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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4501 MEDI: Internet website Source (S2153)
4502 MEDI: Internet website Source (S2139)
4503 MEDI: Internet website Source (S2112)
4504 MEDI: Internet website Source (S2111)
4505 MEDI: Internet website Source (S2110)
4506 MEDI: Internet website Source (S1403)
4507 MEDI: Interview Source (S2159)
4508 MEDI: Journal
Source (S29)
4509 MEDI: List
DATE: 15 Jun 2005
Source (S2094)
4510 MEDI: Military
Source (S17)
4511 MEDI: Newspaper
Source (S39)
4512 MEDI: Notes
DATE: Dec 1995
Source (S13)
4513 MEDI: Notes
Source (S35)
4514 MEDI: Notes
Source (S18)
4515 MEDI: Notes
Source (S10)
4516 MEDI: Periodical
Source (S2050)
4517 MEDI: Periodical Source (S100)
4518 MEDI: Personal manuscript
Source (S81)
4519 MEDI: SS Death Index
DATE: 1 Apr 1999
Source (S16)
4520 MEDI: Verbal
Source (S28)
4521 MEDI: Verbal
Source (S22)
4522 MEDI: Vital
Source (S34)
4523 Media added noting Franklin Wyley's parents, and siblings dying in Mo. Source (S242)
4524 Medically Retired For Tuberculosis (Full Recovery) McGaw, Dr. David Edgar MD (I1104)
4525 MELISSA (HARD) MCFARLIN (1803 to 1885)
(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - May, 2012, reviewed May 16, 2018)

Melissa was a daughter of Lysander Hard and the first of his three wives, whose name is unknown to me. Melissa's father was born 25 March, 1 769, in New Milford, Connecticut , the sixth child of Abraham Hard and Charity Munsee. Lysander shows up i n the 1800 Huntsburg, Vermont cen sus with wife and four children. They are living near the Lemuel Rober ts family and, after Melissa's mother dies, he apparently married on e of Lemuel's daughters, Rosamond Roberts in 1808. He had yet a thir d wi fe (Hannah Holcomb) by 1813.
Melissa was likely one of the two Hard daughters under ten, listed i n the 1810 Franklin, Vermont census, where the family was raising shee p and were taxed for a loom. Sometime from 1810 to 1820, the family mo ved to Ohio, perhaps staying in or n ear Coitsville for a while, wher e Melissa met and married James McFarland. Lysander Hard's brother, Ab raham Hard (b1766), and his family do appear in the (incomplete) 182 0 Wadsworth, Ohio census, and even though the NARA index shows Lysande r t o be on that census page also, his data do not show there. He repor tedly lived until 1851, but I could not locate him in any census listi ng after 1820.
It appears that Melissa Hard and James were married about 1819-1820, b ecause the 1820 census in Coitsville shows James and one female (age 1 6-26), probably Melissa, and one female (age 45+), very likely Marger y (Anderson) McFarland, but no chil dren yet. His mother Margery live d with them for fifteen more years.
In 1830 the family continued to grow, with one son and three daughter s by then. In 1835, widow Margery died, at age seventy-nine. Three yea rs later, Melissa was widowed by her husband James' death, his age for ty-three (*1). During the probate o f his estate (*2), some goods wer e set off to widow and children, debts were collected, and at the vend ue (sale) in July, 1838, Melissa was one of the buyers, probably the h ome-farm, since she is listed as head of family and likely owns rea l e state.
By 1840, at age thirty-seven, she was head of her family, with six chi ldren, ages three to eighteen. It is possible that the older male (ag e 20-30) that is also listed there, is William Brackenridge, who had j ust married Melissa's oldest daught er, Mary, and perhaps was staying o n to help until they could afford their own homestead.
Ten years later, in 1850, Melissa was still living in Coitsville, bu t now only with her unmarried sons John (age 29), and Lysander (age 15 , at school) (both farmers), and daughter Sarah (age 17, at school). L iving at the farm next door now, i s William Breckenridge (age 40, farm er) and his wife Mary (age 28, Melissa's daughter), along with their f ive children.
In 1860, Melissa age fifty-seven, was still living with her son John ( farmer, age 36), and his wife and three children. And, once again, liv ing next door, was another of her daughters; Sarah (age 27), with he r husband Leonard Hogg and their tw o young children.
By 1870, Melissa and the Leonard Hogg family had moved to Viola, Illin ois, still farming. In 1880, Melissa and her widowed daughter Mary Bra ckenridge, were sharing a home together in Viola, next door to the Cra wford Breckenridge family. Crawfor d was Mary's son and Melissa's grand son. However, Melissa was now "disabled" with "consumption" and, in 18 85, she died at age eighty-two.

