by offers of individual advantage to detach the Allies from the pact. Their efforts failed. The Alliance held fast, and demanded such humiliating conditions that Louis was obliged to renew the struggle. On the other hand, the political situation in England was such that Marlborough felt the necessity of achieving some victory that would justify the continuance of the war. Had he consulted only himself, he would have welcomed a cessation of hostilities, but he knew that France must be further stricken if the peace was to be enduring. In September, 1709, the capitulation of Douai to the Allies, and the approaching investment of Mons, brought the hostile armies closer together. The French, to the number of 110,000 were under the courageous and capable Villars, with whom was Marshal Boufflers, the brave defender of Lille. Marlborough commanded much the same strength of various nationalities with his tried comrade and friend Prince Eugene. Villars encamped in a strong position between two woods near the little village of Malplaquet. The Allies were drawn up opposite to him. For two nights and a day, the French general was allowed to strengthen his position by digging trenches and clearing his front, till early on the morning of the 11th September the Allied troops were led against him, the soldiers expressing their contempt at being "obliged to fight against moles". Villars believed in his trenches and filled them with infantry, posting his cavalry in the rear. The disposition of the Allies was a frontal attack, with a threat to enfilade the enemy's left. Led by Prince Eugene and Marlborough the line advanced against the French left and centre. Several times it was beaten back, but the attack was fiercely renewed. Half an hour after the battle had opened the young Prince of Orange, acting without orders, flung himself against the right of the trenches, only to be repulsed with a loss of 2,000 men. Although the Allies had not made much headway their onslaught on the flanks had withdrawn all the infantry from the centre, leaving the French cavalry exposed. Instantly Marlborough turned his cannon on the horsemen, following up the fire with a cavalry charge headed by the Prince of Auvergne. The charge had to be driven home no less than four times before the French gave way, but in the end the line was pierced. The French retreat was orderly, the Allies being too exhausted for pursuit. The cost to the victors was 18,000 killed and wounded; to the vanquished 14,000. Writing of the battle many years afterwards, Bolingbroke said: " A deluge of blood was spilt to dislodge them, for we did no more at Malplaquet."
[ ] 
Macfarlane, Lt. Archibald (I11129)
1 - He is said to have followed his father, Duncan, to Jamaica.
[from 'The barons of Arrochar and their cadets' a manuscript by Chevalier Terrance Gach MacFarlane - Chapt. 5 - 20c]

2 - I have the author's notes for the History of Clan M'F in my attic. The author, James Macfarlane, received two letters from your Pollard cousins in 1913 which gave the Rev. James's father as James (the latter whom my cousin seems to have conlated with James son of Duncan). The letters show your first James (died 1797) as having two older brothers: one, who went to America or Canada; and another, who went to India and made a fortune. The letter also says that their father's name was unknown.
[E-mail from Terrance Gach MacFarlane to Scott MacFarlane cc'd to me 6 Mar.2011] 
Macfarlane, William (I11241)
1 - He may have died on 24 January 1797. He is said to have served as a soldier in Jamaica and to have later resided at Earn in the Barony of Ruskie in Menteith near Doune, Perthshire
[from 'The barons of Arrochar and their cadets' a manuscript by Chevalier Terrance Gach MacFarlane Chapt 5 - 20d]

2 - I thought that James son of Duncan [CC139 grandson of Andrew of Ardess18th Baron, 15th chief] and this James were the same man before the yDNA test results showed that they were not.
I have the author's notes for the History of Clan M'F in my attic. The author, James Macfarlane, received two letters from Pollard cousins in 1913 which gave the Rev. James's father as James (the latter whom my cousin seems to have conflated with James son of Duncan).
The letters show the first James (died 1797) as having two older brothers: one, who went to America or Canada; and another, who went to India and made a fortune. The letter also says that their father's name was unknown.
[E-mail from Terrance Gach MacFarlane to Scott Macfarlane Aust. cc'd to editor 6 Mar 2011] 
Macfarlane, James (I15991)
1 - I think I have found 2 independent census records for William's son Colon (or Colin). This is important because William's son Robert died before the census asked about parentage. The 2 census records I found (1875 State of Minnesota and 1880 Federal) list the place of birth of Colin's father as Scotland. So this is the first paper trail I have that tells us that William did immigrate to America.
Perhaps William followed his uncle to America, or perhaps they traveled together.
[E-mail from Richard Becker cc'd to editor 6 Mar.2011]

2 - From 2 census records (1875 and 1880) but not verified:
Colin McFarland, b 1815, NY. Father's birthplace: Scotland.
The reason I believe this is the "right" Colin M'F is because I know that Colin lived in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin with his mother after they both moved from NY in the mid 1800s. I have the obituary of Colin's mother stating these facts. The above census record was taken from a town in Minnesota, only 200 miles from Fond du Lac. There are no other Colin M'F in census records anywhere near this location. This Colin did have a wife and children. I won't give you those details yet until I try to verify this is the right Colin.
I also am working on finding information on Robert and Colin's brother William.
[E-mail from Terrance Gach MacFarlane to Richard Becker cc'd to editor 7 Mar.2011] 
MacFarland, Colin (I11214)
1 - In September 1739, when the independent companies of the Highland Watch, or Black Watch, were formed into the Highland Regiment (soon thereafter the 43rd Regiment, later the 42nd Regiment, and now The Black Watch, The Royal Highland Regiment), he was one of the original officers as a captain-lieutenant, but he retired in 1744.
[from 'The barons of Arrochar and their cadets' a manuscript by Chevalier Terrance Gach MacFarlane Chapt 5]

2 - Duncan the fifth son of Andrew of Ardess, was a captain in the British Army. He married a French lady and had two sons, James and Duncan. One of the original officers of the regiment, when the six independent companies of the Black Watch were formed into the 43rd Highland Regiment in 1739 was a Captain-Lieutenant named Duncan Macfarlane. He was attached to the Company of George Grant of Ballindulloch and retired in 1744.
[History of Clan Macfarlane Vol. II (manuscript by James Macfarlane]

