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 #   Notes   Linked to 
5101 Poorhouse Robb, James (I1434)
5102 Poss. births from Free BMD
William McFarlane b. Mar 1856 Islington
William James McFarlane b.Jun 1856 Shoreditch
William McFarlane b.Sep 1856 Pancras

(Research):No IGI hits for William s/o Andrew b.1856 +/- 2yrs of 1856 in London. 
McFarlan, William (I31415)
5103 possible incorrect spelling in submission source as "BARTHLEMOW"

birth: 10 June 1905
death: 1980
Bernice Kathryn /BARTHOLOMEW/
birth: 28 January 1907
death: May 1985
birth: 6 August 1909
death: 4 September 1909
birth: 27 December 1912
death: 28 December 1912
birth: about 1915
death: 19 February 1917
birth: 24 June 1914
death: 14 December 1997
birth: 24 December 1920
death: 19 January 1921 
Bartholomew, Robert A. (I19181)
5104 Possible son of Daniel McFarlin, born about 1771 in Glasgow. Living in Dutchess Co. NY as early as 1800. In 1830 census he is on same page as Daniel McFarlin Jr. and Levi McFarlan.

Trees say Daniel Sr. is married to Jean Downie 1772-1750.
McFarlin, Levi LeM03 (I21580)
5105 possible sons:
William Shelden/ 56 [SHELDON, (76-5) William, d. May 3, 1869 ag 76Y
4M 40] and his wife
Rebecca Shelden /50 abt 1800 [MARCLEY, (76-5) Rebecca, Wife of William Sheldon, d. Sep. 24, 1868 ag 66Y 11M 7D] with children
Henry M Shelden/27 and
Philip W Shelden /15.
ALSO SHELDON, (76-5) Elizabeth R. Dau of W&R, d. Mar. 30, 1846 ag 8Y 2M 26D and SHELDON, (76-5) Ella, "Gone Home" (Monument has been repaired).
ALSO [?? 1814 4 September baptised William son of Elisha Sheldon and Mary Sheldon B 7 May 1814/p47??] [in A History of St. George's Church in the City of Schenectady, Volume 2 By Willis Tracy Hanson Parish Records of Baptisms]
Norman Sheldon/39 M Carpenter/$400 SHELDON, (89-6) Norman, Jun.12,1809-Oct.12, 1864
Mary Sheldon 34 F
Thom J Sheldon 10M
*John H Sheldon 7 M
Elida A Sheldon 2 F
*SHELDON, (90-6) John H., 1842 -1890, FLT enchained Mary H., His Wife, Oct. 29," 1815 -May 2, 1895
SHELDON, (101-6) Norman B., 1878 -1959 May Foster, His Wife, 1879 -1957
James Sheldon 33M Carpenter
Lana Sheldon 32 F
Delila Sheldon 12 F
Laura Sheldon 10F
Ebenezer Sheldon 7M
Rebeccah Sheldon 3moF
Benjamin Sheldon 21 with William/30/Loisa/31 Winters family/WagonMaker
(The McFarlans of Schenectady and Schoharie by William Bruce MacFarland contained in Norman McFarlan in New York lineage.pdf rec: as e-mail attachment from MHH 20 Oct 2015) 
Sheldon, William (I19472)
5106 possible. Listed as David Bryce. Brice, David (I2346)
5107 Possibly born in Ireland. One history says such. Wylie, William (I2075)
5108 possibly Enniskillen, County Fermanagh (see letter in Notes)

Enniskillen, County Fermanagh is a short distance south of County Donegal. If "sk' is slurred and the final "en" is swallowed, it might sound similar to "Hershel", which is the supposed birthplace. There may not have been much distinction made between the counties, or it may have been advantageous in some way to claim to be from Donegal.