PFM's SOURCES for Melissa (Hard) McFarland; Weaver?
1810 census; Huntsburg, Franklin co, Vermont p 269; with her father Ly sander Hard (her age under 10)
1820 census; Westfield, Wadsworth, Medina co, Ohio p 104 (Lysander Har d listed originally just after Abraham Hard?)
1820 census; Coitsville, Trumbull co, Ohio p 239; (her age 16-26)
1830 census; Coitsville, Trumbull co, Ohio p 249; with James McFarland , her age 20-30
1840 census; Coitsville, Trumbull co, Ohio p 190; Melissa McFarland a s family head a 30-40, with her children
1850 census; Coitsville, Mahoning co, Ohio p 580b; John McFarlane farm er a 29 b Ohio, Sarah McF a 17 b O, Lysander McFa a 15 b O, Melissa Mc F a 48 b VT
1860 census; Coitsville, Mahoning co, Ohio p 15; John McFarland farme r a 36 b O, Lovina McF a 27 b O, Grant W McF a 3 b O, William J Mc F a 1 b O, Melissa McFarland a 57 b VT
1870 census; Viola, Green, Mercer co, Illinois p 197; (her age 64sic , born in Vermont)
1870 census; New Windsor, Rivoli Twnshp, Mercer co, Illinois p 366 wit h her son Robert W McFarland (her age 67, b VT)
1880 census; Viola, Green, Mercer co, Illinois p 288; with Mary Brecke nridge (Melissa's age 77, born in Vermont, both par b in Vt)

*1 Henry R Baldwin Records
*2 Trumbull co probate records; 9-266, 9-313, 9-316, 11-61, 11-150, an d 11-168 
Hard, Melissa (I16289)
4526 Memorial inscription on National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl), 1941-2011, Honolulu, Hawaii. Macfarlane, Archibald Stewart (I13022)
4527 Mentioned in father's will as wife of John McFarland, but was no in the 1870 census. Watts, Mary (I30705)
4528 Mentioned in father's will of 1759 and grandfather's will of 1760. Spruill, John (I1219)
4529 Mesa County Marriage Records. Mesa County Clerk and Recorder, Grand Junction, Colorado. Source (S1323)
4530 Metcalf Hospital McGaw, Dr. David Edgar MD (I1104)
4531 Metcalf Hospital McGaw, Dr. David Edgar MD (I1104)
4532 Methodist minister, came to Penn. in 1810 with family, moved to Wilson Co. in 1819. Young, Charles (I31133)
4533 MHH notes.
Is this person correct. There seems to be a duplication of names of children attached to Robert Henry McFarlane and Joseph McFarlane. There seem to be no descendants attached to the Robert Henry group. 
McFarland, B. L. Robert Larkin (I5758)
4534 MHH notes:

1820 census for Adair Co., KY. p. 34.

