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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4951 Owner of Ancestry Tree Wolfe Family Tree Owner: gjwolfe1 
Wolfe, son (I31474)
4952 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I14268)
4953 Owner of public tree that is one of the sources for this line. MARLOWE/JEFFERY/PEPERKORN/SINCLAIR TREE Owner: kmarlowe17 McFarlane, dau. (I11415)
4954 Owner of public tree used as source 'Richard MacFarlane Family Tree
Owner: rnmacfarlane'

Richard Nelson MacFarlane via
Feb 21, 2020, 6:51 PM

Proposed Change: Annie Georgina Nelson (I84792)
Tree: Clan current

Description: The date of death and location is not correct.

My paternal grandmother, Annie Georgina Nelson, died at 90 years of age, on September 20, 1971, not in 1932, as you have listed. And she did not die in Peterborough, Ontario. She passed away in Ottawa, Ontario.

I am the family historian and have been our geneologist for many years.

Thank you for correcting this.
Richard Nelson MacFarlane

Richard MacFarlane
Mar 12, 2020, 3:03 PM (9 days ago)

Hi Andrew,

Thank you very much for checking in with me.

It is amazing to think that we can instantly correspond via a computer system.

I have assembled about 350 names, and have my family tree back to the 1750s, and other branches, to the 1500s.

One day, I plan to stay in the U.K. for 6 weeks, walking where my ancestors did, visiting the churches, the port of calls.

And then writing the big family history, complete with photographs, and describing what it really was like, way back, so it brings the family members alive.

I am lucky to have one child, and our daughter is 30 years old. So hopefully, this will be a legacy.

Lots of McFarlane stories. My grandfather did not want to be Irish Catholic. As a Methodist Minister, he wanted to be Scottish Protestant.

So he put the 'a' in between the 'M' and 'c'. Mc became Mac. From the Rev. James William Phee MacFarlane.

Branches of my tree include: McFarlane, Nelson, and on my mother's side, Kendrick, Simon, Claus.

So I have Scottish, northern Ireland, Londonderry, a little bit of England, some German, Wuttemburg, Bavaria,
then Pennsylvania, as in, Pennsylvania Dutch - German, and a touch of Mennonite, then the movement to escape
the U.S.A., moving to Vineland, Niagara, St. Catharines, in Ontario, Canada.

The McFarlane's and Nelson's moving from Ireland to Canada, settling principally in the Ottawa valley.
Three farms. Then all across Canada - Saskatchewan, Alberta, etc.

And my parents, with my grandparents, going to Windsor, Ontario, and Chatham, Ontario.

And the story about Loraine Allison who died with the sinking of the Titanic, 1912.
The wealthy distant relative, George Franklin Johnston, of Westmount, Montreal, Quebec.

My very best to you. One day I hope to visit New Zealand.

I have rowed and raced every boat, since 1973. I raced at the Sydney (Penrith) Australia Olympic rowing course at the World Masters Games in October 2009.

You have the very best sculler ever -- Mahe (spelling, I cannot add French acute accent) Drysdale, and an amazing men's double from New Zealand.

Richard MacFarlane
Toronto, Canada 
Macfarlane, Richard Nelson (I12746)
4955 Owner of source Starr Kepler Family Tree Owner: starrmj_1 Starr, Mike (I10304)
4956 p. 12 Source (S1917)
4957 p. 120 Source (S1216)
4958 p. 645-46 of Goodspeed's History of Southeast Missouri. "John N. Horn, one of the successful and enterprising citizens of Iron Township, was born in Ste. Genevieve County, Mo., in 1837 and is the son of Thomas and Nancy (Hunt) Horn, who were born and reared in Tennessee. John N., like the average coutry boy, received his education in the common schools, and worked on his father's farm until twenty-one years of age. He then worked three years at Valle Forge Iron Works, and at the breading out of the Rebellion he abandoned all business of that description and enlisted in the Confederate army, Second Missouri Regiment. He was under Capt. Cousins and Col. McCollough, and participated in the battle of Corinth, also that of Shiloh, and was in many other engagements of less note. Although taking an active part in these engagements Mr. Horn was fortunate in not receiving a wound. After the cessation of hostilities Mr. Horn came to Iron Mountain, where he took chargeof a cut on the hill, but was soon given a position in the store, wheich he has occupied in a most satisfactory manner for the past nine years. He chose for his companion in life Miss Bell McFalrnad, and to this union were born five children, who are named as follows: Minnie E., harry El, Maurice P., Genry T. and warren w. Mr Horn is a member of the Masonic fraternity, also a member of the A.O.U.W. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Democrat in his political views, and has benn a memeber of the i.O.O.F. for twenty-eight years." Horn, John N. (I30952)
4959 p. 661 of Goodspeed's has a nice biography. Norwine, William H. (I30563)
4960 P. 94 a from Lola McFarland Hill's book:

