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MacIver, Anne (I16768)

I am adding this Larkin as a son of William, however, I don't know this to be the case. He named his eldest son William, so that is where I have him for now.

In Orange Co. TN census in 1820 on p. 310 is Larkin Mcfarland born 1775-1794, with 3 males under 10, one male 18 to 16, and Larkin 26 to 45. One female 10 to 16, one 24 to 45. This is the same page as Joshua Horton (26 to 45), The other McFarland
s are all on p. 400 and 398.

This Larkin did not move to Tennessee with the rest of his family.

In 1850 census this Larkin is in Graves Co. KY.

In 1860 he is living with William McFarland in Ohio township, Mississippi Co., Missouri. 
McFarland, Larkin the younger (I17365)

If this is the correct Daniel, he is in the 1850 census in Marengo Alabama as Daniel C. McFarland and on a descendants tree that is Daniel Coatsworth McFarland, married to Eleanor in Wilkes Co. GA 
Mcfarland, Daniel C (I17389)

In 1812 Thorton McFarland is listed as being in the 2nd Co. Orange Co. Regiment. In 1814 he is listed as bing in the 1st Regiment.

Does not show in the 1810 census, but in 1820 he is in Orange Co. p. 398.

In 1830 Thorton McFarland is on p. 42 of the Granville Co. NC South Regiment Census. He was born bet. 1790 and 1800 and is near Richard Umstead Henry Wheeler, and William Jones. there are 4 males, the oldest 30 to 40, then 1 under 5, 1 is 5 to 10
, 1 is 10-15. Females: 1 under 5, 1 is 5 to 10, wife is 20 to 30. He is on the same page as Larkin McFarland.

On page 43 is William McFarland, born 1790 to 1800.
Page 45 is Nancy McFarland, born 1780 to 1790. The widow of James McFarland.

Do not know Thorton's father. At first I speculated it to be William, because his first named son is William. However, it could be Larkin Sr. by a first wife before Patsy Madison.

He is in Carroll Co. TN in 1840.

In 1850 he is in Gibson Co. next to William, (born 1818 in NC) who would appear to be his son.

In 1860 he is in Gibson Co. , HopeHill on same page as Willliam.

In 1870 he is in Gibson Co., next to William 
McFarland, Thornton (I17410)

IN 1850 census, says born in TN; but other records all say VA.

"Mentioned in Father's estate records May 1821, Todd County, Ky., along with heirs/siblings." 
McFarland, John Jr (I23702)

In August, 1858 a certificate was issued from Honey Grove, Fannin Co., Tex., #152, 2nd Class, for 640 acres to "Hars (sic) of John E. McFarland, dated 7th July 1845. John must have died before 1845 because his parents claim a 2nd class headright in the name of their deceased son in 1845. It is issued as #152 and then that same certificate is sold to O.P. Richardson in 1871 by James and Jane, saying their son was deceased. It seems more likely now that this John Ewing is the son that died in the Indian raid in the early years of settlement. According to family history, at the raid some McFarlands and Indians died and were buried at what now is designated as the McFarland Cemetery. This also means that he was a family man, since he was granted 640 acres, which means he had a widow, whose name we do not know. I think it could be Rebecca, who appears in the 1840 census as Rebecca McFarland, and we have not been able to place her. If she was his heir, then she should be the one claiming the land, not his parents. 
McFarland, John Ewing (I9853)

James Herbert McFarland appears to have had two daughters and no sons. 
McFarlin, James Herbert (I16597)

(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - June 2019)

James McFarland was born about 1816 in Coitsville, Ohio, third child a
nd second son of Andrew McFarland, born in (co Tyrone?) Ireland. He li ved with his parents, Andrew and Jane McFarland, growing up with his e leven siblings in Coitsville. About 1845-7 James moved just to the sou th into Poland, Ohio and lived i
n the William Wilkes household.
In the 1850 Poland census James McFarland is listed as a "Clerk" with ; William Wilkes age 69, Frederick Wilkes; "Iron Master" age 33, an d Miss Frances Bell age 26. The Wilkes and Miss Bell were all born i n England.
James' father Andrew died in Plymouth, Indiana in 1853 and James becam e the Administrator of Andrew's estate. (James may have been lawyer a t the time.) In 1854 James and Fanny (Fransiska) Bell were married . In April of 1856, James was named a s an adult child of his fathe r Andrew McFarland's will, listed in the Marshall co Court of Common P leas. James was also a notary public and became the Administrator of h is father Andrew's estate. By 1858 they had moved to Wisconsin. In 186 0 an d 1870 James and family were living in Dodge co, WI where he was i dentified as a Lawyer with a substantial home. However James McFarlan d died on 8 Dec 1871 there in Wisconsin, leaving his wife and four chi ldren.
By 1880 census the widow Fanny is living in Juneau, Wisconsin with on e son; Henry McFarlin; printer. Then in 1900 she is in Billings Montan a still with her son Henry who is now married. She now reports to th e census taker that she had six child ren with three still living (Char les, Amy and Henry). Fannie McFarlin died in Oct 1914, probably in Bil lings, Montana.