I have conflicting evidence for his marriage. I have marrying Sept. 18, 1826 in Russell Co., Elizabeth McFall. She must be his second wife, and not the mother of the listed children. 
McFarland, John (I28795)
4535 MHH notes:

1841 census: Brampton, Cumberland, Eng. Dist 7, Image 18/19
David Wilson, 60, weaver
Mary Wilson, 65
Samuel Wilson, 35, weaver
Susan Reed, 30, weaver
Sarah Wilson, 25 weaver
David Wilson, 7

This appears to be the same family of the 1851 census with widowed Mary Wilson, 77 living with Sarah Wilson, 38, living next to Samuel Wison, 44. So, without further evidence, the guess is that David and Mary are the parents of Samuel. 
Wilson, David DaWil01 (I266)
4536 MHH notes:

Castlerea is today in County Roscommon, Ireland. Not sure about the source naming County Mayo. 
Knox, William WiK01 (I248)
4537 MHH notes:

Found a Joseph Wilson age 16 in Morgan Co. TN in the 1850 census living with James Wilson 44 and Elizabeth 37. This could fit at Joseph's parents.

1860: Found Joseph Willson, age 26 in Vigo Indiana, with wife Catherine 26, children Sarah 7, Edward 4 and Catherine 1.

1870: Beat 5, Lamar Co. TX is Joseph Wilson 36, with wife Catherine 35, children Edward 14, Catherine 11, Thomas 8, George 6, and Alice 1. 
Wilson, Joseph JosWil01 (I96)
4538 MHH notes:

Notes received in e-mail 6-28-17:

SOURCE: Forsythe Saga family info

Cousins, Joseph (1761) and William McFarland (1755) of Peters Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, fought in the revolutionary war. After the war they settled in Rockbridge County, Virginia where they married the sisters Rebecca and Margaret White. Around 1783, Joseph (1761) removed to Greene County, Tennessee, where he remained until about 1793 when he removed to Harrison County, Kentucky. About the same time, his father William (1731) and his brothers William (1763) and Benjamin (1765) joined him there. His cousin and brother-in-law William (1755) also came about that time. These five gentlemen are the seed for the McFarland families of Harrison County, Kentucky. Virtually none of the family would remain however. They began to migrate to Greene County, Ohio beginning with William (1763) who arrived there between 1798 and 1803. Joseph (1761) moved there in 1810, and Arthur must have arrived before 1814 when his daughter Eliza was born. It is unknown what became of Benjamin (1765) after 1810, but presumably he migrated with the family and died soon after, or he died in Kentucky and his family migrated with the rest of the McFarland clan. The patriarch of the family, William (1731) died around the time of the migration. It is thought his wife survived him and died in Ohio.


William McFarland, Esq., emigrated from Kentucky, and came with his family to this township about 1804, and purchased one hundred and fifty acres of land on Massie's Creek, a short distance from where Cedarville now stands. There was no trading point then nearer than Xenia, and that was a small affair. Salt was hauled from Chillicothe, and could not be had nearer. Mr. McFarland soon became a prominent man in the sparsely settled neighborhood, and served as foreman on the first grand jury in the county, in 1804.

My notes:
D.A.R. number A076838. Record says he served in the Cumberland Co. Militia

There are two William McFarlands in Cumberland Co. PA during the Revolutionary War. It all depends on the unit and what part of the county it is connected with. The other William McFarland lived in Pennsboro township. This William McFarland lived in Peters township. Since he moved to VA in 1778 with his parents, it would also be necessary to check the year for the service.

By any chance, is the William Mc Farland in Nicholas Co. KY in 1800 tax list, and there in 1810 census with one over 45, 7 under 16, total of 11, the same as this one who is in Harrison Co. in 1820? Nicholas is adjacent to Harrison Co. KY. Another adjacent county is Fleming Co. that has a Robert Mc Farlen on the tax list for 1800.