3 - The Black Watch - The Formation
The design of rendering such a valuable class of subject available to the state by forming regular military corps out of it, seems not to have entered into the views of the government till about the year 1729, when six companies of Highlanders were raised, which, from forming distinct corps unconnected with each other, received the appellation of independent companies. Three of these companies consisted of 100 men each, and were therefore called large companies; Lord Lovat, Sir Duncan Campbell of Lochnell, and Colonel Grant of Ballindalloch, were appointed captains over them. The three smaller companies, which consisted of 75 each, were commanded by Colonel Alexander Campbell of Finab, John Campbell of Carrick, and George Munro of Culcairn, under the commission of captain-lieutenants. To each of the six companies were attached two lieutenants and one ensign. To distinguish them from regular troops, who, from having coats, waistcoats, and breeches of scarlet cloth, were called Saighdearan Dearg, or Red soldiers; the independent companies, who were attired in tartan consisting mostly of black, green, and blue, were designated Am Freiceadan Dubh, or Black Watch, from the somber appearance of their dress.

As the services of these companies were not required beyond their own territory, and as the intrants were not subjected to the humiliating provisions of the disarming act, no difficulty was found in forming them; and when completed, they presented the singular spectacle of a number of young men or respectable families serving as privates in the ranks. "Many of the men who composed these companies were of a higher station in society than that from which soldiers in general are raised; cadets of gentlemen's families, sons of gentlemen farmers, and tacksmen, either immediately or distantly descended from gentlemen's families, - men who felt themselves responsible for their conduct to high-minded and honorable families, as well as to a country for which they cherished a devoted affection. In addition to the advantages derived from their superior rank in life, they possessed, in an eminent degree, that of a commanding external deportment, special care being taken in selecting men of full height, well proportioned, and of handsome appearance.

The duties assigned to these companies were to enforce the disarming act, to overawe the disaffected, and watch their motions, and to check depredations. For this purpose they were stationed in small detachments in different parts of the country, and generally throughout the district in which they were raised. Thus Fort Augustus and the neighboring parts of Inverness-shire were occupied by the Frasers under Lord Lovat; Ballindalloch and the Grants were stationed in Strathspey and Badenoch; the Munros under Culcairn, in Ross and Sutherland; Lochnell's and Carrick#s companies were stationed in Athole and Breadalbane, and Finab's in Lochaber, and the northern parts of Argyleshire among the disaffected Camerons and Stewarts of Appin. All Highlanders of whatever clan were admitted indiscriminately into these companies as soldiers; but the officers were taken, almost exclusively from the whig clans.

The independent companies continued to exist as such until the year 1739, when government resolved to raise four additional companies, and to form the while into a regiment of the line. For this purpose, letters of service, dated 25th October 1739, were addressed to the Earl of Crawford and Lindsay, who was appointed to the command of the regiment about to be formed, which was to consist of 1000 men. Although the commissions were dated as above, the regiment was not embodied till the month of May 1740, when it assembled on a field between Taybridge and Aberfeldy, in Perthshire, under the number of the 43d regiment, afterwards changed to the 42d, but still bearing the name of the Black Watch. "The uniform was a scarlet jacket and waistcoat, with buff facings and white lace, - tartan plaid of twelve yards plaited round the middle of the body, the upper part being fixed on the left shoulder ready to be thrown loose, and wrapped over both shoulders and firelock in rainy weather. At night the plaid served the purpose of a blanket, and was sufficient covering for the Highlander. These were called belted plaids from being kept tight to the body by a belt, and were worn on guards, reviews, and on all occasions when the men were in full dress. On this belt hung the pistols and dirk when worn. In the barracks, and when not on duty, the little kilt or philibeg was worn, a blue bonnet with a border of white, red and green, arranged in small squares to resemble, as is said, the fess chque in the arms of the different branches of the Stewart family, and a tuft of feathers, or sometimes, from economy or necessity, a small piece of black bear-skin. The arms were a musket, a bayonet, and a large basket-hilted broadsword. These were furnished by government. Such of the men as chose to supply themselves with pistols and dirks were allowed to carry them, and some had targets after the fashion of their country. The sword-belt was of black leather, and the cartouch-box was carried in front, supported by a narrow belt round the middle".

The officers appointed to this regiment were:
Colonel: John, Earl of Crawford and Lindsay, died in 1748.
Lieutenant-Colonel: Sir Robert Munro of Foulis, Bart., killed at Falkirk, 1746.
Major: George Grant, brother of the Laird of Grant, removed from the service by sentence of a court-martial, for allowing the rebels to get possession of the castle of Inverness in 1746.

George Munro of Culcairn, brother of Sir Robert Munro, kiled in 1746.
Dugal Campbell of Craignish, retired in 1745.
John Campbell, junior, of Monzie, retired in 1743.
Sir James Colquhoun of Luss, Bart., retired in 1748.
Colin Campbell of Ballimore, retired.
John MUnro, promoted to be Lieutenant-Colonel in 1743, retired in 1749.
Captain-Lieutenant Duncan Macfarlane, retired in 1744.

Paul Macpherson.
Lewis Grant of Auchterblair.
John Maclean of Kingarloch and John Mackenzie (both removed from the regiment in consequence of having fought a duel in 1744)
Alexander Macdonald.
Malcolm Fraser, son of Culduthel, killed at Bergenop-Zoom in 1747.
George Ramsay.
Francis Grant, son of the Laird of Grant, died Lieutenant-General in 1782.
John Macneil.

Dugal Campbell, killed at Fontenoy.
Dugal Stewart.
John Menzies of Comrie.
Edward Carrick.
Gilbert Stewart of Kincraigie.
Gordon Graham of Drains.
Archibald Macnab, son of the Laird of Macnab, died Lieutenant-General, 1790.
Colin Campbell
Dugal Stewart
James Campbell of Glenfalloch, died of wounds at Fontenoy.