References for James McFarland/McFarlin:
1820 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 240; Andrew McFarland, (James' age 1 0 - 20)
1850 census; Poland, Ohio p ; James McFarland a 33, "clerk" born Ohio , living w/Frederick Wilkes, a 33 ironmaster b England and Francis Bel l a 26 b England
1860 census; Mayville PO, Williamstown, Dodge co, WI; James McFarlan d a43, b Ohio, lawyer. Also 'Franciska' a33 b Eng, Charles S a2 b WI , Amy Louise a 10mos b WI
1870 census; Hubbard, Dodge co, WI; James McFarland a53 b Ohio, Franci s McF a44 b Eng, Charles S McF a 13 b WI, Amy McF a 10 b WI, Andre w w McF a 8 b WI, Henry F McF a 4 b WI.
1880 census; Juneau, Dodge co, WI; Fanny McFarlin a 54 b Eng, son Henr y a 14 b WI, printer.
1900 census; City of N Billings, Yellowstone co, Montana; Henry F McFa rlin, head a35 b Mar 1866 WI Publisher of Newspaper, Jennie McF a 2 3 b May 1877 NY, both parents b 'Bohemia', Fanny C McFarlin, mother a7 4 b Mar 1826 Eng, parents b Eng, 3 o f 6 children living still.
1916 City Directory Billings, Montana; "Mrs Fannie McFarlin died Oct 2 2 '14 age 86". 
McFarlin, James (I16767)

795 - 1838)
(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - May, 2012, revised June 2019)

James McFarland, was just one year old when he arrived in America wit h his family in 1796. This date of arrival is chosen since his two old er brothers, Alexander and William, both stated that was the year whe n they had immigrated to America (*1
). I assume the whole family arriv ed in America together, including their father John.
As shown before, in the notes for his mother and older brothers and si sters, the family spent about four years elsewhere in Pennsylvania. Th en by 1799/1800 they lived about two years in Hopewell (New Bedford) , Mercer county, Pennsylvania with h is mother's brother, John Anderson . (see his 1800 US census pg 433 for Mercer co, PA)
About 1802/1803, the widow Margery McFarland, with her four sons and t wo daughters, came to Coitsville, Ohio. James was about seven then an d no doubt helped out on the family farm. He remained with his mother , Margery for the rest of her life i n Coitsville (she died in 1835).
By the 1820 census, he is newly married and head of his own family, ha ving settled "...on the road leading west from the village..." (*2 p 1 68). His wife is Melissa Hard, possibly a weaver, since she is from th e sheep farming area of Huntsbur g (Franklin co), Vermont.
James is said to have had one of the four early distilleries in Coitsv ille, his older brother William having another (*2 p 171). They "...pu shed their business with energy for some years, consuming about twenty -four bushels of grain daily at le ast one hundred and fifty days out o f the year, thirty-six hundred bushels per annum, and putting upon th e market nine thousand gallons, more or less, of ardent spirits". Jam es, the distiller, may be the person in his 1820 Ohio census househol d , 'engaged in manufactures' (unless it might be his wife Melissa, runn ing a loom?).
When his first son is born in 1823, they name him John Anderson McFarl and; probably the John after James' father, and the Anderson for his m other's maiden name. By 1830, they have three children living with the m; probably Mary, John and Louisa . Also in their household is James' m other, widow Margery, the original pioneer matriarch from Ireland. How ever, she dies in 1835, seventy-nine years old.
James then died in June of 1838 at age 43 (*3). His estate was probate d from 21 June 1838 to June 1841. At the latter date, a John Stewart w as chosen guardian by both his son John Anderson McFarlin, age 18, an d daughter Louisa McFarlin, age 14 , and the same John Stewart is appoi nted guardian to the younger children; Sarah M McFarlin, age 8, Lysand er J McFarlin, age 6 and Robert W McFarlin, age 4. The 'McFarlin' spel ling of the surname was used in these probate record's (*4). James w a s buried near his mother in the Hopewell Presbyterian cemetery, New Be dford, Pennsylvania (*5). This is where most of the early settlers o f Coitsville were interred since it was the nearest church in the earl y 1800's.
The Hopewell Cemetery records indicate that his mother's name was MARG ARET, and James' last name in 1838 was spelled MCFARLIN (*6).
Melissa carried on, raising the family, and remained a widow for forty -seven years.