1820 census: Marysville, Harrison KY, p. 202
William M Farland
1 male 45+, 1 male 26-44, 1 male 10-15, 3 males under 10
1 female 45+, 1 female 26-44, 2 females 16-25

Son Nathaniel on p. 209, Thomas on p. 194

Below are the older Gary Morris notes:


SOURCE: "Genealogy of the Joseph and William McFarland Branches of the
McFarland Family 1675 to 1910" by Thomas S. McFarland 1910 Cable, Ohio. Copy
at Greene County Room, Greene County Genealogical Society. "In 1796 the family
moved to Harrison County, Kentucky, and settled on Indian Creek, seven miles
northeast of Cynthiana. From 1800 to 1825 he taught school on the home farm.
He died June 1st, 1825, aged seventy years, and is buried at Endicott's church,
in Harrison County, Kentucky. Rebecca, my grandmother, was born in 1763, and
died May 1st, 1822. ...William McFarland seved one year in the Revolutionary
war, near the close. ...&ltDaughter Esther&gt died in spring of 1793 while moving
to Tennessee, and is buried near Knoxville, Tennesse, on the bank of
Nolichucky River, grave unmarked."

SOURCE: "Mcfarland-Dunlap Family Bible Records, 1831-1928 : and other
genealogical data, 1675-1923", Joseph Dunlap. 35 pages. Microfilm copy at FHC
(film #1320635, item 81). Was in the army one year near the close of the
Revolutionary War. At the age of 24 years he married Rebecca White in
Rockbridge County, VA in 1779. In 1796 William and his cousin Joseph and their
families moved to near Cynthiana, north of Lexington, Kentucky., his wife,
children James, Joseph, John, Joseph, and a daughter, and his wife's father and
mother (Joseph Mc Farland), their names were also McFarland , were all buried
at the Indicott (Endicott) Meeting House Graveyard in the edge of Bourbon
County. William died near Cynthiana in 1825, and wife Rebecca died there in
1822, and they were both buried in the Endicott Church yard. Moved from East
Tennesse to Fayette County, Kentucky about 1797.

MARRIAGE: Rockbridge County Marriages 1779-037a. William McFarland to Rebecca
White 19 Oct 1779, daughter of John and Katherine White. Bondsan James Wilson,

TAXLIST: 1782 VIRGINIA, Rockbridge County.

TAXLIST: 1783 VIRGINIA, Rockbridge County: Wm McFarland 1 Free White Male, 0
slaves, 1 horse, 2 cows.

TAXLIST: 1787 VIRGINIA, Rockbridge County, Book A, William McFarlin, 2
horses, 3 cows. John White, 1 horse. Source: From records of Corinne Diller.

CENSUS: 1795 KENTUCKY, Harrison County.

LAND: Rockbridge County, VA; Deed Book B, page 544 and Deed Book C, page 216;
Received or bought land from father Robert 3 Dec 1793 and 1 Dec 1795.

LAND: Rockbridge County, VA; Deed Book C, page 220; Sold land 1 Dec 1795 to
Thomas Welch.

CENSUS: 1795 KENTUCKY, Harrison County.

RESIDENCE: In 1796 William and Joseph (cousins) and their families moved to
near Cynthiana, north of Lexington, Kentucky.

TAXLIST: 1800 KENTUCKY, Harrison County.

CENSUS: 1820 KENTUCKY, Harrison County, No Township Listed, page 202.

PROBATE: Harrison County, Kentucky Will Abstracts: William McFarland, Book B,
page 233, 25 Nov 1822 - Aug 1825. Names son Thomas, other children previously
provided for.

SOURCE: "Revolutionary War Veterans of Greene County, Ohio" by Julie M.
Overton 1995 by the Greene County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society, copy
obtained from the Greene County Chapter, Xenia, Ohio. Military Service:
Pennsylvania drummer boy, also frontier ranger. On muster roll of
Pennsylvania, Navy of Ranger Galley, commissioned by John Mitchell, 1 Dec 1776
through 1 Jan 1777.

SOURCE: "Genealogy of the Joseph and William McFarland Branches of the
McFarland Family" by Thomas S. McFarland 1910 published by author in Cable,

SOURCE: "History of Greene County, Ohio" by George F. Robinson 1902 Chicago:
S.J. Clarke Publishing Company.

died 1 Jun 1825 KY married Rebecca White. PVT PA.

