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 #   Notes   Linked to 
5951 SAMANTHA MCCLELLAND (1820 to 1896)
(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - Oct, 2018)

Samantha McClelland was married to William McFarland, 5 Dec 1850, b y A O Rockwell (*1). She was the daughter of William and Hannah McClel land, both born in Pennsylvania, who came to Poland, Ohio, the next to wn south of Coitsville, in the 1820's . Samantha is indicated in the 18 30 Poland census as their first daughter.
By 1840, Samantha, with her parents, had moved north into Coitsville , quite near various McFarland families, including her future husband , William McFarland. Samantha and her parents are still found there i n 1850, living in the same neighborhoo d with the McFarlands, McBrides , Harris', Kimmels and Kirks, all future relatives of hers (by marryin g a McFarland, and then a Reed). After their wedding in late 1850, th e couple may have stayed in Coitsville with William's parents, Willia m an d Betsy, or with her family. Land records here would be the most h elp to see if they had been granted any land to start with on their ow n.
They had two sons; Virgil and William Mason McFarland, and then appare ntly, her husband William died. The widow Samantha is found (with he r children) at her McClelland parents Coitsville home in 1860.
March 4th 1863, at age thirty-five, she married John H Reed, (widowe r of Jane Kimmel, *2 p 175). John was also from the same 'neighborhood ' in Coitsville. He was twelve years older than she, and had four chil dren of his own. Samantha and Joh n had two more daughters; Althea an d Pluma. This new family is presented in the 1870 census, still livin g in the same general area of Coitsville. In their household is Samant ha's youngest McFarland son, Mason, age seventeen, helping out as a f a rm laborer on his stepfather's farm. In 1880, Mason is with the Willia m Reed family in Coitsville.
Samantha (McClellend) McFarland Reed is listed in the 1880 Coitsvill e census with her farming husband John Reed and their two daughters. S amantha Reed died 12 March 1896 and was buried in the Oak Hill Cemetey , Youngstown, Ohio.

(Research):PFM's SOURCES for Samantha (McClelland) McFarland
1830 census; Poland, Ohio p 242; with her father William McClelland (S amantha's age, under 5)
1840 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 188; with her father William McClellan d (Samantha's age 5-15)
1850 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 579; with her father William McClellan d (Samantha's age 23, born in Ohio)
1860 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 16; with her father William McClellan d (Samantha's age 32, born in Ohio)
1870 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 95; with John Reed (Samantha's age 42 , keeping house, born in Ohio, both par born in PA)
1880 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 89; with John Reed (Samantha's age 52 , keeping house, born in Ohio, both par born in PA)
1880 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 90; (Samantha's son Mason's age, 26, b orn in Ohio, farm laborer)
1890 census; not extant

*1 Marraiges of Mahoning county, Ohio 1846-1851 p 177
*2 History of Mahoning and Trumbull Counties, Williams, 1882 v 2 
McClelland, Samantha (I14049)
(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - May 2012, updated Oct 2018)

Williams states that most of Alexander's seven sons and two daughter s "settled in this vicinity" (*1 p 168). This Samuel's name and approx imate birthdate were taken from his father Alexander's estate settleme nt.
In March, 1833, the inventory of his father's estate states, "... Ale x, late of Poland..." and, later that, "...Goods set off to widow an d children". Sale held 16 Apr 1833... Alex of Coitsville, some of th e buyers were: Andrew, Margaret, Willi am, and Alexander McFarlane... p artial settlement, mentions cash paid to Alex. McF, Jr and Andrew Mc F "(*2).
Further, that; "... William McClelland appt guardian to James McF an d Samuel McF until 21 years; to Robert McF til 14 yrs; to Peggy McF ti l 12... all minor children and heirs of Alexr. McFarlane late of Coits ville. James and Samuel made their o wn choice...".
In the Trumbull co Marraige index is found; "Samuel McFarland to Maria h Kirk, on 12 May 1842, at Coitsville by Wm Nisbbitt."
1850 is the first census listing Samuel, where he is living in Shenang o, Mercer co, PA with his wife Mary and sons Ralph K and Mead. Samuel' s occupation is a blacksmith.
The 1860 census of Shenango, Mercer co, PA lists Samuel and Mary McFar land with three children; Samuel, Caleb, and Alice. No Ralph or Mead a re present - they died young. Also living with them is Elizabeth Kirkp atrick age 75 born in Pennsylvania . She is Elizabeth (Baldwin) Kirkpat rick, Samuel's mother.
In 1870 Samuel McFarland is living next to his brother Andrew in Shena ngo, Mercer co, Pennsylvania, with only his Caleb, age sixteen. His wi fe Mary (Kirkpatrick) was not located in the 1870 census.
The 1880 Shenango, PA census shows Samuel, as a widower, living only w ith a housekeeper and some boarders. He gives the information that hi s father (Alexander b 1770's) was born in Ireland and mother [Elizabet h (Baldwin) Kirkpatrick] was born i n Pennsylvania. However, in anothe r 1880 census from Canfield, Ohio, his wife Mary is found living wit h their son Caleb. She is listed as being married. A bit of a myster y here as to why Samuel and Mary are living apart.
Samuel McFarlin's (sic) headstone (1818-1895) is found in the Haywoo d Cemetery, West Middlesex, Mercer co, PA along with his wife Mary's ( 10 June 1822 - 28 Jan 1909) and their two infant sons markers; R Mead e McFarlin (1848-1850) and Ralph K Mc Farlin (1848-1850).