Chaplain: Hon Gideon Murray.
Surgeon: James Munro, brother of Sir Robert Munro.
Adjutant: Gilbert Stewart
Quarter-Master: John Forbes.

In 1740 the Earl of Crawford was removed to the Life Guards and Brigadier-General Lord Sempill was appointed Colonel of the Highlanders.
[ ]

3 - 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot, The Black Watch 1725.04.24 Independent Highland Companies - four companies raised to police Highlands, commonly called the Reicudan Dhu, or Black Watch 1729 two additional companies raised 1739.10.25 Earl of Craufurd's Regiment
formed by regimentation of existing six coys and four new coys; also known until 1751 by the names of other colonels
1739.10.25 Lt-Gen. John (Lindsay), 20th Earl of Crawford
1741.01.14 Brig-Gen. Hugh (Forbes), 12th Baron Semphill
Postings of the regiment in the time of Capt. Duncan. as Earl of Crawfurd's Regiment of Foot (formed by regimentation of independent companies in the Scottish Highlands (mustered at Aberfeldy May 1740)
1739 Scotland
1743 London
1743 Flanders
[ ]

4 - The major battle of the Flanders campaign was the battle of Dettingen, at which Capt. Duncan would have seen action.
"In early 1743 the Pragmatic Allies were at a loss how to use their army against the French. Finally, late in the campaigning season and at George II's insistence, the Pragmatic Army march south to Frankfurt am Main and occupied the area to the West of Mainz on the Main River. The King intended that the army's presence should influence the election of the new Archbishop of Mainz, an elector in the Holy Roman Empire and therefore of importance in the affairs of Hanover.
The Pragmatic Army marched from Flanders during May 1743 and encamped at Aschaffenburg, around the village of Klein Ostheim. A large French Army under the Duc de Noailles occupied the South bank of the Main to the West.
The generals were; the Earl of Stair, in nominal overall command, the Duke D'Ahrenburg and Marshall Neipperg commanding the Austrians and General Ilton commanding the Hanoverian contingent.
On 19th June 1743 King George II, the King of England, joined the army, amid a flurry of celebrations and salutes. He brought with him a considerable retinue, conveyed by an enormous column of carriages and some 600 horses that paralysed the local roads for days, and his younger and favourite son, William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, a major general in the army. Over the next few days George attended church services and functions in Mainz in anticipation of the election of the new archbishop.
The situation of the Pragmatic Army deteriorated dramatically when the French cut the route by the Rhine and Main Rivers by which the army received supplies from its Flanders base. There had been no proper supply of bread for a week, when finally on 27th June 1743 King George ordered the retreat to begin; West along the road to Hanau and Frankfurt and then North to Flanders.
The road lay along the north bank of the Main River. Within 3 miles, King George II's army would pass through the village of Dettingen, where several marshy brooks flowed into the Main.
As the Pragmatic Army marched towards Dettingen, advanced parties reported that the French occupied the village, blocking its path. During the night the French, commanded by the Duc de Grammont, had crossed the river, using bridges of boats across the Main, and held the village and the marshy ground between Dettingen and the hills in strength.
The presence of the French took the Pragmatic Army entirely by surprise. How could such a large force have been in complete ignorance of the presence of the enemy on its own side of the river within 10 miles of its camp?
Preparing to give battle, the British, Austrian and Hanoverian troops formed line; the Main River on the left and the wooded Spessart Hills on the right. The regiments took from 9am to midday to form up. This extraordinary length of time must have been due to the inexperience of the regiments and the difficulty of moving from a column of march into battle line.
No doubt there was considerable anxiety at the predicament in which they found themselves. The Duc de Noailles' plan was, while the Duc de Grammont held the line of Dettingen and the streams preventing the Pragmatic allies from continuing their march, to hurry a section of his army along the south bank of the Main and cross at Aschaffenburg in their rear. They would be caught between the two forces and perhaps forced to surrender; King George becoming a French prisoner.
The French batteries on the south bank began the battle, opening fire across the river as the marching French troops cleared their front. The bombardment was directed at the British cavalry moving along the North bank
It is said that de Grammont's clear orders were to stay in Dettingen and force the Pragmatic Army to attack him. If this is so he disobeyed. As the British, Hanoverian and Austrian completed their line the French advanced out of Dettingen to the attack.
There is little reliable information on the form of the battle or on the formation adopted by the Pragmatic troops. It would appear that British regiments were in the front line, but in what order is not clear. At an early stage French cavalry, the Maison du Roi, attacked the British cavalry by the river. The French were driven back, apparently with significant loss.
As the British regiments formed to face the French in Dettingen they watched Noailles' troops on the far bank marching towards Aschaffenburg. After a hurried consultation the Pragmatic commanders dispatched the British and Hanoverian Foot Guards in haste back towards Aschaffenburg.
The French assault had all the hallmarks of extreme confusion, possibly a spontaneous and undisciplined advance that De Grammont did not order. The cavalry charge was followed by a French infantry attack on the Pragmatic line of foot, the French appearing to come out of Dettingen pell mell and in some confusion.
The French foot were repelled and, panic stricken, hurried back through Dettingen, recrossing the Main by the bridges of boats,. One of the bridges collapsed and many French troops are reputed to have been drowned.
No attempt seems to have been made to follow up the repulse of De Grammont's force. In due course the march was resumed and the Pragmatic Army continued its way to Hanau, passing within a half mile or so of the confusion at the French bridges of boats.
One of the principal French regiments of foot in the attack from Dettingen was the Garde Francaise. This regiment is reputed to have been particularly quick to recross the Main; many of its soldiers being thrown into the river by the bridge collapse; so that the regiment acquired the nickname of "Les Canards du Main". Hence the French word "canard" meaning an insult.
In every battle there is a process of working out what happened and in many instances awkward features are glossed over or rewritten. Dettingen is a particularly difficult battle to fathom. The British Army had not been in a major continental war for 25 years. There were few officers or soldiers with significant fighting experience. Contemporary authorities show how amateurish were the training systems, such as they were, particularly for the mounted regiments. There are clear references in the authorities to British cavalry regiments (particularly the King's Horse and the Blues) bolting through the British infantry line during the battle, due to inadequate horsemanship.
The lack of any pursuit may well be due to the confusion created by the French attack and the inadequate training of the time.
It is hard to reconcile the low British casualties with the bombardment by 50 French guns across the river into the British flank, a couple of hundred metres away at most. It may be that the guns were masked for longer by the passing French troops than the descriptions of the battle indicate.
British: 15 officers killed, 250 soldiers killed, 327 horses killed. 38 officers wounded, 520 soldiers wounded, 155 horses wounded.
Hanover: 177 killed, 376 wounded.
Austria: 315 killed, 663 wounded.
French casualties: 8,000 (not a reliable figure but the best available)
Follow-up: Once the battle was over the Pragmatic Army continued its retreat to Hanau and in due course returned to its bases in Flanders. The British casualties were left on the battlefield for the French to look after if they felt inclined.
Regimental anecdotes and traditions:
At the beginning of the battle it seemed that the French threat was to Aschaffenburg. The Hanoverian General Ilton dispatched the Hanoverian and British Foot Guard to the rear of the army. To their indignation these regiments took no part ine battle, for which they blamed Ilton. There was no love lost between the British and the Hanoverians. General Ilton protested that his action in sending them to the rear had 'preserved' them. The officers of the Foot Guards labeled Ilton the "Confectioner".
Cornet Richards of Ligonier's Horse (7th Dragoon Guards) rescued the regiment's standard.
Dragoon Thomas Brown rescued the guidon of Bland's Dragoons (3rd Hussars) and was knighted by George II.
Lieutenant Colonel Sir Andrew Agnew of Lochaw warned his Royal Scottish Fusiliers not to fire until they could "see the white's of their e'en."
George II is said to have called the 31st Foot the "Buffs" during the battle. It was pointed out to him that they were not in fact the "Buffs", although they wore buff facings like the 3rd Foot, but were a newly raised regiment. The King is reted to have called out, "Well done the Young Buffs then."
The Horse Guards are said to have played "Britons strike home" as they charged.
The Duke of Cumberland was wounded by a bullet in the leg during the battle. He was troubled by this injury for the rest of his life.
George II's horse bolted during the battle. He is said to have sheltered under an oak and to have presented an oak leaf to the soldiers who looked after him. The Cheshire Regiment claims this honour. However they were in garrison in Gibraltart the time.
The King was not the only one who had trouble controlling his horse. The Blues and the King's Horse are reputed to have bolted through the Royal Scots Fusliiers.
Among those who took part were:
- George August Elliott, the defender of Gibraltar during the 7 year siege in the Bourbon War of 1777, becoming Lord Heathfield,
- Lieutenant James Wolfe, appointed in 1759 Major General in Canada and capturer of Quebec
- Lieutenant Jeffrey Amherst, appointed in 1759 to command in America and capture French Canada.
Dettingen is of considerable importance in British history almost solely because of the presence of the Sovereign. Handel wrote a Te Deum and an anthem in celebration of the victory.
[ ] 
Macfarlane, Capt. Duncan (I15998)
births.THOMAS 3-10-1864. SARAH 11-10-1866. CATHERINE 14-1-1869. PATRICK 2-1-1870. ALL BORN OMAGH,OMAGH NO.1, TYRONE.