PFM's SOURCES for James McFarland(McFarlin);
1820 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 240; (his age 16-26, engaged in manufa ctures)
1830 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 249; (his age 30-40)

*1 1809 Depositions On Contested Election; OGS Report 24:3(1984) p 202
*2 History of Trumbull and Mahoning Counties; Williams, 1882 v 2
*3 Henry R Baldwin Records Index; p 833
*4 Trumbull county Probate; James McFarlin Sr. 9-266, 9-313, 9-316, 11 -61, 11-150, and 11-168.
*5 Henry R Baldwin Records; LDS microfiche 6051349-1 p 1
*6 Hopewell Cemetery Records, New Bedford, Lawrence co, PA; "IN Memor y of JAMES MCFARLIN who departed this life 11 june 1838 aged 43 years " (verbatum from headstone)
McFarland, James (I16284)

JANE (Dug/Dugan?) MCFARLAND/MCFARLIN (ca1790 to 1874)
(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - Apr 2012, revised June, 2019)

Jane (Dug/Dugan?) McFarland, born Pennsylvania, is only found named i
n her marraige record of 1813. The County clerk's handwriting show s a 'D' first letter and then either a 'u' (or two 'ee's), followed b y the last letter 'g' (not 'y'). This makes her name Deeg, or Deig, o r Dug. A possible last name for Jane ma
y have been Day, but I found n o Day families in any nearby PA or OH censuses for 1800, 1810, of 1820 . Also, in March of 1813 the same clerk entered a marraige for a Joh n Day and the name 'Day' is clearly different than 'Dug'.
Regarding another possible maiden name for Jane, I carefully looked a t various data about Jane and Andrew's 1820 neighbor Joseph Beggs (Bag gs?) family. This might be a possible last name for Jane, if the marra ige record contained a scrivener' s error. However, I continue to choos e her family name of Dug, which may also be a scrivener's error for Du gan. There is an 1816 Trumbull co Tax Record listing both Thomas and J oseph Dugan of Hartford, Ohio, three towns to the north. In the 182 0 H artford, Ohio census, a Martha Dugan and family is listed living nex t to a Thomas McFarland family and near to a John McFarland family.
Jane is likely enumerated in two Coitsville, Ohio censuses with her hu sband, Andrew;
In the 1820 Coitsville, Ohio census, just after they were married, he r age is reported at 26-45, = b1775-1794.
In the1840 Coitsville, Ohio census she appears to be born 1780-1790 (h er age = 50-60). In 1850 Plymouth, Indiana census she's reported to b e age 55 (= b1795) although this could be a scrivener's error, havin g meant 1785, not '95.
In the 1860 Indiana census she is shown living with her Justice of th e Peace son Henry McFarlin and her two unmarried daughters; Mary A an d Elvira McFarlin. In the 1870 census for Plymouth, IN she reports he r age 87, making her birth date 1793.
However, I chose her date of birth of 1790 due to her headstone inscri ption. This is also based on her likely age of about 23 when married t o Andrew in 1813. Also the 1820 and 1840 census data seem to fit thi s approximate age.
A death record for a Jane McFarlane was located in Mecosta county, Mic higan. On September 18 1874, widow housekeeper Jane McFarlane died o f 'bloody flux' in Big Rapids township, Mecosta co, Michigan. This wom an's age is listed as 87 (=b ca 1787 ), born in Pennsylvania, unknown p arents or residence. This is quite likely Jane, widow of Andrew, bor n ca 1788 in Pennsylvania. Unknown why she was in Michigan. She was bu ried in the Van Gilder Cemetery of Mecosta co, Michigan and her headst o ne is inscribed as Jane McFarlin wife of Andrew McFarlin, died 18 Sep t 1874. Her daughter Elvira (McFarlin) McDuffie was also buried in Va n Gilder Cemetery (in 1891).

PFM's SOURCES for Jane (Dug/Day?) McFarland
1790 census; no Dug/Day families nearby in PA (no OH census exists)
1800 census; no Dug/Day families nearby in PA (no OH census exists)
1810 census; no Dug/Day families nearby in PA (no OH census exists)
1813 - Ohio County Marraiges, p 67; "Andrew McFarlane, 10th Septembe r 1813 I joined Andrew McFarlane to Jane Dug (=Day, Dugan?) - J Kirtla nd Justice of the Peace - Received Decbr 28 1813 & Recorded by Georg e Parsons Clerk"
1820 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 240 female with Andrew McFarland (he r age, 26-45), = b1775-1794
1830 census; Coitsville, Ohio record for Andrew not found
1840 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 188 with Andrew McFarland (her age, 50 -60), = b 1780-1790
1850 census; My Division (=Plymouth), Marshall co, Indiana p 941 (Andr ew's age 66 b Ireland, farmer), with; Jane McF a 55 (sic=65?) b Penn , Henry McF a 28 b Ohio, Mary Ann McF a 22 b Ohio, Elenor McF a 20 b O hio, John McF a 31 b Ohio, Helen Mc F a 31 b NY, John McF jr a 1 b In.
1860 census; Plymouth, Marshall co, Indiana p 12; Jane (Mc)Farlin wit h her son H (Henry) Her age is illegible.
1870 census; Center, Marshall co, Indiana P.O. Plymouth, p37, Jane McF arland a 87 (= b1783) in Pennsylvania, living in her own house.
1874 Michigan Death Records - 1867-1950, page 218 #9, Mecosta co, Mich igan 
Dugan, Jane Dug or (I31365)

John D MCFARLAND (1839 - 1895)
Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - May, 2012, revised Oct, 2018)