Facts about this person:

Endicott Church, Harrison, Kentucky

Source: Mcfarlan.ged.GED
Medium: Other
Date of Import: Feb 21, 1999 
McFarland, William BY3019 (I27694)
4539 MHH notes:
According to Donnell Frasier's notes, after William P.'s death, the children went to live with William's sister Jane Curtis in Jasper Co., Texas. According to the 1860 census those children would be Ann, Rufus, and Susan. If Jane is correctly identified as William's sister, then her husband is Robert B. Curtis, not Clark as some trees have it. 
McFarlane, William Pleasant (I30409)
4540 MHH notes:
Andrew J. is in Kirdmansville, Todd Co. KY in the 1870 census, 57, born KY, with wife Martha A, 44, kY, children which include Robert D., 22, born TN as well as all the others from Nancy E, 24 on down. Have not located him in 1860 or 1850. 
McFarland, Andrew Jackson (I28019)
4541 MHH notes:
In the 1860 census: Black River township, Reynolds Co. MO
fam. 112, Samuel Black, 33, TN
Mary, 26, Illinois
Sarah, 12, MO
John, 8, MO
Joel, , MO
Barbara, 3/12, MO

There are other Black families living in this same township that are probably relations. There is another Samuel Black, Rev. who shows up in the 1870 and 1880 census. They sometimes have been mixed together. 
Black, Samuel SaB01 (I325)
4542 MHH notes:
Is this his first marriage? He would have been 36...this seems a little late. If he stayed in Cumberland Co., Peters township after his father sold land to Robert, son of Joseph of Bucks Co. in 1778, then there should be two Robert McFarlands in the tax lists or census records, and there is not.

The records below from 1778 on would be for Robert, son of Joseph.
However, there is a record for a Robert McFarland, Jr. serving under Capt. Wm. Huston in 1780. Penn. Archives, 5th Series, Vol. 6, p. 270. Since James McFarland (his brother) also served under Capt. Wm. Huston, this could be correct.

What is the proof that connects Allegheny County McFarlands to this family?


TAXLIST: 1771-1779 PENNSYLVANIA, Cumberland County, Peters Township
(Cumberland County Tax Lists 1750-1780 LDS microfilm # 21087, 21088, 21089:
1771 (Freeman - young adult). 1774 (Freeman - Young adult. 1778 (owned 150
acres - 21 cleared, 2 horses, 3 cows, 12 sheep). 1779 (owned 240 acres, 1
negro, 4 horses, 6 cows). 1780 (owned 4 horses, 6 cows, 3 negros). Last few
entries may be Robert, son of Joseph???

MARRIAGE: From "Pennsylvania Vital Records" Vol 2 1983 (R929.3748 Penn at
Bellingham Library). Records of Upper West Conococheague Presbyterian Church,
Mercersburg, Franklin County, Pennsylvania page 125. Marriage March 10 1777
Robert McFarlin and Elizabeth Irwin of Derry.

(the record below is also attributed Robert, son of Joseph.)

BAPTISMS: From "Pennsylvania Vital Records" Vol 2 1983 (R929.3748 Penn at
Bellingham Library). Records of Upper West Conococheague Presbyterian Church,
Mercersburg, Franklin County, Pennsylvania page 125. Robert McFarland died 22
Jan 1823 (elder in church for 24 years, since 1798/1799). Baptisms:
1777 Oct 25 Martha, dau of Robert McFarland [Robert, son of Robert]
1779 Sep __ (-----), child of Robert Jr. [Robert, son of Robert]

CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Franklin County, page 868 01201-02201.

TO-DO: Recheck census records for Franklin County 1800, 1790, 1810, 1820.
McFarland, Robert (I29127)
4543 MHH notes:
On death record, in Xerxes, Cumberland Co. KY on July 4, 1904, it lists his parents as Jas. and E. McFarland.

One source has his full name as Robert Young McFarland.