2 - I have found record of James and Jane having 10 children in addition to the ones you listed. 2 of which died under the age of 1.
[upright sandstone, with white marble inserts. Large draped urn on top.]

3 - Erected to the memory of James McFarlane, Thornhill, who died 9th Jan 1871, aged 51 years.
Also of James, his father, who died 30th Sep. 1842, aged 64 years.
Also of Mary Anne, his mother, who died 5th Jan 1854, aged 77 years.
Also of Jane Dunn, his wife, who died 8th Jan. 1916, aged 84 years.
{There is also a flat stone lying buried at this grave. It has Patrick McFarlane's name on it.}
McFarlane, James (I16048)
1 - Mary Anne McFarland wife of James McFarland (McFarlane) of Plumbridge, County Tyrone. James & Mary Anne had at least 6 kids: 2 daughters and 4 sons. - Sean (descendant of John McFarlane, via his son James McFarlane and grandson Hugh McFarlane who emigrated to US in 1835)
Mary Anne Clarke married James McFarlane and had 3 kids that I have record of Hugh, Eleanor, and James. I would love to know the other 3 kids. I also have a picture of the grave stone with dates of death for Mary Anne, James, their son James and his wife Jane Dunn.

2 - January 13 1854
On Thursday, the 5th inst., at Lisnacraig [Lisnacreight], near Gortin, MARY ANN, relict of the late JAMES McFARLANE, ESQ., aged 77 years.
Bodoney Lower Parish Death Announcments 1815-69
Deaths recorded in Bodoney Lower Parish, Co. Tyrone, extracted from the STRABANE MORNING POST, LONDONDERRY SENTINEL & LONDONDERRY STANDARD
Clarke, Mary Anne (I15995)
1 - Name: James Mcfarling
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 04 Nov 1759
Father's Name: James Mcfarling
Mother's Name: Mary Hunter
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C11986-8 ,
System Origin: Scotland-ODM ,
GS Film number: 1066753 ,

2 - "The Rev. Mr. James MacFarlane, who was born circa 1759 in Scotland, and died there on 10 April 1823 at Dunfermline in Fife (buried there in the North Churchyard). According to the 'Annals of Dunfermline' The Rev. James MacFarlane was ordained as a colleague to his future father-in-law The Rev. James Husband, D.D. of the Secession Church in Queen Ann Street there in 1785 and they were still in harness together when The Rev. Dr. Husband, a native of St. Andrews, died on 17 May 1821 at Dunfermline in the seventieth year of his age and the forty-sixth of his ministry (buried in the grave of his famous predecessor The Rev. Ralph Erskine near the south-east corner of the North Churchyard); while the survivor died less than two years later in the sixty-fourth year of his age and the thirty-third of his ministry. He married (22 June 1801, Dunfermline) Miss Grizel Husband (baptised there 23 December 1779; died there 13 May 1816; buried there North Churchyard), daughter of The Rev. Dr. James Husband and his wife Margaret Wardlaw, Gentlewoman. They had issue nine children, two daughters and seven sons:"
[from 'The barons of Arrochar and their cadets' a manuscript by Chevalier Terrance Gach MacFarlane Chapt. 5 - 21a]

2 - Tombstone at Dunfermline Abbey.