1850 census; Poland, Mahoning co, Ohio p 404; Andrew McFarlane farme
r a 38 b Ohio, Ann McF a 39 b PA, Margaret J McF a 15 b O, Nancy A Mc F a 12 b O, Alexander McF a 11 b O, Rebecca McF a 9 b O, Hannah L Mc F a 4 b O, John D McF a 4 b O, Emeline E McF a 1 b O.
1860 census; Irwin, Franklin, Venango co, Pennsylvania p 300; Andrew M cFarland farmer a 51 b O, Ann McF a 45 b PA, Nancy McF a 22 b O, Hanna h McF a 14 b O, John McF a 14 b O, Emmaline McF a 12 b O, Sarah Mc F a 8 b O, Mary MCf a 5 b O.
1870 census; Shenango, Mercer co, PA p 83b; A McFarland farmer a 5 9 b Penna (sic), Ann McF a 55 b P, Symantha McF a 22 b P, J D McFarlan d a 22 b P, Sarah Mcf a 19 b P, Mary McF a 16 b P, Lecilia McF a 9 b P .

No further information found for John D McFarland/McFarlin. 
McFarland, John D (I117)

John McFarland is listed in 1784 in Caswell Co. with 272 acres on Cobb, Daniel McFarland with 389 acres on Hico and Margaret McFarland (his widowed mother) with 794 acres on Castle Creek.
John and Daniel are in the St. Lawrence District, James (with no land) and Margaret ae in the Nash District.

John McFarlin is listed as a Commissioner in 1788 with the establishment of Leasburg.

1790 census in Caswell Co. is John Farland, Daniel Farland, and Margaret Farland.

John McFarland is witness to the will of James Lea in 1803. 
McFarland, John (I18829)

(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - June 2019)

John McFarland, b ca 1819, was the third son of Andrew and Jane McFarl
and born between 1810 and 1820 (as shown in the 1820 Coitsville, Ohi o census. The other two were Andrew, born 1814 and James born about 18 16.
By the 1850 census for "My Division" (= Plymouth), Marshall co, Indian a, John is found living with his parents and their family, He had rece ntly married Helen Taylor and they had a one-year old son named John M cFarlin Jr. John was by this tim
e identified as a blacksmith. He and H elen were age 31 in 1850.
John became ill by February of 1851. There were various Dr visits an d medications in 1851 and up through Nov 5th of 1852. It seems John Mc Farlin died on Nov 5th since on Nov 6th a local store sold the famil y 9 yds of 'shrouding', a pair of whit e gloves, a pair of socks an d a spool of cotton. These were the last items purchased by the famil y at J Brownlee Co. By the 21st of Dec, 1852, the "widow" Helen McFarl in had done some other business with Brownlee Co.
A fascinating inventory of John McFarlin's personal property was take n Mar 5 1853, with many Blacksmith's items and tools listed. On Oct 18 , 1853 all his heirs were listed as; Helen widow aged 31 years, John a ged 4 years, Harriet aged 2 years , Evaline aged 6 mos. ("The only heir s known").
Various bills, debts and accounts totalling $1,269 were subtracted fro m the $970 value of John's estate, leaving an insolvent estate to be s ettled by the court. John was buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Plymouth.
John's widow Helen McFarlin age 36 b NY, was listed in the 1860 censu s for Plymouth, Marshall co, Indiana as head of household with John a1 1, Harriet a8, and Eva a7. Helen died in Plymouth 22 Oct 1822 and wa s buried in Oak Hill Cemetery in Plym outh. 
McFarlin, John (I16608)

Julius H MCFARLAND (1865 - aft 1930)
(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - May, 2012, revised Oct 2018)

In 1870, Julius H McFarland, age four, is first noted living with hi
s parents Alex and Margaret McFarland and three siblings in Hickory, L awrence co, Pennsylvania. His father is a teamster, which Julius late r also becomes. In 1880 Julius and his younger brother Clarence are li ving with their parents Alex and Ma
rgaret in West Lackawannock, Merce r co, Pennsylvania. His father and two boarders are working in a sawmi ll there.
For the next thirty years, I found no trace of Julius. The thread is a gain picked up in 1910 when a Lewis McFarland is enumerated in the U S census in Poland, Mahoning co, Ohio where his father Alexander had l ived when a young man in 1850. Juliu s has located in Lowellville, a vi llage in Poland township, where he has shortened his name to Lewis (fr om Julius) and is living as a single man of 44 in his small home. Her e he is working as a teamster for a sawmill, something he had grow n u p learning when his father was a teamster in 1870.
I believe this same man re-located in 1920 Big Beaver, Pennsylvania a s J.H. McFarlan age 54 living only with his wife named Alice age 57. H e is working on his own account as a laborer on a farm. In 1930 Lewi s McFarland age 65 and wife Alice ag e 68 are still living in Big Beave r where he is now working as a laborer for the RR company. Here he own s a modest home and they are living alone together.
So, it appears that Julius H. McFarland modified his name to Lewis an d had no children. He and wife Alice seem to have no further records , as to census or cemeteries.