PFM's SOURCES for Samuel McFarland
1820 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 238; with his father Alexander McFarla nd (Samuel's age <10)
1830 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 249; with his father Alexander McFarla nd?
1840 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 188b; (widow) Margaret McFarlane age 5 0-60, male age 20-30 the farmer (son James or Samuel?), boy age 10-1 5 (Robert?), two girls age 10-15 (one is Peggy?)
1850 census; Shenango, Mercer co; Pennnsylvania p 231b; Samuel McFarla nd blacksmith a 31 b Ohio, Mary McF a 28 b O, Ralph K McF a 3 b O, Mea d McF a 1 b O.
1860 census; Shenango, Mercer co, Pennsylvania p 734; Saml McFarland f armer a 54 (sic=41) b Ohio, Mary McF a 37 b O, Samuel McF a 10 b Penna , Caleb McF a 5 b Penna, Alice McF a 1 b Ohio, Elizabeth Kirkpatric k a 75 b Penna.
1870 census; Shenango, Mercer co, Pennsylvania p 83b; Sam'l McFarlan d farmer a 51 b Ohio, Caleb McF a 16 b Penna.
1880 census; Shenango, Mercer co, PA Samuel McFarland a 61 b Ohio fath er b in Ireland, takes on boarders.

*1 History of Mahoning and Trumbull Counties, Williams, 1882 v 2
*2 Trumbull county, Ohio Probate; 1833; 6-508, 6-531, 7-52, 7-53, 7-29 5, 8-538 (Extracted by Carol Willsey Bell, 1972) 
McFarland, Samuel (I14000)
5953 SAMUEL McFARLAND (deceased) was the son of Samuel McFarland, who was born in Northern Ireland, and was married to Jane Fulton. He (the father) emigrated to America about the year 1793, first living in or about Philadelphia, Penn., then coming to Washington, Penn., and settling in Smith township. On April 6, 1804, he bought 159 acres of land of Thomas Glass, and on September 3, of the same year, purchased 102 acres of Ephraim Chidester. He settled upon the former piece of land, and his family were all born and reared there. The farm remained in the family name until about the year 1890, when the heirs of his son Thomas sold it to Maxiel Work. The children of Samuel McFarland are now all dead except Andrew. The son William settled upon one of his father's farms, near the home place. John settled on another farm, sold it and removed to Ohio. David, a Presbyterian minister was married to Amanda Reed, first located in Peoria, Ill., then at Santa Fe, NM; then at San Diego, Cal., and finally became a missionary to the Indians, and died at Lapwai, Idaho; his widow afterward went into the Alaska mission field, being the first woman there. Joseph went to California during the gold fever of 1849, and died there. Thomas lived on the old home farm until a few years before his death, then removed to the borough of McDonald in the same county, where he died in December, 1886. Andrew spent most of his life in Cross Creek village, Washington county, then removed to Burgettstown, and thence to Missouri, where he is living with his son. Mary never married, but died in the household of her brother Samuel in 1859. Catherine married Thomas Farrar, and died in 1880 at the residence of her daughter in Peoria, Ill. Jane married James Farrar, and afterward died in Ohio.Text taken from page 957 of:
Beers, J. H. and Co., Commemorative Biographical Record of Washington County, Pennsylvania (Chicago: J. H. Beers & Co., 1893).
Transcribed September 1997 by Cathy Cadd of Redmond, WA as part of the Beers Project.