In the Fillmore County history, there is a book, I think a centennial 
book, where a relative left some information on Stewart and Hanley's. 
They said they came from Hershel, Donegal, Ireland but as I mentioned 
there no such place and the Irish don't usually name anything that 
starts in H. It might have been a "sounded like" that was passed down or 
someone wrote the place down from what they thought it was from some 

Stewart, William Henry (I13)
5109 Possibly hers, but not sure. McAnally, Rose RosMcAn01 (I1703)
5110 Possibly him. Weir, John (I2385)
5111 Possibly this birth from NZBMD
1920/7547 McFarlane NR Catherine Jane Joseph Stillborn 
McFarlane, Younger Twin (I10568)
5112 Possibly this birth from NZBMD
1920/7547 McFarlane NR Catherine Jane Joseph Stillborn 
McFarlane, Elder Twin (I10564)
5113 pp.237-246 Source (S1998)
5114 Pre-med, Music McGaw, Dr. David Edgar MD (I1104)
5115 Present in 1790 census, image 8, for Hopewell, Newton, Tyborn, and Westpensboro townships in Cumberland Co. PA Graham, Margaret (I20132)
5116 Present in 1910 census in Crawford Co. Arkansas living next to father Robert. McFarland, James (I6115)
5117 Presumed to have died while on active service with the Army during WWII. The Battle of Anzio began on January 22, 1944 and concluded with the fall of Rome on June 5, so his death may be as a result of injuries recieved during the battle or death m ay have occured from an event after the campaign. McFarlane, James Baxter "Doc" (I24765)
5118 Previously married to Peter Coles Shuckburgh, Elizabeth (I928)
5119 Principal Probate Registry. <i>Calendar of the Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration made in the Probate Registries of the High Court of Justice in England</i>. London, England © Crown copyright. Source (S774)
5120 Principal Probate Registry. <i>Calendar of the Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration made in the Probate Registries of the High Court of Justice in England</i>. London, England © Crown copyright. Source (S2911)
5121 Priscilla's first husband was born in Ireland. The children listed here are his. He must have died about 1878 when the last child was born. Murphy, Priscilla (I30800)
5122 Probably married in Scotland. Need to look for a record. Family: Dr. Godfrey Spruill, GoSp01 / Johanna Chesson (F484)
5123 Probably, inserted for research purposes Mackenzie, Mary (I1445)
5124 Probate Feb. 6, 1828 Cumberland Co. PA McElhenny, Samuel (I8935)
5125 Proposed Change: Robert McFarlane [MacFarlane] (I6512)
Tree: Unlinked
Description: Robert's father was John Mcfarlane, b1779 in Scotland,
Robert was my gg granfather
His youngest son was Edmund, my g grandfather,
Edmunds yougest son was Lyle K McFarlane Born in 1902
Loy K McFarlane was Lyle's daughter and only child and my Mother
Aaron Gabrielse
[ E-mail rec: 8 Sept. 2009 ]

Today I received a call from Aaron Gabrielse who I looked up after reading his posts. Aaron is Lyle K McFarlanes grandson and his mother Lol is still alive. They called me today and Lol is 80 and she remembered Todds father Rober as a young boy and her uncle Dr. Lloyd Mcfarlane and grandfather Edmund . It was an amazing conversation.
They are going to send me a photo of Edmund and his harness shop.
[E-mail from Debbie McFarlane <«u» «/u»> rec: 2 Dec 2012] 
Gabrielse, Aaron (I10920)
5126 Provincial Archives Of New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Canada. Source (S1008)
5127 Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Canada. Source (S933)
5128 Provincial Archives Of New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Canada. Source (S932)
5129 Provincial Archives of New Brunswick:
Registration of the City of St. John and County
Mary Janet Rose, born May 28, 1913
born to William McFarlane and Rose Grant
Residence: Adelaide Road
Father's Occupation: Teamster" 
McFarlane, Mary Janet Rose (I23771)
5130 Pulaski County Clerk, Little Rock, Arkansas; Marriage Records. Source (S900)
5131 Purdy's name spelling is all over the place. His first name is sometimes Purthe, however, on most documents it appears as Purdy. His surname is spelled Mackfarlin in some places Magvarlo in others and in Suffolk Co. records as Mackvarlow, but by 1721 in two deed documents in Plymouth Co. it is spelled MacFarland.  Macfarland Mackfarlin, Purdy Purthe PuM01 (I25481)
5132 Putting all the census records together, it seems obvious this is the correct information. I don't believe Ann Wilson was formerly Hannah MacFarlane born 1854. Wilson, Ann (I32381)
5133 QUESTINABLE LINK: It is assumed that Blassingame was son of Alexander.
RESIDENCE: About 1799 Clinton Co, Kentucky with Alexander and Lydia, John and
Daniel, and also a James McFarland (who was this James McFarland?).
TAXLIST: 1829 ARKANSAS, Independence County. B. McFarland P 014.
RESIDENCE: Lived in Independence and Conway Counties in Arkansas.
CHILDREN: Had son Alexander G. McFarland who married Sara Jane Peel. 
McFarland, Blassingham Harvey (I31317)
5134 QUESTIONABLE LINK: Child (unkonwn sex) baptized sep 1779), not sure if this is same as son John.