PFM's SOURCES for Julius (aka Lewis) H McFarland
1870 census; Hickory, Lawrence co PA pg23; Alex McFarland teamster ag e 31 b PA, Margaret age 31 b PA, Sarah M. age 8 b PA, Margaret ag e 6 b PA, Julius H age 4 b PA, Clarinda age 1 b PA.
1880 census; West Lackawannock, Mercer co, PA p 2; Alex McFarland ag e 41 (b1839) Ohio 'works in saw mill', Margaret age 41(b1839) Penna, J ulius H. age 14 (b1866), Clarence E. (b1870)
1910 census; Poland, Mahoning co, Ohio, Lewis McFarland age 44, singl e teamster for a sawmill renting his own place.
1910 - 6 July; Julius H McFarland married Alice (nee Diamond) Shaffe r in Mahoning co, Ohio
1920 census; Big Beaver, Beaver co, PA, J.H. McFarland age 54 b PA lab orer on a farm, Alice his wife age 57 b PA
1930 census; Big Beaver, Beaver co, PA, Lewis McFarland age 65 b PA la borer on RR, Alice his wife age 68 b PA 
McFarland, Julius (Louis) Henry (I16425)

June 6 2018 by Peter F McFarlin

William John McFarlin was born 20 Oct 1942 in Moline, Rock co, Illinoi
s to Laura N Mount and John Arthur Mcfarlin.
Wm John's SS # was 360342261. Issued July 1959 with name listed as Wil liam John McFarlin.
I found no record of his marraige or children.
He died 5 May 1999 age 57 and was buried in Moline Memorial Park, Moli ne, Illinois. 
McFarlin, William John (I451)

June 6 2018 by Peter F McFarlin;

Sylvanus Paul McFarland appears to have not married nor had children.
When he registered for W.W. I draft June 5 1917, he was single livin
g in Long Beach, CA and had no left arm. He reported that he was bor n Jan 1 1890 in New Windsor, IL. In 1930 he was single and living wit h his sister Maude (Mrs Lee W Ralston) in L.A.
In April 27 1942, he registered at the Jackson county, Oregon local bo ard, born New Windsor Jan 17 1890 and appeared to be still single. "Le ft arm amputated just above the elbow", 5 ft seven, wt 152, blue eyes , grey hair. He was working for th
e School District #45 in Trail, Oreg on. 
McFarland, Sylvanus Paul (I471)

Lila Mae McFarlin, age 86 of Montello, passed away early Friday, Augus
t 20, 2010 surrounded by her family at Berlin Memorial Hospital.

She was born in Minnesota on April 21, 1924 to John and Belle (Tower ) Henry. In June of 1941 she married Gordon McFarlin and together the y raised a family of 10 children.

Lila enjoyed reading and writing poetry, gardening, doing crossword pu zzles and spending time with her family, especially her many grand an d great-grandchildren. She was a very devoted person, reading scriptur es daily and she enjoyed listenin
g to religious music as well as playi ng music. She will be greatly missed by her family and many friends.

Lila is survived by: two sons: Dennis (Gerri) of Jacksonville, FL an d Gordon Jr. of Montello, five daughters: Kathy (Gary) Morrical of Jan esville, Mary (Joe) Larson of Stevens Point, Paula (Jesse) Knutson o f West Allis, Lona (Randy) Hardell o f Montello, and Lori (Mark) Murph y of Pardeeville. She is also survived by 23 grandchildren and 26 grea t-grandchildren. Lila is further survived by her sister, Ada Hietala o f Bovey, MN.

Lila is preceded in death by her husband, Gordon, parents and 3 sons : Gene, Michael, and James McFarlin as well as grandchildren Jesse an d Sherry McFarlin. She is also preceded in death by three sisters: Lol a, Eva and Olive and one brother.

A funeral service will be held on Monday, August 23, 2010 at noon at t he Crawford Funeral Home with Rev. Jesse Knutson officiating. Visitati on will be held Monday from 10:00 a.m. until the hour of service at th e funeral home. Burial will follo w at New Chester Cemetery, Town of Ne w Chester, Adams County.

Note: obituary prepared by Crawford Funeral Home of Montello 
McFarlin, Gordon (I16406)

Lincoln, Adams co, Wisconsin

Tap-A-Line are "Electrical outlets featured by elongated slots and bus
-bar connectors to receive closely spaced appliance plugs for such us e as in modern kitchens and the like."
They were designed by Robert W. McFarlin and initially manufactured i n Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The firm was re-located to Pompano Beach, Flor ida in the later 1950’s. The design was patented in 1954 (US patent No . 2680233). Images 1, 2 and 5, belo
w, show the original, non earthed m odel. A version for earthed plugs was patented in 1972 (US patent No . 3668601).
Tap-A-Line never received U/L* approval and production finally ended , possibly in the l980s.
* Underwriters Laboratories, a testing facility and developer of safet y standards. 
McFarlin, Robert W (I16326)