WILLIAM MCKIBBEN WILLIAMS - Married to Florence Crawford, May 13, 1912. He was born July 28, 1869 on a farm near Fosterville, Tennessee. He attended school at Bellbuckle, Tenn. for one year -1884. He moved to Whitesboro, Texas, in 1891. He taught school in Hamilton, Whitesboro, Bells, and Taylor, Texas. He became a minister of the Christian Church and held pastorates at Belton and Bonham, Texas. He was connected with Texas Christian University, was Editor of the Christian Courier in Dallas for a number of years, and was with the Headquarters staff of the Disciples of Christ in St. Louis and Indianpolis for some time. After coming to Dallas he was pastor of the Greenville Ave. Christian Church and was an interim pastor of the churches at Rowlett and Richardson. He died in Dallas, Dec. 3, l931. Due to the illness of his wife at the time, a private funeral service was held at the home of her sister and he was buried in the Belton Cemetery beside his first wife and their child. 
Williams, William McKibben (I30025)
4961 P. 97 from Lola McFarland Hill's book:
ELLIOTT TAYLOR - married Louise Jennings - born July 26, 1905. Lived in Lubbock, and graduated from A & M College. He was resident engineer with the Highway Department for about three years, then went with to Brown and Boot Construction Co. In 1938, he started his own business and moved to 2821, 23d St Lubbock, where he still resides. The acerage (sic)in New Mexico has yielded to his experience and ability and he continues to improve it and enjoy the fruits of his efforts to succeed. 
Taylor, James Elliott Sr. (I29901)
4962 p. 97 from Lola McFarland Hill's book:
GRACE DAHLMAN JENNINGS - married John Gammon, born in Ladonia May 24, 1908. Went with the family to the various parishes. Before going to Texarkana, she spent the summer in Muskogee with her Little Auntie and Uncle Joe Hill. Jane and Anne were babies and she was a joy to them and their mother. They made an excursion to Kansas City and enjoyed the Ben Scott's and the Zoo. She graduated from High School with honors, and at¬tended Translvania University one year. She was a Chi Omega and spent one vacation at the national convention of her sor¬ority. Graduated from Texas Tech - taught at Lazbuddy, married while there and continued to live there until 1964 when they moved to Willcox Ariz. Her children are, Jean Louise Briggs, John Henry Gammon and Marianna Gammon. She has many outstanding qualities and has the loving heart. 
Jennings, Grace Dahlman (I30183)
4963 P. J. Howard's tombstone is currently behind the Rose Hotel B&B, and had originally been in another location in the same yard. It was at the very back of the backyard and just about in the center by a tree that was engulfing the stone and footstone. The headstone was moved because of the tree, but the footstone was left, because the tree was already growing around it. The footstone had "P.J.H." on the top of it. Howard, Philip J. (I14256)
4964 Parent's names have been passed down by tradition. No documents. McFarland, John Porter A7799 JoPoM01 (I26306)
4965 Parents
Albert Edward White – 1952
Gertrude Edith Smith 
White, Edith Irene (I18053)
4966 Parents
Alexander Cramond 1791–
Agnes Martin 1800– 
Cramond, William (I23976)
4967 Parents
Andrew Cumming 1767–
Agnes Paul 1761–

Cummin, Andrew (I23723)
4968 Parents
Arthur Horrobin 1887– 1958 
Horrobin, Thomas Bryant (I23967)
4969 Parents
Arthur William Barnes 1890– 1916
Florence Marion Twyford 1891– 1924 
Barnes, Phyllis Victoria (I18057)
4970 Parents
Clinton Charles Alexander 1849– 1916
Martha Armentha Van Horne 1856– 1943 
Alexander, Mary Patricia (I25825)
4971 Parents
Cornelius Mullin 1826– 1889
Maria Carey 1836– 1917 
Mullin, Agnes (I18102)
4972 Parents
David Gilfillan 1827–
Margaret Godfrey 1830– 
Gilfillan, Janet Davie (I23744)
4973 Parents
Dr. George Bryce Kendrick 1885– 1968
Edna Pearl Simon 1891– 1983 
Kendrick, Kathleen Pearl (I18040)
4974 Parents
Ebenezer Wiley Byers 1816– 1895
Hannah McClain 1821– 1901 
Byers, Margaret (I25922)
4975 Parents
Edward Seymour Long 1841– 1916
Johanna Gamblin 1847– 1933 
Long, Harriett Anne (I23757)
4976 Parents
Edwin A. H. Manke 1901– 1967
G. Glenilee Ruhlman 1902– 1978 
Manke, LaVerne L. (I25844)
4977 Parents
Frank B Chapin 1869– 1951
Mary Corinth Pomeroy 1871– 1963

Infant Chapin unknown– 1898
John Albert Chapin 1902– 1973
Gertrude Chapin 1904– 1995
Infant son Chapin 1906– 1906 
Chapin, Leonora C. (I25978)
4978 Parents
Isaac Aplin 1831– 1871
Ann 1835–