In 1870 he is in Fentress Co.
In 1880 he is in Marrowbone, Cumberland Co. KY

41. ROBERT YOUNG7 MCFARLAND (JAMES C6, ALEXANDER5, WILLIAM4, DUNCAN3, ROBERT2, ROBERT1) was born 21 Sep 1836 in Fentress Co. Tennessee, and died 04 Jul 1904 in Cumberland Co. Ky. He married MARY STORY STORIE 14 Aug 1856 in Fentress Co. Tenn. She was born 01 Apr 1832 in Fentress Co.Tenn..
1870 census of Fentress Co. Tn. 1880 census of Cumberland Co. Ky.
i. JAMES8 MCFARLAND, b. 13 May 1857, Fentress Co.Tenn.; d. 05 Aug 1882.
1870 census of Fentress Co. Tn.
ii. ANNA MCFARLAND, b. 21 Jan 1860, Fentress Co.Tenn.; d. 16 Dec 1861, Fentress Co.Tenn..
iii. MELVINA MCFARLAND, b. 20 Nov 1862, Fentress Co.Tenn..
Notes for MELVINA MCFARLAND: 1870 census of Fentress Co. Tn.
iv. ALICE MCFARLAND, b. 08 Jan 1866, Fentress Co.Tenn.; d. 25 Jan 1868.
56. v. ULYSSES GRANT MCFARLAND, b. 18 Oct 1868, Fentress Co.Tenn.; d. 03 Mar 1941, Barren Co. Ky..
57. vi. WILLIAM SHERMAN MCFARLAND, b. 19 May 1871, Fentress Co.Tenn..
vii. GEORGE MCFARLAND, b. 18 Jan 1874, Fentress Co.Tenn.; d. 18 Jan 1874, Fentress Co.Tenn..
viii. MARY C MCFARLAND, b. 18 Jan 1874, Fentress Co.Tenn.. 
McFarland, Young (I29634)
4544 MHH notes:
Robert and Mary E. are in the 1900 census in Kirkmansville, Todd Co., KY. Robert is shown as being born March 1848 in Tennessee. Mary E. as being born Nov. 1850, and their marriage as 1871.

In the 1880 census he is in Scates Mill, Christian Co., KY with this family, working as a shoemaker.

In the 1870 census, Robert D. is 22, born in TN, living with father Andrew J, 57, born KY and mother Martha A. 44 born KY, in Kirkmansville, Todd Co. KY

Can't find this family in the 1860 census.

In the 1850 census, this family is

Found the burial information for Robert and wife:
They are buried in the McColpin Cemetery in Todd County, KY. The cemetery has lots of the Winders family buried there.
For Robert and his wife it reads:
Robert D. McFarland, born March 15, 1848, died March 29, 1903. Mary E. McFarland, born Nov. 16, 1850, died July 26, 1924. 
McFarland, Robert Duncan (I23572)
4545 MHH notes:
Story says that she married a MacGregor and is the mother of Rob Roy MacGregor. (First the age doesn't work, Tabby would be younger than Rob Roy himself. Rob Roy MacGregor's mother was Margaret Campbell. So, where did this story come from?

Found this history at which shows a marriage of Rob Roy's grandfather to a MacFarlane for his first wife.

26. MALCOLM 0IG (Callum) MacGREGOR, was b. about 1580. As "Malcolme Oig McGregour McDougall Keir" his name appears on a list of 36 of the Clan Gregor who gave bond to the Earl of Argyll as Lord Lieutenant, 22 April 1601. After the proscription of the MacGregor name on 8 April 1604, Malcolm Oig took the name of Stewart. He married (1st) Miss MacFarlane (Issue 3 sons). He married (2nd) Miss MacDonald with whom he had nine sons and daughters incl. Gregor and Donald Glas, his younger son:


27. DONALD GLAS STEWART MacGREGOR, b. about 1630, resumed his ancestral name of' MacGregor on the repeal of the proscription in 1661 Soon after this he was commissioned a Lieutenant-Colonel in the British army, and thereafter is generally termed "Lieut.-Col. Donald MacGregor in Glengyle". He died due to sustained torture in Tolbooth Prison in Edinburgh about 1686 at the hands of the reinstated Campbells (under William of Orange). He married Margaret Campbell in 1656.



ii. DUNCAN MCGREGOR. (d. 1694)



McFarland, Tabby (I2610)
4546 MHH notes:
There are conflicting birth and death dates: Dec. 21, 1767, or Dec. 2, 1767. Death: March 26, 1859 or Sept. 26, 1859. This is probably due to trying to read the original on a tombstone. I have not seen any Bible records for this family.