McFarland, Samuel FT63468+2 SaM02 (I26246)
5954 Sandy Morgan's ancestor.
OBJE: _SIZE 32349
OBJE: RIN 883a8e6e-1dbf-4a0c-8e13-f82c096c2b35
OBJE: _META <metadataxml><cemetery /><transcription /></metadataxml>
OBJE: _CREA 2021-07-18 15:28:39.000
OBJE: _USER xWEkQjkdGAEWYZdXU0NkMSqYbIg3mpi05FBqqZWe9mB31tgwmWt0hxmqTwG9lRA+aG3lV0tBS3QJRb8HE8tayA==
_TID 15653425
_PID 294451091
_OID f7e129da-c4c0-407f-aa13-3118065b8c32
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_DATE 2013-05-11 23:27:33.000
McFarland, William BY97795 WiM01 (I17555)
5955 SARAH (MCFARLAND) HOGG (1833 to after 1900)
(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - May, 2012)

1860 census; Coitsville, Mahoning co, Ohio p 15b; Leonard Hogg farme r a 31 b Ohio, Sarah H a 27 b Ohio, Herschell H a 6 b Ohio, Alic e H a 2 b Ohio,
1870 census; Viola PO, Greene, Mercer co, Illinois p197; Leonard Hog g farmer a 39 b PA, Sarah M Hogg a 37 b Ohio, Herschel M Hogg a 16 b O hio, Alice N Hogg a 12 b Ohio, Herbert S Hogg a 3 b Ill
1880 census Greene, Mercer co, Illinois p 285b; Leonard Hogg farme r a 51 b Ohio, wife Sarah H a 47 b O, dau Mary A H a 22 b O, Herber t H a 13 b O
1900 census; precinct 3, San Miguel, Colorado p 223a; Leonard Hogg fa rmer b jan 1829 Ohio m 47 yrs, wife Sarah Hogg b Oct 1832 Ohio 3 o f 3 children alive 
McFarland, Sarah M. (I14101)
5956 SARAH (MOORE) MCFARLAND (1827 to 1901)
(Research by Peter Folsom McFarlin - draft of Jan 17, 2011, revised Oc t 2018)

Sarah Moore was born in Ireland about 1827 and married John McFarlan d about 1850. John was the son of William and Elizabeth (Loveland) McF arland, and in 1850 had been living on the Amos Loveland farm in the s outheast corner of Coitsville, Ohio . John and Sarah married about 1850 .
By 1860, Sarah and John had moved a few miles north, near Thorn Hill , had substantial real estate and three children.
In 1870 she was without John, living to the north, in Brookfield, Ohi o with all three children. Next door are living the Alvah Clark family . Sarah was now a widow.
The 1880 census finds her listed as a widow, age fifty- five, still i n Brookfield, and now with just her son James and a granddaughter, Can dis Clark, age two. The next door neighbors are the same Clark family , likely relatives of Candis'.
In 1900 at seventy-three, she is still living in Brookfield, now wit h her unmarried son James who is head of household. Sarah was born i n Ireland as were her parents. In 1910 her son James is living alone on his own farm. Sarah has passed in 190 1.

(Research):PFM's SOURCES for Sarah Moore McFarland
1860 census; Coitsville, Ohio p 4a with John McFarland (her age 33, bo rn in Ireland)
1870 census; Brookfield, Trumbull co, Ohio p 64b (widow? Sarah McFarla nd age 40?, born in Ireland, keeping house, real val $3,600)
1880 census; Brookfield, Trumbull co, Ohio p 55 (her age 53, widow, bo rn in Ireland, both par b in Ireland)
1890 census; not extant
1900 census; Brookfield, Trumbull co, Ohio p 54A; James McFarlane farm er single b Feb 1852 Ohio, Sarah McF b July 1827 Ireland, f and m b Ir eland.
1910 census; Weathersfield, Trumbull co, Ohio p 213A; James McFarlan d farmer a 58 single b Ohio. f and m b O 
McGill, Sarah (I14037)
5957 Sarah A. Nelson, age 30, is living with Robert McFarland's family in Chilhowee, Johnson Co. MO in the 1860 census. If she is the daughter of George and Abigail, her birth must have been the cause of Abigail's death. McFarland, Sarah A. (I29140)
5958 Sarah C. McFarland, widow of Newton McFarland, filed a petition on Sept. 20th, 1873 in behalf of the will of Jane McFarland on behalf of the minor children of her marriage to Newton. In 1874 she petitions to be the guardian for her children's estate from Newton. p. 543 Book H, probate minutes. She then petitions the court to sell the estate of her children. p. 545. Sarah marries Johnson in 1874, then he dies in 1876 and the final disposition of the property occurs July 18, 1878. In 1880 they are found on the census as Sarah Luster, husband W.L. Luster as family 385 in Fannin Co., Prec. 4.