3 - I have the author's notes for the History of Clan M'F in my attic. The author, James Macfarlane, received two letters from Pollard cousins in 1913 which gave the Rev. James's father as James (the latter whom my cousin seems to have conflated with James son of Duncan). [CC139 grandson of Andrew of Ardess18th Baron, 15th chief]
The letters show the first James (died 1797) as having two older brothers: one, who went to America or Canada; and another, who went to India and made a fortune. The letter also says that their father's name was unknown.
[E-mail from Terrance Gach MacFarlane to Scott Macfarlane Aust. cc'd to editor 6 Mar.2011] 
Macfarlane, Rev. James (I16022)
1 - second daughter of Sir Alexander Forbes of Foveran, 2nd Baronet.

2 - Forbes, Mrs. Jean, widow of Major James Macfarlane, of the 53d Regiment of Foot 15 Aug. 1782.
(Death Notice - Scottish Record Society) 
Forbes, Jean (I15907)
1 - The American Line was founded by the seventh and youngest son of Andrew MacFarlane of that Ilk and Arrochar & Ardess, 15th Chief and 18th & 1st Baron. This chapter is based, in the main, on Joe's McFarlands, which was written by Robert McFarland, Esq., with other material from the works of The Hon. Baxter McFarland. The founder was Lieut. Walter MacFarlane, who was born circa 1679 in Scotland, and was killed on 11 September 1709 at the battle of Malplaquet in France. He married with issue (so far as is known) an only child, a son and successor Parlan MacFarlane.
from 'The barons of Arrochar and their cadets' a manuscript by Chevalier Terrance Gach MacFarlane. Chapt. 1 - 18g & Chapt. 7.

2 - The War of the Spanish Succession 1702-1713
When King Charles II of Spain died in 1700 he bequeathed his throne and the Spanish possessions in the Netherlands, Italy and the Americas to Philip of Anjou, the grandson of Louis XIV, King of France. The prospect of a virtual union between France and Spain alarmed many European states. Louis further alienated William III by recognising James II's son as England's rightful king. England, Holland, the Empire and Prussia supported a rival claimant to the Spanish throne, Archduke Charles, the younger son of the Habsburg Emperor Leopold. In 1701 they and a number of smaller German states formed the Grand Alliance which was joined by Portugal in 1703. In September 1702 Bavaria allied itself with France and Spain.
Following his reverses in 1708, Louis XIV sued for peace but the terms offered by the Allies were so harsh that he resolved to fight on. In 1709, Marlborough attacked again, capturing Tournai and besieging Mons. Marshal Villars moved to relieve the fortress and on 11 September the two armies met at Malplaquet. The French occupied a strong defensive position based upon two large woods supported by trenches and redoubts. Although the Allies eventually won the day they lost nearly 20,000 casualties to the French's 12,000. Mons was captured but the scale of the losses at Malplaquet led to criticism of Marlborough at home.
[ ]

2 - On Sept. 11, 1709, the combined forces of England and the Holy Roman emperor, led by the Duke of Marlborough and Prince Eugene of Savoy met the French army under Marshal Villars. Although the French were forced to retreat, the Anglo-imperial army, attacking strongly fortified positions, suffered more than 20,000 casualties, twice the number of French casualties. The battle was a strategic victory for France as it prevented an allied advance to Paris.
[ ]
More possible children but no mothers name given so unable to confirm.

3 -From Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Janett Mcfarlane
christening: 7 August 1716 LUSS,DUNBARTON,SCOTLAND
father: Walter Mcfarlane

John Mcfarlan
christening: 9 March 1715 LUSS,DUNBARTON,SCOTLAND
father: Walter Mcfarlan

Marie Mcfarland
christening: 13 April 1712 KILLIN,PERTH,SCOTLAND
father: Walter Mcfarland 
Macfarlane, Lieut. Walter (I15992)
1 marker difference from cadet line over 12 markers.
Lineage published in CMW newsletter Mar 2013.
Married on 30 June 1973
Married at Cheboygan, Cheboygan County, Michigan, USA 
McFarland, Collin Ray RoM03 (I24112)
1782: Tax List for Montgomery County:
William McFarelane with one tithe, 10 horses, 20 cattle. (William dies in 1791 at Round Mountain, Wythe Co. Today that is Bland Co. near Wolf Creek close to town of Bastian.)
Alex McFarelane next to him with one tithe, 1 slave, 2 horses, no cattle, next to Robert Crawford, who married Isabella McFarland.

(This is probably William's son Alexander, born in 1758)

Joseph, Willliam, and Alex are living near Thomas Ingles, Peter Groseclose. 
Crawford, Robert (I29654)
1830 census Cooper Co. MO, p. 216: James Mcfarland, age 30 thru 40. 
McFarland, James (I28928)
1830 census: Cooper Co. MO, p. 230 has Benjamin Mcfarland age 20 thru 30, on same page as brother William, age 30 thru 40, brother John, age 20 thru 30, and father James age 50 to 60.

1840 census: Haw Creek township, Morgan Co. MO, Image 3/6 is David McFarland, age 30 thru 40, and William McFarland, age 40 thru 50. On next page is Alexander McFarland age 40 thru 49, John McFarland age 30 thru 40, and B.F. McFarland age 30 thru 40.