Benjamin and Ruth must have stayed living in TN when the rest of his family....father and siblings....moved to North Carolina abt. 1799.

It is said that he moved to Kentucky in 1803. The part of Kentucky they settled was called Adair County until 1825 when Russell County was formed from part of Adair and other counties.

Dec. 8, 1808 land grant Adair County, Cumberland River, 116 acres in Kentucky.
1820 Kentucky Adair County census, p. 36.
1830 Kentucky, Russell Co. census

The following are notes from the McFarland genealogy website of Gary Morris: --

***** 44 ***** Benjamin McFARLAND, son of John McFARLAND and Mary KINDER, was
born 21 Dec 1767 in Bedford County, Virginia, died 25 Mar 1859 in Russell County,
Kentucky. Married 15 Jul 1788 in Greene County, Tennessee to Ruth Buchanan JACK
born 4 Oct 1770 in Pennsylvania, died 6 Sep 1853 in Kentucky.

----- NOTES FOR Benjamin McFARLAND:
SOURCE: Information from Queery in DAR Magazine March 1945. Family data from
GENDEX on internet.
MARRIAGE: Greene Co, TN Marriage Records. Bond by Alexander Ward.
PLACE: Lived in Greene County, TN, that part which probably became Jefferson
County in 1792.
LAND: 1808 KENTUCKY, Adair County, Cumberland River. Benjamin McFarland, Dec
8, 1808, granted 116 acres, on Cumberland River.
CENSUS: 1820 KENTUCKY, Adair County. Benjamin McFarland. Page 36.
CENSUS: 1850 KENTUCKY, Russell County Benjamin McFarland 82 VA, Ruth 83 PA.

===CHILDREN of Benjamin McFARLAND and Ruth Buchanan JACK

+ 135 Martha McFARLAND b 21 Sep 1790 Greene County, Tennessee.
+ 136 John McFARLAND b 7 May 1792 Greene County, Tennessee. M
Elizabeth _____.
+ 137 Sarah (Sally) McFARLAND b 12 Aug 1794 Jefferson County,
Tennessee. M Aaron BECK.
+ 138 Mary McFARLAND b abt 1795 Jefferson County, Tennesse
+ 139 Elizabeth McFARLAND b 11 Jun 1800 Kentucky(?). M John
+ 140 William M. McFARLAND b 8 Mar 1802 Adair(?) County,
Kentucky. M Mary LONG.
+ 141 David Herod McFARLAND b 1804/1805 Adair(?) County,
Kentucky. M Nancy WARRINER.
+ 142 Ann McFARLAND b 15 Apr 1806 Adair(?) County, Kentuck
M David Daniel COOK.
+ 143 James Madison McFARLAND b 11 Nov 1808 Adair County,
Kentucky. M Minerva LONG.
Dec. 8, 1808 land grant Adair County, Cumberland River, 116 acres in Kentucky. 1820 Kentucky Adair County census, p. 36. 
McFarland, Benjamin (I29618)
4547 MHH notes:
This family in 1850 census in Henry Co. Tennessee living near father William M. and brother William R. McFarland 
McFarland, John W. (I23638)
4548 MHH notes:
Thomas Knox is in the 1861 Scotland Census, livng in Camelon, Stirlingshire, with wife Agnes. He is a house carpenter, with children Isabella 16, Elizabeth, 14, John 12, Robert 9, Agnes 7, William 3 and Jessie 1.