Judging from the location in the 1880 census, it looks like she stayed living on the family McFarland land. She is living near John Etheridge, the son of Howard and Anna McFarland Etheridge, who must have both died bet. 1870 and 1880. 
Tucker, Sarah Carolyn (I29477)
5959 Sarah Edea born about 1856, baptized at Christ Church, Hartford, Connecticut, on 13 June 1866 with her brother Richard and sister Hetty. The only references to her are found in the 1880 census record for W. W. MacFarland where she is listed as hi s daughter, and the church records for Connecticut. A Sarah MacFarland was listed in the New York City Directories as having residences at: 119 E. 46th, 1900; 130 E. 43rd, 1905-1908.
MacFarland, Sarah Edea (I19561)
5960 Sarah is absent from the 1850 census with the rest of the family. However a Sarah McFarland appears in the 1860 census with what appears to be some of the younger children.

1860 census: Sugar Creek township, Cass Co. MO P.O. Austin, Image 12/48 p. 38
fam. 260: Sarah McFarland 58 KY, Nancy K 26 MO, Robert S. 19 MO, Martha E 16 MO, Alex. J.T.B. 12 MO. next door is
fam. 259 Geo W. McFarland 51 NC, Anna 47 KY, Elizabeth 18 MO, John 16 MO, John J. Gillet 25 MO, Martha J. 21 MO George W. 2 MO and John G. 4/12 MO. 
Hix, Sarah (I30466)
5961 Sarah Jane went by Sallie, and appears in the 1900 census married to Frank E. Brady, in Indian Territory, Township 12, District 41, Image 15.

Below is communication from 2010 concerning this line:

Dear Mary Helen,
I passed through Dallas last week...would also like to come back again! How do you do DNA? Do you know anyone that is still around doing our reunions here; in TX? I met with Bonnie Peebles in Sapulpa, she is ever young.
We are the great grand daughters of Sallie Jane McFarland, daughter of Horatio.
Sallie Jane married a Mr. Daniel. Her next marriage was to John West Markham, on the direct Nancy Ward line in the tribe of Cherokee. Sallie Jane put her only child, Lonzo Burk Markham on the Dawes/Final Rolls...
Widowed Sallie Jane married a Mr. Brady and he helped raise our grandfather, L. Burk Markham, on the Markham Ranch in Warner, OK.
Do you have I have been trying to form our tree, and I have always wanted to come to the reunions Mcfarland. Now we are the eldest and have a little time to take an intrest.
It is very special to go to the old country, love to feel the sweetness of the natural beauty left there for us.
Sallie Jane and Sue in Gilbert AZ

Dear Ms Mary Helen and Jim,
We are in Cherokee capitol and I am now at the NSU library to check email... glad I did.
We went to the Porum Coleman cemetery and at the top of the hill next to a rusty little square fence cluster of family plots belonging to the overseers ancestry, I saw Rebbecca Wilkerson, her husband and other Wilkerson members. The gentleman who happened to be there will send photos of the headstones to me to me. He refused payment.
Yesterday, we ventured again to Webbers Falls, slowed down and enjoyed a local carwash drive while all the cherokee, apache, and whites got on their cell phones to find that " Micfar land cemetery". They did give us accurate details on how to find DURDEE CRICK just across I 40.
Once at Mcfarland Cemetery I admired the handsome granite monument and was spellbound when I found Greatgranmas 1st husband Tribble Daniel tombstone and of course the blessed McFarlands amongst the lilac and nicely landscaped abode. No sooner did we get in the car a landscaper cherokee showed up and called a man for us in regards to Nell Francis who is connected with us.
By 12:00 we went to meet with a dozen folks to caravan out to the old ranch allotement and see the cemetery on the hill pond surrounded by 5 beau d'arc trees ggranpa John West Markham planted 140 years ago in Warner- this trip is like a dream getting better. AND WHERE is our GGrandma Sallie Jane McFarlands headstone? I found some rocks ONLY out next to J.W. (1st wife Martha C. Riley Markham is laid to rest in full regalia).