Living with father and grandfather at 1881 census
1881 Scotland Census
Name: Mary McFarlane
Age: 17
Estimated birth year: abt 1864
Relationship: Daughter
Father's Name: Thomas McFarlane
Where born: Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire
Registration Number: 495
Registration district: Cumbernauld
Civil Parish: Cumbernauld
County: Dumbartonshire
Address: Allans Land South Road East Side
Occupation: Weaver Unemployed 
McFarlane, Mary (I12273)

Living with father, 1/2 sister and grandfather at 1881 census.
1881 Scotland Census
Name: Jessie Forrester
Age: 10
Estimated birth year: abt 1871
Relationship: Grandaughter (Granddaughter) [of William House Head]
Father's Name: Thomas McFarlane
Where born: Cumbernauld, Dumbartonshire
Registration Number: 495
Registration district: Cumbernauld
Civil Parish: Cumbernauld
County: Dumbartonshire
Address: Allans Land South Road East Side
Occupation: Weaver Unemployed 
Forrester, Jessie (I12280)

Lona McFarlin
Lona L. Hardell, age 54, of Montello passed away peacefully early Wedn
esday morning, April 27, 2011 after a courageous battle with cancer a t the St. Clare Hospice House in Baraboo.

She was born in Ripon, WI on November 1, 1956 to Gordon and Lila (Henr y) McFarlin. Lona graduated from Montello High School in 1975 and marr ied Randy Hardell at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Montello on Octobe r 7, 1978.

Lona was a hard working and caring person. She was an avid gardener an d enjoyed traveling whenever possible. Lona loved spending time with h er family and friends and will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

Lona is survived by her husband, Randy, two children: Seth Hardell an d Kiley (Douglas) Lloyd, both of Montello and six siblings: Lori (Mark ) Murphy of Pardeeville, Kathy (Gary) Morrical of Janesville, Gordon J r. of Montello, Paula (Jesse) Knuts
on of Milwaukee, Mary (Joe) Larso n of Stevens Point and Dennis (Gerri) of Jacksonville, FL. She is furt her survived by her sister-in-law, Julie Riley of Anchorage, AK and ma ny nieces, nephews and dear friends.

Lona is preceded in death by her parents and three siblings: Mike, Ji m and Gene McFarlin.

A funeral service will be held on Saturday, April 30, 2011 at 2:30 p.m . at the Crawford Funeral Home. Visitation will be held on Friday fro m 4:00 until 7:00p.m. at the funeral home and again on Saturday from 1 :30 p.m. until the hour service. Pa stor Pete Zietlow will officiate an d burial will follow at Black Creek Cemetery, St. Marie Township, Gree n Lake County. In lieu of flowers, memorials are preferred to the orga nization of your choice.

Note: obituary prepared by Crawford Funeral Home 
McFarlin, Lona (I16413)

Jacobs, John Anderson (I16452)

(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - Dec 15, 2017)

MARGERY McFarland was born in Coitsville, Ohio to Jane (Dug) and pione
er Andrew McFarland who immigrated to America in 1796 from Ireland. Ma rgery seems to have been the oldest and was likely named after her wid ow grandmother Margery (Anderson) McFarland who brought her six childr en into Coitsville about 1802/3.
Margery married Hartley Hard of Beaver co, PA in Trumbull co Feb 1834 . They had son Francis, and daughters Felicia and Calantha by 1841. Th ey moved to Plymouth in Marshall co Indiana where their son Lloyd wa s born. Husband Harlow died and Marge
ry remarried Jacob Hupp in 1851.
Margery McFarlin Hard died in 1861 and was buried in Oak Hill cemeter y in Plymouth, Indiana. 
McFarlin, Margery (I16599)

Members of Christian's McLeod family moved to Canada as well and are neighbors to the McFarlane family in the 1891 census. 
Macleod, Catherine (or Christina) (I16708)

Moscato, Kathleen "Mickey", of Pompano Beach, Florida passed away on W
ednesday, April 16, 2008. Kathleen was a daughter of Robert and Elizab eth McFarlin. She was the former owner of Tap-A-Line Manufacturing Co . She is survived by a son Raymond M-(Chandra) Doucette and 2 grandchi ldren Heather and Raymond, III. Fam
ily and friends may call from 12:0 0 noon to 1:00 PM, M-Monday, April 21, 2008 at the Kraeer Funeral Home , 200 N. Federal Highway, Pompano Beach, Florida 33062, where Funera l M-Services will be held at 1:00 PM. 
McFarlin, Kathleen A (I16272)

Name Christina Macfarlane
Baptism Date 01 Sep 1889
Baptism Place St David's Ramshorn church, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Macfarlane
Mother's Name Eliz Wallace
"Scotland Church Records and Kirk Session Records, 1658-1919," database, FamilySearch ( 
MacFarlane, Christina (I13404)

Name Malcolm Mc Farlane
Baptism Date 10 Jul 1887
Baptism Place St David's Ramshorn church, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Mc Farlane
Mother's Name Eliz Wallace
"Scotland Church Records and Kirk Session Records, 1658-1919," database, FamilySearch ( 
McFarlane, Malcolm (I19239)