Proof of children:
1855 Land Deed: 6 Dec. 1855 William M. McFarland age 32) and wife Amanda J. McFarland, along with Samuel H. McFarland and Martha W. McFarland sold to Elizabeth McFarland (age 52) for $100 all right, title and interest in Morgan County, MO, NW of 24-43-19. The grantors were in Jasper Co. Missouri. One year later: 18 December 1856, Elizabeth McFarland, Jacob Self and his wife Elizabeth Self, plus William Ervin and wife Nancy of Jackson Co. Missouri sold to Henry Albers of Morgan for $500 NW of 24-43-19 containing 160 acres.

This land deed was issued to William McFarland Nov. 10, 1841 Doc. 19716, 5th PM, 043N-19W, Sect. 24, 160 acres in Morgan Co. 
McFarland, William (I29355)
1830 census: Cooper Co. MO, p. 230 has Benjamin Mcfarland age 20 thru 30, on same page as brother William, age 30 thru 40, brother John, age 20 thru 30, and father James age 50 to 60.

1840 census: Haw Creek township, Morgan Co. MO, Image 3/6 is David McFarland, age 30 thru 40, and William McFarland, age 40 thru 50. On next page is Alexander McFarland age 40 thru 49, John McFarland age 30 thru 40, and B.F. McFarland age 30 thru 40. 
McFarland, Benjamin Franklin (I29485)
1830 census: Cooper Co. MO, p. 230 has Benjamin Mcfarland age 20 thru 30, on same page as brother William, age 30 thru 40, brother John, age 20 thru 30, and father James age 50 to 60.

1840 census: Haw Creek township, Morgan Co. MO, Image 3/6 is David McFarland, age 30 thru 40, and William McFarland, age 40 thru 50. On next page is Alexander McFarland age 40 thru 49, John McFarland age 30 thru 40, and B.F. McFarland age 30 thru 40. 
McFarland, John (I9402)
1850 census in Crawford Co. Union township, Indiana, Hiram McFarlin 45, living next to James McFarlin, age 30.

fam. 52 Hiram McFarlin, 45, Ohio
Sarah, 38, KY
Alexander 11, Crawford Co. Indiana
Barbiyan, 9, ditto
James, 7, ditto
Thomas, 5, ditto
Sarah, 1, ditto 
McFarland, Hiram (I29881)
1850 census in Houston township, Adams Co. Illlinois 
McFarland, William Madison (Madison) (I27661)
1850 census in Richland township, Morgan Co. MO. with children Elbert through Robert. 
McFarland, James H (I28844)
1850 census the family is living next to Mary A. McFarland. Lavinia has just died, a few months after birth of youngest daughter. 
Jones, Thomas M. (I28801)
1850 census, Elijah and Matilda are family 305 with no land. Wm. Neal is fam. 302, Mary Neal is fam. 301 
Neel, Matilda "Tillie" (I30374)
1850 census: Williams township, Benton Co. MO
fam. 435: John McFarland, 31 farmer, 240, TN
Catherine 35 TN, Thomas A. 8 MO, James W 5 MO, Mary L. 2 MO, Namch M. 1 MO, Mary Leboi 14 TN, Alexander Gibbs 17 TN. 
McFarland, John (I28831)
1860 census Sugar Creek Township, Cass Co. MO
David McFarland, 37, farmer, MO, with wife Phebe L. McF. 26, MO, and children