Going to Locust Grove is an adventure and took us completly by suprise. Such hospitality is leaving us hungry to move back. We won't brag to much to strangers.
Sallie Jane and Sue Elaine, daughters of the Markham girls 
McFarland, Sarah Jane (I29510)
5962 Sarah11 Bailey was born 3 January 1832-38 at Middletown, Connecticut. The exact year of birth for Sarah Bailey is difficult to discern since no record of her birth can be found. In the 1900 census her month and year of birth was listed as Januar y 1836. From the 1880 census her year of birth, based on her reported age, would be 1838. On her death certificate she was listed as being 72 years and 14 days old, which means she would have been born in 1833. The interment record indicates she w as 72 years, 7 months and 14 days old which means she would have been born in 1832. She died on 17 January 1908 at a boarding house at 93 Madison Ave, New York City. She was buried in the Moravian Cemetery on Staten Island on 21 January 1908 in lo t 90-D. The cause of her death was listed as gangrene of the right foot and leg, and septicaemia (blood poisoning) with a contributory cause of arterial sclerosis.

She was the founder and first president of the Staten Island Diet Kitchen, an institution that furnished food to the sick upon a physician's request. She was married on 20 September 1855 at Middletown, Connecticut, by Rev. J.L. Dudley to William W allace MacFarland.
Bailey, Sarah (I19392)
5963 Saved her husband from taking to the bottle like his brothers. Fuchs, Hermine Rosa Maria (I14678)
5964 Says father Duncan and mother Ellen. Lives at Rose Place, and he is a painter. Not sure if this is correct matching. McFarlan, Mary Jane (I14351)
5965 Scotland Census 1871 31 Mar — Age: 9
Cassfour Farm, Port of Menteith, Perthshire, Scotland
John More (49) farmer, is living with wife Mary (36) and children: Margrete Jane (12) Mary (9) John (7) George (6) Elisabeth (5) and Jane (11 months). 
Moir, Mary (I15515)
5966 Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Name: Elisabeth Cumming
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 2 May 1837
Baptism Date: 4 Jun 1837
Baptism Place: , Bo'ness, West Lothian, Scotland
Father: Andrew Cumming
Mother: Elisabeth Mcfarlane
FHL Film Number: 1066626
Reference ID: - 2:17GZFM41841 Scotland Census