Spouse (1) Apostle(s) Lambert 1850– 1902 m. 1881 NZ
May Elizabeth Lambert 1882– 1976
Rosa Carlotte Lambert 1884–
Eclipse Lambert 1885– 1965
William David McFarlane Lambert 1889– 
Aplin, Annie Marie (I23958)
4979 Parents
Isabella Lucas Henderson Beebe 1838– 1878

John Allan Henderson 1857– 1941 
Henderson, Anna Eliza (I25956)
4980 Parents
James Allan 1736–
Janet Tilloch 1737–
Allan, Elizabeth (I19304)
4981 Parents
James Bell 1779–
Mary Thompson 1781– 
Bell, Isabella (I23738)
4982 Parents
James Smith 1815– 1869
Helen Cost 1815– 1883

Spouse (1) Agnes Millar 1841– 1871
James Smith 1865–
Alexander Smith 1867– 1904
Catherine Wilson Smith 1869–

Spouse (2) Agnes Cumming 1831– 1907
George Smith 1873– 1918 
Smith, George (I23714)
4983 Parents
James W Mercer 1820– 1863
Joanna P Reed 1830– 1904

James W Mercer 1857– 1857
Lizzie E Mercer Steen 1859– 1947 
Mercer, Sarah Bell (I25945)
4984 Parents
John Byers 1797– 1851
Jane Porter 1802– 1871 
Byers, Mary Jane (I25910)
4985 Parents
John Cuddie
Janet Conachie 1725– 
Cuddie, Janet (I23758)
4986 Parents
John Hendry
Margaret Flora McMillan 1850– 
Hendry, Annie (I14601)
4987 Parents
John Samuel Follett 1875– 1957
Ada Alice Chant 1873– 1948 
Follett, Cyril Mansfield (I18070)
4988 Parents
John William Dunkley 1877– 1912
Dunkley, Herbert Charles (I18528)
4989 Parents
Joseph Butler 1872– 1948
Elizabeth Reid 1872– 1937 
Butler, Ellen "Nellie" (I23751)
4990 Parents
Joseph Gray 1796–
Susanna Brewster 1798–

Children with Mary Jane McFarland
Anna Jane Gray 1850– 1936
Isabella Gray 1855– 1941
Martha Serena Gray 1857– 1895 (Martha S. Gray Moffett)
Edward Gray 1861–
Eleanor (Ella) Gray 1864– 1937 
Gray, Samuel (I24030)
4991 Parents
Josiah Lambert 1742- 1820
Joannah Woodward 1745- 1825

Joseph Lambert 1765- 1838
Anna Lambert Clark 1771- 1854
Abigail Lambert Kelley 1774- 1845 (m. 1804)
Susannah Lambert Davisson 1776- 1847
Richard Lambert 1778- 1857
Hannah Lambert Hull Barnes 1780- 1845
Lambert, Jonathan (I19501)
4992 Parents
Percy Edwd King
Florence May 
King, Ilma Jean (I18063)
4993 Parents
Robert Thompson
Emily Stone 1815– 
Stone, Emily (I17854)
4994 Parents
Robert Walker Dinsmore 1870– 1954
Rosanna M McCarrell 1876– 1955

Elmer McCarrell Dinsmore 1903– 1943
Ruth E Dinsmore 1906– 1978 
Dinsmore, Dorothy D. (I25999)
4995 Parents
Ross McMoyle 1809– 1884

Children with Mary Pollock
Martha Jane McMoyle 1863– 1936
Elizabeth McMoyle 1865–

Children with Esther (Hessie) McFarland
Agnes Elizabeth McMoyle 1878– 1963 
McMoyle, Ross (I24001)
4996 Parents
Samuel Irwin
Unknown Mother

Children with Margaret (Peggy) McFarland
William Irwin 1850–
Maria Irwin 1852–
Daniel Irwin 1854–
Margaret Jane Irwin 1856–
Hester Matilda Irwin 1858–
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Irwin 1862–
Rebekah Irwin 1864–
Samuel Irwin 1866–
Sarah Irwin 1869– 
Irwin, John (I23997)
4997 Parents
Samuel McCreary 1739– 1784
Mary Caughey 1749– 1828 
McCreary, David (I25889)
4998 Parents
Thomas McNeilan 1754– 1831
Mira (Myra) Stewart 1788–

Children with Isabella McFarland
Louisa McNeilan 1854– 1871
Jennie McNeilan 1856– 1878
Edward McNeilan 1858– 1886
Agnes Adele McNeilan 1860– 1939
Thomas McNeilan 1863–
Anna L. McNeilan 1866– 
McNeilan, James Stewart (I23994)
4999 Parents
Warren Meade Genger 1879– 1962
Margaret Small 1887– 1971 
Genger, John Hesson "Red" (I25836)
5000 Parents
William Bean 1756– 1834
Sarah/Jane Sadler 1758– 
Bean, Leticia (I25917)

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