He and Agnes are in the 1851 census,

In the 1841 census, Thomas is living with a father, John Knox, born 1781 Stirlingshire, and a sister Isabell and possibly a mother Isabella Robertson, age 50? 
Knox, Thomas (I236)
4549 MHH notes: Concerning Purdy's arrival in Massachusetts. No one knows when or how Purdy arrived in Hingham. However, it has been speculated that he arrived as a POW from Scotland.

Purdie McFarland is included on a list of men who were captured at the Battle of Dunbar in 1650 by Cromwell and then sent to the Massachusetts colony in November of 1650. However, the likelihood of a 6 year old boy being among those prisoners is extremely hard to fathom. The list was made by a researcher named George Sawin Stewart and is available online. However there is no manifest of the ship's passengers, and Mr. Stewart did not provide his sources. 
Macfarland Mackfarlin, Purdy Purthe PuM01 (I25481)
4550 MHH notes: It seems that Alexander is the son of the John McFarland listed here (as opposed to the Alexander, son of James McFarland and Elizabeth Carmichael on some trees) because of the letters discussed below to George his brother, and George is buried in the McFarland cemetery where John is buried.

Alexander is in Jefferson Co. TN in the 1830 census, living near his father John Sr. McFarland. Judging from the dates of his children he must have moved to MO about 1833.

In 1840, Alexander is in Warrensburg township, Johnson Co. MO with his 7 children, living near his brother George.

In 1850 the family is in Johnson Co. MO, Post Oak township, on October 15th. fam. 587: Alexander McFarlan, age 45, TN, with wife Margaret 46 VA, son William R. 7 MO. Sarah E. 3 MO, John (T, Y, or L) 16 MO. There are two other families living in the house: Addison Vanusdale (?) a male teacher age 21 VA with a Minard age 12 Ohio, then a William Harrison 21 Alabama farmer, with Lucinda 19 VA, and son Harry 6 months MO

There are a group of transcribed letters in the book called The McFarlands: Seven Generations from Sir John MacFarlane to John Barton McFarland written by Joe Osborn in 1955. On p. 23 is a letter from Alexander to George. Alexander is in California and is describing the cholera epidemic. George is in Johnson Co. MO. On p. 25 is a letter from John and Polly Barton in Texas to George in Tennessee, describing their new life there and saying they know that George is upset that they moved William to Texas, but they had no choice because of all the deaths.

Notes below from research of Gary Morris.
CENSUS: 1850 Missouri, Johnson county, Post Oak Township, Household 587

MIGRATION: 1851. Letter written by John and Polly Barton to George, Alexander's brother, dated 21 day 1851 states Alexander went to California last spring a year ago and both he and hi s son John, died. Another letter, from Elizabeth King to George dated Oct 12, 1851 said "... I recon you hav heard of your brother(s) death and his sons death your brother lived four day s after he was taken sick John lived for weakes after we was taken." According to Marcia Janssen, the death date she has is Nov 17, 1850, but considers this iffy. But he did not die in 1849, probably late 1850. (MHH notes: Actually this is possible, the census date is Oct. 1850, so they could have taken sick as soon as they arrived in California)

PROBATE: 1853 Missouri, Johnson County. Alexander McFarland died intestate, admin. Addiso n VanAusdel appt 2 July 1853. Sec William Harrison and Jas. D Bell. Heirs Isabelly Rader , Harriet Houx, Penelope McFarland, Mary Jane McFarland, William R. McFarland, Sarah E. McFa rland, all children of dec., all residing in Johnson County, Mo. SOURCE: Abstract of Will s and Administrations, Johnson County, Mo. 1835-1855 page 248. (MHH notes, also included in this probate are Margaret E. McF and Shirsey A. McF {or Theresa})

RESEARCHER E-MAIL: Connie Wilson Supplied correct information on Alexander McFarland and father.
RESEARCHER E-MAIL Marcia Janssen Also supplied much of the correct information on the family, and source of letters concerning death. 
McFarland, Alexander (I29768)

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