1870 census: Virgil township, Vernon Co. MO

1880 census: Virgil township, Vernon Co. MO, p. 18, June 1880
fam. 184: David Mc Farland, 57, MO, KY, KY (Interesting because he says his father was born in KY...makes it hard to reconcile the Rev. Alexander McFarland of Kentucky with the Alexander McFarland of TN, son of James Ray. 
McFarland, J. David (I28272)
1870 census in Cass Co. MO, Pleasant Hill P.O.
Jesse 70 NC
Ann 64 NC
Augustus A 14 MO
John W. 20 MO
wife Virginia 25 PA
Mary A. 11 months MO 
McFarland, Jesse (I28838)
1870 census in Grayson Co. Prec. 4, P.O. Kentucky Town, p. 25 stamp 142, Sept. 1870
fam. 182:
Bradford, J.T. 49, Dr. and Farmer, 800, TN, Eliza 41 TN, Margaret 20 MO, Mary W. 14 Kansas
McFarland, Sarah, 56 TN, Mary 46 TN, Margaret 43 TN 
McFarland, Elizabeth (I28817)
1882 the family moved to Washington Co. Arkansas 
McFarland, Robert Stevens (I30280)
1900 census, Stanton, Colfax, Nebraska, Image 2/24, fam. 22 
McFarland, Napoleon (I30285)
20 Mar 1807 Suiter, Alexander Tazewell 210 a. At the forks of Wolf Creek beginning at Jeremiah Myers corner Grants No. 56, p. 149 
Suiter, Nancy (I29925)
31. MARY POLLY7 MCFARLAND (JAMES C6, ALEXANDER5, WILLIAM4, DUNCAN3, ROBERT2, ROBERT1) was born 24 May 1805 in Fentress Co. Tennessee, and died Apr 1890 in Lattnerville, Dubuque Co. Iowa. She married (1) ? EVANS. He was born Abt. 1800 in Tenn.. She married (2) ASA LLOYD BRADLEY 1825 in Knoxville Tenn., son of JAMES BRADLEY and PRISCILLA DENNIS. He was born Abt. 1800 in Tenn..
i. CYNTHIA ANN8 BRADLEY, b. 18 Sep 1826, Virginia.
ii. POLLY ANN BRADLEY, b. 1828, Knoxville, Tenn..
iii. SAMPSON BRADLEY, b. 1830, Knoxville, Tenn..
iv. JOHN ALEXANDER BRADLEY, b. 1832, Knoxville, Tenn..
v. NANCY ANN BRADLEY, b. 12 Dec 1843, Green Castle, Ind..
vi. FRANCIS MARION BRADLEY, b. 14 Feb 1847, Graff, Dubuque, Iowa.
vii. ASA MONROE BRADLEY, b. 26 Jan 1850, Lattnerville, Dubuque, Iowa. 
McFarland, Mary (Polly) (I29238)
33. ANNA7 MCFARLAND (JAMES C6, ALEXANDER5, WILLIAM4, DUNCAN3, ROBERT2, ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1820 in Fentress Co. Tennessee. She married LEVI PILE. He was born Abt. 1820 in Tenn..
Notes for ANNA MCFARLAND: 1850 census of Fentress Co. Tn.
Notes for LEVI PILE:
1850 census of Fentress Co. Tn.
Children of ANNA MCFARLAND and LEVI PILE are:
i. PLEASENT8 PILE, b. 1844, Fentress Co. Tn..
ii. NANCY PILE, b. 1846, Fentress Co. Tn..
iii. MARY PILE, b. 1848, Fentress Co. Tn..
iv. JAMES DUDLY PILE, b. 27 Jul 1857, Fentress Co. Tn..
v. REBECCA JANE PILE, b. 28 May 1858, Fentress Co. Tn..
vi. HARRIETT PILE, b. Abt. 1861, Fentress Co. Tn..
vii. GEORGE WASHINGTON PILE, b. 19 Aug 1863, Fentress Co. Tn.. 
McFarland, Anna (I29646)
35. NANCY JANE7 MCFARLAND (JAMES C6, ALEXANDER5, WILLIAM4, DUNCAN3, ROBERT2, ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1820 in Fentress Co. Tennessee, and died 1870 in Jackson Co. Tn.. She married WILLIAM HAMILTON JR. ATKINSON 1838 in Tennessee. He was born Abt. 1818 in Overton Co. Tn, and died in Clay Co. Tn..
i. ELIZABETH J8 ATKINSON, b. Abt. 1840.
v. BARBARY ANN ATKINSON, b. Abt. 1847.
vi. WILLIAM ATKINSON, b. Abt. 1849.
vii. REBECCA ATKINSON, b. Abt. 1852.
viii. EMMALINE ATKINSON, b. Abt. 1856.
ix. SARAH ATKINSON, b. Abt. 1859.
x. BELLE ATKINSON, b. Abt. 1859. 
McFarland, Nancy Jane (I27983)
38. SAMUEL7 MCFARLAND (JAMES C6, ALEXANDER5, WILLIAM4, DUNCAN3, ROBERT2, ROBERT1) was born 1828 in Fentress Co. Tennessee, and died Bef. 1870. He married NARCISSA Abt. 1859 in Clinton Co. Ky.. She was born Abt. 1828.
Samuel is Not in the 1870 census of Clinton Co. Ky. with his wife.
Notes for NARCISSA:
1870 census of Clinton Co. Ky.
i. TABITHA JANE8 MCFARLAND, b. 1849, Tennessee.
ii. JAMES H MCFARLAND, b. 1850, Tennessee.
iii. MARTHA E MCFARLAND, b. Abt. 1852, Tennessee.
iv. SARAH LUCINDA MCFARLAND, b. 1855, Tennessee.
Notes for SARAH LUCINDA MCFARLAND: 1870 census of Clinton Co. Ky.
v. JOHN L MCFARLAND, b. 1857, Tennessee.
Notes for JOHN L MCFARLAND: 1870 census of Clinton Co. Ky.
vi. MARY L MCFARLAND, b. 1859, Tennessee.
Notes for MARY L MCFARLAND: 1870 census of Clinton Co. Ky. 
McFarland, Samuel (I29342)
43. ALEXANDER MILLER8 MCFARLAND (JOHN WESLEY7, JAMES C6, ALEXANDER5, WILLIAM4, DUNCAN3, ROBERT2, ROBERT1) was born 06 May 1839 in Fentress Co. Tennessee, and died 19 Jan 1901 in Flint, Texas. He married (1) MAGGIE MOORE. She was born Abt. 1840. He married (2) SUSANNAH CAROLINE WOOD 27 Dec 1860 in Jamestown, Fentress Co. Tn., daughter of JOHN WOOD and ELIZABETH HELM. She was born 15 Dec 1843 in Fentress co. Tn., and died 21 Oct 1919 in Flint Co. Texas.
1850, 1860 census of Fentress Co. Tn. Alexander is listed single and a cooper.
More About ALEXANDER MILLER MCFARLAND: Burial: Flint Cem. Flint Co. Texas
More About SUSANNAH CAROLINE WOOD: Burial: Flint Cem. Flint Co. Texas
ii. JOHN WESLY9 MCFARLAND, b. 27 Nov 1861, Fentress co. Tn.; d. 08 Mar 1879, Montana.
58. iii. NANCY KATURAH MCFARLAND, b. 10 Sep 1863, Indianapolis, Marion Co. Ind.; d. 29 May 1941, Battle
Lake Minnesota.
59. iv. MARY LOUISA MCFARLAND, b. 06 Jul 1866, Lafayette Co. Wi.; d. 15 Dec 1933, Lewiston, Idaho.
60. v. WILLIAM BERRY MCFARLAND, b. 26 Oct 1868, Lafayette Co. Wi.; d. 27 Oct 1927, Ft. Bliss Texas.
vi. ELIZA C MCFARLAND, b. 19 Dec 1870, Lafayette Co. Wi.; d. 19 Jan 1871.
vii. JAMES ALEXANDER MCFARLAND, b. 23 Jul 1872, Lafayette Co. Wi.; d. 17 Jun 1909, Nogales, Arizona.
61. viii. CHARLEY MILLARD MCFARLAND, b. 07 Aug 1875, Cerro Gordo Co. Iowa.
62. ix. FRED WINFIELD MCFARLAND, b. 31 May 1878, Cerro Gordo Co. Ia.; d. 06 Apr 1949, Flint Co. Texas.
63. x. FRANK ELLSWORTH MCFARLAND, b. 26 Apr 1882, Cerro Gordo Co. Ia.; d. 13 Jun 1951, Flint Co. Texas.
64. xi. TOMMY ODIS MCFARLAND, b. 09 Mar 1886, Cerro Gordo Co. Ia.; d. 1966, Flint Co. Texas. 
McFarland, Alexander Miller (I27893)
44. WILLIAM A.8 MCFARLAND (JOHN WESLEY7, JAMES C6, ALEXANDER5, WILLIAM4, DUNCAN3, ROBERT2, ROBERT1) was born 04 Oct 1840 in Fentress Co. Tenn, and died 11 Oct 1914 in Casey Co. Ky . #25381. He married MARY E STEPHENS 1863 in Fentress Co. Tn., daughter of GWINN STEPHENS and MAILEY BOWDEN. She was born 04 Feb 1846 in Tennessee, and died 10 Jan 1922 in Casey Co. Ky..
Taken from minutes of Pleasent Hill Church in Wayne Co. Ky. Copywright 1982.
William A McFarland, along with his wife Mary and daughter Polly Ann, were received into the Pleasent Hill Church membership 6 Sept. 1885 at the first of two meetings of the church held at Taylors Grove Church that month. In Oct. of 1885 the church granted letters of dismission to twenty three members, including the McFarlands "to be constituted with members from other churches into a church at Taylors Grove Church". As it was the practice at that time to aid in the establishment of new churches, the Pleasent Hill Church assisted in the organization of the Taylors Grove Church. In 1887, upon petition from Wm. McFarland and J.J. Harmon of Taylors Grove for a pastor, the services of Rev. Wesley Denney were granted to the new congregation by Pleasent Hill. Brother McFarland was one of the leaders of the area Baptist Churches called by Pleasent Hill in 1892 to serve on a committee to settle a dispute between two of its members. He served as clerk of the committee. In 1897 he moved to Paenell in Wayne County where he lived for ten years to the day. Moved from Fenteress Co. Tn. between Apr. 23, and June 7, 1876 to Wayne Co. Ky. Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. 1885-1897 near Taylorrs Grove Baptist. Parnell 1897-19 07. He moved to Casey Co, Ky in 1907. His eleven grown children also moved to Casey Co. and settled on what was later known as McFarland's ridge. William and Mary and eight of their children, with their families, are buried in Peavy Cemetery at the Chestnut Grove Church in Casey Co. Ky.
Death certificate # 25381. Faye Cornett.