MARRIAGE: May have married Catherine P. ___________ 
McFarland, John (I8759)
5135 QUESTIONABLE LINK: James is most likely the son of John. He must have died
during the winter before his father died. Thus, he would not have been
mentioned in his fathers will. Circumstances suggesting otherwise: John
mentioned one of his grandsons, but why would he not mention his "deceased"
sons children?

MARRIAGE: 1792 PENNSYLVANIA, Fayette County (?). James McFarland to Martha
"Presbyterian Circuit Rider Marrriages 1790-1810: Washington and Fayette
County, PA" NOTE: These marriages appear to have been by Presbyterian Circuit
riders serving congregations in Washington and Fayette Counties, PA.

RESIDENCE: Lived in Wheeling, WV. Moved to Champaign County, Ohio about 1805
(migration in records of Dotty Kinnun.

PROBATE: "Early West Virginia Wills" Compiled by K.T.H. McFarland 1993, found
at the Seattle Genealogical Society. Ohio County. James McFarland, wife
Martha. Children John and Moses. Exec. Walter Denny and John Boggs Jr.
Witnesses Samuel Steel, Elizabeth Denny Dated Nov 21, 1796.

RESEARCHER-EMAIL: 2000 Dotty (Rowe) Kinnun &, descent
from son John.

County Record of Wills Book 1, Page 37 County Clerk, Ohio County West Virginia.
[This record is a typewritten copy of the actual will itself, and includes some
spelling corrections]
In the name of God Amen I James McFarland of the County of Ohio and State of
Virginia Yeoman being at present in an infirm state of health but of sound and
disposing mind and mercy do this Twenty first day of November in the year of
our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety six make and ordain this my last
will Testament in the manner following that is to say------Imprimis I desire
that my Body may be decently Interred after my Decease confiding in the merits
of my blessed redeemer for and admission into the regions of Eternal happiness
Then I will that all such debts that I justly owe at the time of Decease and my
funeral Charges and Expenses be paid in the first place by my Executors
hereafter mentioned and as to the rest of my estate both real and personal I
dispose thereof as follows
----- Item, I give and devise and bequeath to my well beloved wife Martha
McFarland to my Beloved Children John and Moses McFarland all my land lying in
the County aforesaid to and for their own proper use and benefit until the Said
Children Shall arrive to the age of twenty one years and then I desire the land
to be Sold and Divided Equally in three Shares between my Said dear wife and
children then I give and bequeath to my said dear wife Martha and my said
Children (Viz) John and Moses the benefits of my personal Estate in manner as
following that is to say I desire that my Executors after my decease to get my
personal Estate appraised And then put to a public Sale, and the money arising
there from to be for ye, use of raising the Children ------ That I desire that
my Said Dear children be put to trades of their own choosing-----Then it is my
will that the Legacies hereby give and devised to my Said dear wife Shall be
Deemed and taken in full of her dower and thirds of all my real and personal
Estate whatsoever
---and lastly I do hereby Constitute and ordain and appoint my trusty friends
and Kinsman Walter Denny and John Boggs Jur. Both of the county of Ohio and
State of Virginia aforesaid and the Survivors of them Executors of this my last
Will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former or other wills by
me at any other time herefore made and declaring this only to be my last Will
and Testament----------------
.........In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this dated the
day and year first within mentioned. Signed Sealed published pronounced and
declared by the Said aforesaid James McFarland as and for his last will and
Testament in the presence of us ----- Saml. Steel, Elizabeth [X her mark]
Denny. James McFarland [Seal] 
McFarland, James (I29341)
5136 QUESTIONABLE LINK: Listing John, the son of James, as the same John who
married 1798 to Betsy McMullin, is hypothetical for now, based on absence of
any other John McFarlands known in the area at the time.

MARRIAGE: 1798 PENNSYLVANIA, Franklin County, Chambersburg. John McFarland to
Betsy McMullin, Jan 24, 1798. SOURCE: Marriages by Rev David Denny of Path
Valley and Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (Franklin County), from "Pennsylvania
Vital Records" Vol 2 1983 (R929.3748 Penn at Bellingham Library).

