Parlan McFarlane, of Ballawell ParM01

Name Parlan McFarlane [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Suffix of Ballawell ParM01 Alt. Birth 1668 [5] Christening 16 Apr 1668 Buchanan parish, Stirlingshire, Scotland [5]
Birth Abt 1687 Buchlyvie, Kippen, Stirlingshire, Scotland [3]
Gender Male Alt. Birth Abt 1720 [2] DNA - Haplogroup I-M223.
Name Parlan Macfarlane [6] Person ID I21439 MacFarlane Last Modified 29 May 2024
Family Cirsten MacKerchar, b. Abt 1687, Scotland Marriage 23 Dec 1707 Buchanan parish, Stirlingshire, Scotland [1, 3, 6]
Children 1. dau. McFarlane, b. Abt 1709, Scotland [Father: natural] [Mother: natural]
2. dau. McFarlane, b. Abt 1711, Scotland [Father: natural] [Mother: natural]
+ 3. George McFarlane, b. Abt 1714, Scotland d. Abt 1819 (Age 105 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural]
+ 4. Parlane McFarlane, of Ballawell, b. Abt 1716, Ballawell (Upper Balwill), nr. Buchlyvie, Kippen, Stirlingshire, Scotland d. 19 Apr 1774, Duchray, Drymen, Stirlingshire, Scotland
(Age 58 years) [Father: natural] [Mother: natural]
Family ID F1732 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 29 May 2024
Notes - 1 - I am a direct ancestor to Donald McFarlane b. 1746 at Ballawell near Buchlyvie, Stirling, Scotland, Chr. 10 Jan 1762 Port of Menteith, Perth, Scotland. Parents: Parlan McFarlan / Elizabeth McFarlan. In a manuscript he wrote and it was publishe d in a book written by C.M. Little about 1893. He states in the manuscript to have descended from Walter of Ardleisch son of Sir John McFarlane, his second wife daughter of Lord Herries. He sights that he is from a son who was given lands at Dulla tor, his son and so on. In manuscript Donald says his ancestors hold Burgess Tickets for Glasgow. In corresponding with the family they have several of these in their possession.
As near as I can find, the pedigree should read: Walter, son of Sir John MacFarlane, had a son, Allaster, who you sight was given lands at Duillator, whose son Walter is the 2«sup»nd«/sup» of Duillator. You list no sons for Walter.
I think I have found from Donald the genealogy goes, his father was Parlan, who is the son of Parlan MacFarlane and Cirsten McKerchar. Do you know the missing link?
[E-mail from Catherine Sutherland rec: 2 Dec 2008 ]
2 - The Macfarlanes of Huntingdon, Province of Quebec
The record of this family is preserved in the form of a manuscript, prepared by Mr. Donald Macfarlane, who was born in Scotland, May 1746, and died Nov. 8, 1835.
The claim of direct descent from MacFarlane of Gartartan, in Perthshire, Scotland, is fortified by the Bible records of the family, also from original " Burgess Tickets' of parchment, showing that for five generations preceding the abovementione d family, the heads of each generation mentioned as "son of, " were burgesses of the city of Glasgow.
The writing of .Mr. Donald Macl'arlane states that Walter, eldest son of Sir John .Macfarlane, by his second wife, a daughter of Lord Herries, got from his father the estate of Dulator, near Port of Menteith. One of his sons lived at Halbertshire , near Denny, Stirlingshire, and had a family. One of his sons went to Ballawell, near Buchlyvie; he had sons, Parlan and George.
[ History of Clan Macfarlane by Mrs C.M. Little pub. 1893 p221]
(Research):DNA haplogroup is I-M223
- 1 - I am a direct ancestor to Donald McFarlane b. 1746 at Ballawell near Buchlyvie, Stirling, Scotland, Chr. 10 Jan 1762 Port of Menteith, Perth, Scotland. Parents: Parlan McFarlan / Elizabeth McFarlan. In a manuscript he wrote and it was publishe d in a book written by C.M. Little about 1893. He states in the manuscript to have descended from Walter of Ardleisch son of Sir John McFarlane, his second wife daughter of Lord Herries. He sights that he is from a son who was given lands at Dulla tor, his son and so on. In manuscript Donald says his ancestors hold Burgess Tickets for Glasgow. In corresponding with the family they have several of these in their possession.
Sources - [S2699] Ancestry.com, Scotland, Select Marriages, 1561-1910, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.;).
- [S101] Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, International Genealogical Index, Ancestral File.
- [S344] Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, International Genealogical Index, Submission Search: 824944-0412100114143.
- [S2544] Mrs C. M. Little, History of Clan MacFarlane, (Name: Name: Name: 1893;;;).
- [S2614] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, \\i FamilySearch\\i0, (Name: Name: Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);;;), accessed 25 Aug 2021), entry for Parlan Mcfarlane [MacFarlane], person ID L4HJ-J7W.
- [S2639] Ancestry.com, (Name: Name: Name: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/;;;), http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~cmoss/html/nefzge r %20line/g074.html#I1991.
- [S2699] Ancestry.com, Scotland, Select Marriages, 1561-1910, (Name: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.;).