Name Peter Wallace Mcfarlane
Baptism Date 02 Mar 1884
Baptism Place St David's Ramshorn church, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Mcfarlane
Mother's Name Eliz Wallace
"Scotland Church Records and Kirk Session Records, 1658-1919," database, FamilySearch ( 
Mcfarlane, Peter Wallace (I13398)

Name Andrew Mc Farlane
Sex Male
Birth Date 13 Sep 1859
Birthplace Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Mc Farlane
Mother's Name Christina Mc Laren or Smith
"Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950", database, FamilySearch ( 
McFarlane, Andrew (I13471)

name Angus Macfarlane
gender Male
baptism/christening date 03 Oct 1819
baptism/christening place BARVAS,ROSS AND CROMARTY,SCOTLAND
father's name John Macfarlane
mother's name Ann Maciver
indexing project (batch) number C11086-2
system origin Scotland-ODM
source film number 990662 
MacFarlane, Angus (I11261)

Name Elizabeth Wallace
Sex Female
Baptism Date 14 Dec 1896
Baptism Place Govan-Dean Park, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Macfarlane
Mother's Name Elizabeth Wallace
"Scotland Church Records and Kirk Session Records, 1658-1919," database, FamilySearch ( 
MacFarlane, Elizabeth Wallace (I19164)

Name Jessie
Sex Female
Baptism Date 05 Jun 1901
Baptism Place Govan-Dean Park, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Macfarlane
Mother's Name Elizabeth Wallace
"Scotland Church Records and Kirk Session Records, 1658-1919," database, FamilySearch ( 
MacFarlane, Jessie (I13413)

Name Margaret Wallace
Sex Female
Baptism Date 04 Feb 1894
Baptism Place Govan-Dean Park, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Macfarlane
Mother's Name Elizabeth Wallace
"Scotland Church Records and Kirk Session Records, 1658-1919," database, FamilySearch ( 
MacFarlane, Margaret Wallace (I13409)

Name shown at bottom of family gravestone but no dates. 
Mcfarlane, Margaret (I11518)

Name Walter
Sex Male
Baptism Date 06 Oct 1895
Baptism Place Govan-Dean Park, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Macfarlane
Mother's Name Elizabeth Wallace
"Scotland Church Records and Kirk Session Records, 1658-1919," database, FamilySearch ( 
MacFarlane, Walter (I19152)

Name Walter Mc Farlane
Sex Male
Birth Date 23 Oct 1857
Birthplace Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Mc Farlane
Mother's Name Christina Mc Laren
"Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950", database, FamilySearch ( 
McFarlane, Walter (I19250)

Name William Mc Farlane
Sex Male
Birth Date 21 Sep 1861
Birthplace Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland
Father's Name Peter Mc Farlane
Mother's Name Christina Mc Laren or Smith
"Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950", database, FamilySearch ( 
McFarlane, William (I13479)

No known children. 
McFarlin, Wendell Herschel (I16590)

Notes by PFM - Aug 2018

James was always listed as a 'teamster' in the census reports.
James and Mary McFarland listed no children born in their 1900 Pittsbu
rgh, PA census return. They were married 23 years at that time. (= ma r 1877) His date of birth was given as June 1850 in 1900 and Sarah's w as listed as Aug 1851.
James McFarlin died in Philadelphia Feb 8 1915 "Fract Skull accd rec' d by falling from his team." His father was listed as William McFarli n and his mother as Sarah Johnson. 
McFarlin, James (I16444)

P. 94a from Lola McFarland Hill's 1966 book. Florence McKibben Williams - Married to Orville Reagin, Sept. 2, 1936 at the home of her uncle Dr. Gordon b. McFarland, on Golf Drive, Dallas. She was born March 13, 1914 in Forth Worth Texas to Rev. W.M. and Flornece McFarland Williams. She attended High schools in St. Louis and Indianapolis and colleges at Southern Methodist University and west texas state College at Canyon, Texas. She received her degree from North Texas Teachers College at Denton, texas. She taught school in the public schools in Richardson and Forney. After her marriage to Mr. Reagin in Forney she was connected with the Forney State Bank as an official and at the death of her husband she succeeded him as president of the Bank.