CENSUS: 1800 PENNSYLVANIA, Franklin County, Hamilton Township. John McFarland
00110-00200 Page 276(849).

SOURCE: Children listed on FHC IGI. Says lived 1800 Mifflin County, PA. 
McFarland, John (I27846)
5137 QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not mentioned in the will of John McFarland, according to
some records.

MARRIAGE: 1810 WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO County. Joseph McFarland and Eloner Lisk,
Oct 9, 1810.

Robert McFarling 200001-41010
Joseph McFarling 100010-40010 close to Robert
Samuel McFarling 000210-00100
Ezekial McFarling 220001-20110 adjacent to Samuel
Robert Corbit

CENSUS: 1830 OHIO, Coshocton County, Oxford Township
Robert McFarlin 2M 10-15, 1M 50-60, 1F 0-5, 2F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 2F 15-20, 1F
20-30, 1F 40-50
Ellen McFarlen 1M 5-10, 1M 15-20, 2F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 1F 15-20, 1F 40-50
(Ellen living a few houses away from Robert, two doors from Robert Corbett)
George McFarlin 1M 10-15, 1M 20-30, 1F 15-20
Robert McFarlin 1M 20-30, 1F 20-30. Very Close to George McFarlin.

CENSUS: 1840 OHIO, Coshocton County, Oxford Township, Evansburgh
Ellenor McFarlin 1F 15-20, 1F 20-30, 1F 50-60. 
McFarland, Joseph (I23356)
5138 QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not sure if he son of Robert or not. May be son of one
other uncle.

DEATH: Death Records of Gallia County. Henry McFarlin died July 2, 1868, age
34 years, 2 months. Died Huntington Twp. Born Gallia County. Occupation
Stone Mason. Parents unknown. Died of Typhoid Fever. Reported by R.D.
Jacobs. Resided in Huntington Twp.

MARRIAGE: Records of Gallia County, Ohio. Henry McFarland to Sarah A. Holcomb
11 Nov 1858.

CENSUS: 1880 OHIO, Gallia County, Huntington
Samuel R. Holcomb 59 OH, Catharine 60 PA, Ann S. Holcomb 75 OH (mother), Sarah
A. McFarland 48 OH (sister), Wm McFarland 18 OH (nephew), Elizabeth McFarland
12 OH (Niece).

SOURCE: Ancestral File at on internet. Henry M. and Sarah
McFarland had Samuel (b. Aug 1859),William (b. 1862) and Elizabeth (b. 1869). 
McFarland, Henry M. (I28893)
5139 QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not sure if Rebecca, dau of Robert Henry, is the same
Rebecka who married William Sherman Frazier. They had son born 20 Feb 1806 in
Wise Co, VA. SOURCE: Gene Pool (family records) at Ancestry.Com, INTERNET
McFarland, Rebecca (I30142)
5140 QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not sure if son of Ezekial or not, but may be.

CENSUS: 1830 OHIO, Coshocton County, Oxford Township
Robert McFarlin 2M 10-15, 1M 50-60, 1F 0-5, 2F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 2F 15-20, 1F
20-30, 1F 40-50
Ellen McFarlen 1M 5-10, 1M 15-20, 2F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 1F 15-20, 1F 40-50
(Ellen living a few houses away from Robert, two doors from Robert Corbett)
George McFarlin 1M 10-15, 1M 20-30, 1F 15-20
Robert McFarlin 1M 20-30, 1F 20-30. Very Close to George McFarlin. 
McFarland, George (I8828)
5141 QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not sure if son of Ezekial or not, but may be.