Tombstone reads "He died as he lived a Christian.
1850, 1860 census of Fentress Co. Tn. list Wiliam single and a cooper.
More About WILLIAM A. MCFARLAND: Burial: Casey Co. Ky . Peavey Cemetery
Mary was 1/4 America Indian.
Tombstone Reads. "A tender Mother and faithful Friend."
Burial: Casey Co. Ky. Peavey Cemetery
65. i. POLLY ANN9 MCFARLAND, b. 1864, Fentress Co. Tn.; d. 1935, Casey County Ky..
66. ii. MILEY JO MCFARLAND, b. Dec 1866, Fentress Co. Tn.; d. 1935, Casey County Ky..
iii. NANCY NAN ELIZABETH MCFARLAND, b. 1868, Fentress Co. Tn.; d. Jul 1952, Casey Co. Ky.; m. EUGENE
AYERS, 1904, Parnell, Wayne Co. Ky.; b. 06 Jun 1872, Wayne Co. Ky.; d. 20 Feb 1939, Casey Co. Ky..
Notes for NANCY NAN ELIZABETH MCFARLAND: Nan and Ugene were missionaries to Africa.
More About NANCY NAN ELIZABETH MCFARLAND: Burial: Peavey Cem. Casey Co. Ky.
Nan and Eugene were missionaries to Africa.
More About EUGENE AYERS: Burial: Peavey Cem. Casey Co. Ky.
67. iv. JOHN W MCFARLAND, b. 22 Sep 1870, Fentress Co. Tn.; d. 20 Mar 1939, Casey County Ky..
68. v. SARAH MATILDA MCFARLAND, b. 27 Feb 1873, Fentress Co. Tn.; d. 14 Apr 1955, Casey County Ky..
69. vi. MARTHA B MCFARLAND, b. 23 Apr 1875, Fentress Co. Tn.; d. 15 Oct 1947.
70. vii. PAUL YOUNG MCFARLAND, b. 26 Dec 1878, Wayne Co. Ky.; d. 11 May 1958, Lincoln Co. Ky..
71. viii. BALAAM HENRY MCFARLAND, b. 22 Sep 1881, Wayne Co. Ky.; d. 30 Jan 1971, Casey County Ky..
72. ix. GEORGE W MCFARLAND, b. 06 Jun 1884, Wayne Co. Ky.; d. 05 Mar 1958, Casey County Ky..
73. x. SAMUEL DAVID MCFARLAND, b. 26 Dec 1886, Wayne Co. Ky; d. 01 Apr 1965, Casey County Ky..
74. xi. ROSA LEE MCFARLAND, b. 25 Jul 1890, Wayne Co. Ky.; d. 20 Feb 1971, Casey County Ky.. 
McFarland, William Atkinson (I27976)
48 (TS) Thos McFarlan in Inveruglas 28.3.1722, w, ch T M K M 1725; Wm Tod; (shield),
[MI Ballyhennan graveyard]

K M assumed to be Katharine as most common girls name. Female gender also assumed. 
Macfarlane, Katharine (I11287)
48 (TS) Thos McFarlan in Inveruglas 28.3.1722, w, ch T M K M 1725; Wm Tod; (shield),
[MI Ballyhennan graveyard]

T M assumed to be Thomas after his father. 
Macfarlane, Thomas (I11294)
48 (TS) Thos McFarlan in Inveruglas 28.3.1722, w, ch T M K M 1725; Wm Tod; (shield),
[MI Ballyhennan graveyard] 
Macfarlane, William Tod (I11282)

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