1841 Scotland Census
Name: Elizabeth Cumming
Age: 4
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1837
Gender: Female
Where born: West Lothian, Scotland
Civil Parish: Borrowstounness
County: West Lothian
Address: Upper Kinneil
Parish Number: 663
Household Members:
Name Age
Elizabeth Cumming 4 
Cumming, Elisabeth (I493)
5967 Scotland. &lt;i&gt;1851 Scotland Census.&lt;/i&gt; Reels 1-217. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S780)
5968 Scotland. &lt;i&gt;1851 Scotland Census.&lt;/i&gt; Reels 1-217. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2704)
5969 Scotland. &lt;i&gt;1861 Scotland Census&lt;/i&gt;. Reels 1-150. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2703)
5970 Scotland. &lt;i&gt;1871 Scotland Census&lt;/i&gt;. Reels 1-191. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2716)
5971 Scotland. &lt;i&gt;1881 Scotland Census&lt;/i&gt;. Reels 1-338. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2700)
5972 Scotland. &lt;i&gt;1881 Scotland Census&lt;/i&gt;. Reels 1-338. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S729)
5973 Scotland. &lt;i&gt;1891 Scotland Census&lt;/i&gt;. Reels 1-409. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2701)
5974 Scotland. &lt;i&gt;1901 Scotland Census&lt;/i&gt;. Reels 1-446. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2702)
5975 Scotland. <i>1851 Scotland Census.</i> Reels 1-217. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2850)
5976 Scotland. <i>1851 Scotland Census.</i> Reels 1-217. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S6)
5977 Scotland. <i>1861 Scotland Census</i>. Reels 1-150. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S25)
5978 Scotland. <i>1861 Scotland Census</i>. Reels 1-150. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2839)
5979 Scotland. <i>1871 Scotland Census</i>. Reels 1-191. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2840)
5980 Scotland. <i>1881 Scotland Census</i>. Reels 1-338. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2897)
5981 Scotland. <i>1891 Scotland Census</i>. Reels 1-409. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2979)
5982 Scotland. <i>1901 Scotland Census</i>. Reels 1-446. General Register Office for Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland. Source (S2896)
5983 Scots lineage. Jesse is somehow related to the Ralph and Obediah McFarland line that moved to Ohio from Virginia. McFarland, Jesse JeM01 (I15675)
5984 Scots lineage: R-L1065 down to BY61102 plus 3>FT352832 plus 2 which dates to 1847, the birth of James b. 1847 McFarlane, Peter PeM01 (I19292)
5985 Second son, John(Jack) Douglas MacFarlane b. 1890 Dublin, Ireland, m. Ethel May LaFortune(Nora's sister) in 1913 in Vancouver, BC., d. WWI in 1916 in France. Buried in Adanac Military Cemetary in France. Macfarlane, Ivan John Douglas (I18619)
5986 See (pages 52-59) "BYGONE LOCHABER" Historical & Traditional. by Somerled MacMillian, 1971 K & R Davidson Ltd. 205-207 West George Street, Glasgow (Printed for private collection) MacMillan, Donald Ban (3rd of Murlaggan) (I286)
5987 See (pages 52-59) "BYGONE LOCHABER" Historical & Traditional. by Somerled MacMillian, 1971 K & R Davidson Ltd. 205-207 West George Street, Glasgow (Printed for private collection) MacMillan, William (4th of Murlaggan) (I266)
5988 See also (pages 59, 72 & 79) "BYGONE LOCHABER" Historical & Traditional. by Somerled MacMillian, 1971 K & R Davidson Ltd. 205-207 West George Street, Glasgow (Printed for private collection) MacMillan, John (in Lagganfern) (I302)
5989 See attached sources.

No IGI entry with parents, DOB & POB given. 
Campbell, Flora (I24982)
5990 See attached sources.

(Research):McFarlane - 1871 Scottish Census

McFarlane - 1861 Scottish Census (part 2)

Birth John McFarlane 13 October 1828

1 - The only John McFarlane recorded as born in Barony in the 12 months before 8 November 1828 is John McFarlane, born 13 October 1828 to John McFarlane and Margaret Munro«u»

1909 Death Record
«/u»Death certificate, information from son Charles, says his mother's name is Kate Marquis!
«/u»Charles and the recorder made errors in completing John's death record.«u»
«/u»There is no record of a marriage between a John McFarlane and Kate (Catherine) Marquis and no death record for a Kate (Catherine) McFarlane nee Marquis. The only Catherine Marquis born in the appropriate time and geographic location can be traced through marriage and life with another individual (Robert Paton).«u»
2 - Alt. Birth: 13 October 1828 Anderston (Barony), Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Alt. Birth Notes: (per son John's birth record) - a John McFarlane was born to John McFarlane and Margaret Munro on 13 October 1828 in Barony, Lanark, Scotland (correct age and location per son John's birth record)

3 - I had previously submitted the identity of the parents of John McFarlane (born 13 October 1828 at Anderston) as being a John McFarlane and a Margaret Munro. DNA evidence has revealed this to be incorrect and I am requesting a change to your records. The corrected information is that John was born about 1825 at Barony, Glasgow, Lanarkshire and that his parent were a John MacFarlane and Kate (presumably Catherine) Marquis. Nothing further is known on his parents at this point.
[E-mail from Douglas MacFarlane rec: 22 Aug 2015]

3 - The John McFarlane who marries Margaret McKeith has 1825 as approx. birth year on death certificate. He does not appear to be the John Mcfarlane born in 1828 in Barony, Glasgow to John McFarlane and Margaret Munroe. 
McFarlane, John BY128434 JoM21 (I14995)
5991 See attached sources.

(Research):Submitted this line to CMSI & published in MacFarlanes Lantern 2002. 
McFarlane, Douglas J. (I13242)
5992 See attached sources. Bingham, Parley Pratt (I19057)
5993 See attached sources. Perry, Daniel (I17890)
5994 See attached sources. Davidson, Walter Mcfarlane (I26998)
5995 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S429)
5996 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S425)
5997 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S359)
5998 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S349)
5999 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S337)
6000 See newspaper information provided with each entry. Source (S327)

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