CENSUS: 1830 OHIO, Coshocton County, Oxford Township
Robert McFarlin 2M 10-15, 1M 50-60, 1F 0-5, 2F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 2F 15-20, 1F
20-30, 1F 40-50
Ellen McFarlen 1M 5-10, 1M 15-20, 2F 5-10, 1F 10-15, 1F 15-20, 1F 40-50
(Ellen living a few houses away from Robert, two doors from Robert Corbett)
George McFarlin 1M 10-15, 1M 20-30, 1F 15-20
Robert McFarlin 1M 20-30, 1F 20-30. Very Close to George McFarlin. 
McFarland, Robert (I8742)
5142 QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not sure who father was, but links to Augusta County very
early, and Duncan was only one around?
MIGRATION: In 1780 John Irwin entered land on the headwaters of Beech Fork, in
what is now Nelson Co, KY. He was still there in 1825.
...James born about 1768
...Elizabeth b. 1773 d ca 1847 Freelandville, Knox Co, Ind. Md 9 Jan 1804
Nelson Co, KY Jonathan Keith, b 15 Jun 1775 Washington Co, PA d. 1830
Vicksburg, MS. Lived 1804-1820 Hardin Co, KY
...Benjamin b. 1773 PA d. 1839 Hardin Co, Ky md 30 Mar 1796 Bardstown, Nelson
Co, KY Catherine Lasley, b. ca 1773 Bush Hill, PA.
...Isaac b 24 Jun 1774 VA d. Nov 1858 Putnam Co, Indiana. md Nelson County,
Ellen King. Moved 1824 to Putnam Co, Indiana.
...???? George b. ca 1790 md 11 Sep 1814 NElson Co, KY Priscilla Harned.
...???? Mrs. SAlly Irwin md 7 Oct 1816 Nelson Co, KY to David Tate.
Isaac Irwin, the father of our subject, was born in Virginia, and when a young
man accompanied his father when he removed to Nelson County, Ky. There he met
and married Miss Ellen King. There were born to them eleven children, nine of
whom lived to attain years of discretion. Subsequently he removed to Hardin
County, where he lived until he was fifty years old, then went to Putnam
County, Ind. There he lived until his death, which occurred when he was
eighty-four years of age. This event occurred just before our subject came to
this State. Mr. Irwin followed agricultural pursuits nearly all his life. He
was frequently called upon to fill various offices, and is one of the prominent
citizens of his district. The grandfather of our subject, John Irwin, was the
first member of this family to leave the old English home for the New World. He
settled first in Virginia, afterward removing as above noted to Kentucky, where
he died in Nelson County about the year 1818.
From: "Portrait and Biographical Album of Johnson and Pawnee Counties,
Nebraska" 1889 Biography of Isaac Irwin. 
McFarland, Margaret (McFarlane) (I29946)
5143 QUESTIONABLE LINK: Surely a dtr of Joseph, but we do not have PROOF. A Ganrud
record CONC says Sarah was the dtr of Joseph McFarlane, but no RECORD.
DEATH: Date may be Dec 1881 
McFarlane, Sarah Ann (I30162)
5144 Quite likely that Bridge of Link residence from census form is transcription error for Brig O'Turk, Callander parish.

(Research):1 - No IGI OPR extractions for a Christian Macfarlan born c 1823 or even close (1812 is closest). The closest OPR extraction for date and area is 01 Sep 1824 Port of Menteith.

Name Christian Mcfarlan
Gender Female
Birth Date 01 Sep 1824
Father's Name Robert Mcfarlan
Mother's Name Christian Mcquean
Indexing Project (Batch) Number C11388-5
System Origin Scotland-ODM
GS Film number 1040201 
Macfarlan, Christian (I16242)
5145 R929.373 at Bellingham Public Library Source (S1769)
5146 Rachel Bailey 86 in Wake Co. census in 1870 living with Penelope (Penny) age 43 and Rowan age 12. May, Rachel McFarland (I27962)
5147 Radford McFarland is in the 1850 census in Dyer Co. TN, fam. 287. Fam. 304 is T.D. Lacy with M. McFarland, 63 from North Carolina, who is presumed to be Larkin's widow. McFarland, Radford (I17398)
5148 Ralph married Maggie Beulah Sharber McFarland, William Ralph (I23620)
5149 Ransalier had an earlier marriage before marrying Ruth HINSON TATE with offspring living in Colorado in the 1940s. One daughter Helen was married to SCHULTZ , a state
legislator. Also an Ellen Mae (or Mary) MACFARLAND.
Another son William Wallace MACFARLAND served in WWII and died in a veteran's hospital with no issue.

MacFarland, Ransalier Franklin (I19527)
5150 Ransalier McFarland fought in the Civil War for the Union in the 29 Pennsylvania Militia. Inf. (Emergency, 1863). He entered the war with the rank of Musician., and left with the rank of Musician.

MacFarland, Dr. Ransalier I. (I19568)

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