Florence Williams, age 87, passed away on April 11, 2002 at Windsor Care Ctr., Terrell. Prior to moving to the Windsor facility she had been a resident of Forney, Texas, for more than 67 years. Florence Williams was born on March 13, 1914, in Fort Worth, Texas, where her father, the Rev. William McKibben Williams, was a Christian church (Disciples of Christ) minister, official of Texas Christian University, and editor of the Christian Courier. Upon graduation from North Texas State Teachers College in 1934 she moved to Forney to take a job as an elementary school teacher. In 1936 she married Orville W Reagin, an officer of Forney State Bank. In 1941 Mrs. Reagin began working in the bank and upon the death of her husband in 1962 succeeded him as its president. She retired from the bank in 1971 but continued to operate O.W. Reagin insurance agency in Forney for several more years, finally retiring in 1988. She was an avid reader, traveler, and supporter of the cultural arts and historic preservation. Mrs. Reagan served her community in various capacities, including membership on the Kaufman County Historical Commission, the Kaufman County History Publication Committee, the Forney Tax Equalization Board, the Kaufman County Committee on Aging, the Forney Centennial Committee, and the Forney Library Board. In 1989 she was named Citizen of the Year by the Forney Chamber of Commerce, and recently was elected to the Forney schools Hall of Honor. She was a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and was for several years Treasurer of the Forney congregation. Mrs. Reagan is survived by a Niece, Laurie Espensen of San Antonio; two nephews, James W Jernigan of San Diego, California, and Robert Gaines of Austin; and by her dear friend, Mick C Spellman of Forney. Services for Mrs. Reagin will be held at 10:30 AM Saturday, April 13, 2002 at Anderson - Clayton Brothers Chapel with Rev. Jerry D Griffin officiating. Private burial will be held at Hillcrest Cemetery. Family will receive friends from 6 PM to 8 PM Friday, April 12, 2002 at Anderson - Clayton Brothers funeral home. Memorials may be made to Hillcrest Cemetery Association, PO Box 1033; Forney, TX 75126 or to the charity of your choice.
Anderson - Clayton
funeral home
301W. Nash St., Terrell
Williams, Florence McKibben (I30196)

Hugh Taylor 1822– 1889
Helen Parker 1827– 1886 
Taylor, Elizabeth (I18185)

James Noble 1859–
Martha Parker 1862– 
Noble, Margaret Caldwell (I17155)

Robert Rankin
Mary Laird 
Rankin, Mary (I20832)

Parents names come from Nancy's sister, Jane, who died a spinster and whose death record gives Dennis and Betty as her parents names. 
McFarlin, Nancy NaM01 (I19330)

Peter F McFarlin June 7 2018;

Asa F McFarlin, age 4, is found in the 1930 census for Oxford Illinoi
s with his parents and siblings. Could not locate him further in 194 0 census.
In May 1941; Name listed as Asa Frederic McFarlin Rec'd SS # 346189923
He served in the U.S. Navy W.W. II in 1946
In 1951 Rock Island Moline, Illinois city directory lists; Asa F McFar lin (Vivian C) appr barber H T Walton h1410 8th apt 9. Also other McFa rlins; John A (Laura N), Mary F (Mrs), R Ward (Grace), Wendell H (Mar y F)
He died 1 March 2003 and was buried in Shaul Cemetery in Ottumwa, Iowa .
Listed in Veteran's Gravesites as "Asa F McFarlin Sr. U. S. Navy WW I I died Mar 1 2003, buried Shaul Cemetery Bluegrass Rd, Ottumwa, IA 525 01" 
McFarlin, Asa Frederic (I16560)

PFM notes Aug 3 2018

William McFarlane age 23 was a canal boatman in 1860 while living wit
h his parents and siblings in Poland, Ohio.

Could not find more info in this William although he may have been th e W W McFarlin who was the informant on Alexander J McFarlin's death c ert in 1906. Possibly his brother?? 
McFarlan, William (I4)

Pvt, Co E, 44 Wisconsin Infantry, Civil War 
McFarlin, William (I14126)

Robert, born 1829 in Cumbernauld. He was the son of Thomas McFarlane and Christian Grinlay. They married 1825, also in Cumbernauld.
I have now found that Robert McFarlane's grandparents were Thomas McFarlane and Elisabeth Baird. They were of Condorrat (now part of Cumbernauld). When I was doing research into this branch of my family (my paternal grandmother's), I found a Thoma
s McFarlane of Condorrat sentenced to transportation during the Radical War ... however, not confirmed it the same person but would be interesting to see if it is.
[,301739.0.html ] 
MacFarlane, Robert (I18169)

So is this the Sally McFarland of the 1830 Orange Co. census, North District, living all by herself, aged 60 to 69? p. 330. If so, then she would have been born bet. 1760 and 1770.

If Henry died, and she stayed living on the land he inherited from Henry Horton, she would be in the census records in Orange Co. Where is she in 1820?

Other researchers said she died before Henry did.
3 Sarah Sallie Mattison/Madison b. 1776 or 1780-1785 Granville d. 1815 Granville NC md 6-16-1800 Orange. William Tilley bm.+ Henry McFarland b. 8-12-1770 NC d. 10-4-1820 Granville Co NC md 6-16-1800 Orange Co NC 
Madison, Sarah (I17372)

SOURCE: "Genealogy of the Joseph and William McFarland Branches of the
McFarland Family 1675 to 1910" by Thomas S. McFarland 1910 Cable, Ohio. Copy
at Greene County Room, Greene County Public Library. "Rachel married David
Willock, April 25, 1793. Willock was a school teacher of some note. They moved
to southern Kentucky in what is now Taylor County."

MARRIAGE: Marriage record states that brother William McFarland swears that
sister is over 21. David Willock to Rachel McFarland 20 April 1793. Book

Book on Rockbridge marriage says David Willocks 
McFarland, Rachel (I27687)

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