Alexander McFarland, BY214647

Alexander McFarland, BY214647

Male 1727 -

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  • Name Alexander McFarland 
    Suffix BY214647 
    Birth 1727 
    Gender Male 
    Person ID I29775  MacFarlane
    Last Modified 29 May 2024 

    Father Duncan McFarland, BY214647 DuM01,   b. Abt 1700, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt 1792, prob. Greene Co. TN Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 92 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Ann or Elizabeth Porter,   b. Abt 1705, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this locationbur. George Cleek Cem, Bath, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Relationship natural 
    Marriage Abt 1720  Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F5369  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Mary 
    +1. Robert Henry McFarlane, BY214647,   b. Between 1740 and 1750, Virginia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Russell Co., Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
    +2. Alexander McFarland,   b. 1750, Augusta Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1804, Russell Co., VA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 54 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
    Family ID F5823  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 29 May 2024 

  • Notes 
    • Mary Helen Haines notes:

      There is great confusion about this Alexander McFarland. His name first appears in records in Augusta Co. in 1767. There is an Alexander McFarland who fights at the Battle of Point Pleasant in 1774 and states that he was born in 1750 in his pension requests. However, the descendants of Robert Henry McFarland, who was born about 1740-50, claim that Alexander is his father. So......are there one or two Alexanders?

      The elder Alexander must have moved to Greene County TN where he shows up on the first tax list. At some point Duncan must have moved there too, because he gives Alexander his power of attorney in the Greene Co. court in 1790. In 1792, Alexander traveled back to Augusta to sell the estate to Jacob Cleek.

      Records for land in Greene Co. TN begin in 1782 and the land is described in various places as the Meadows and Sinking Spring in 1787, and then as being on the north side of the Nolachucky river, mouth of Meadow Creek, and Alexander is paying taxes on 400 acres in 1793.

      The same land in Greene Co. owned by Alexander McFarland that he paid taxes on 400 acres, in 1793, was then sold in two parts. The first 200 acres was sold in 1795 to William Hall Jr, and no wife was involved in the sale. In 1799, Alexander McFarland and wife Mary of Russell Co. VA sell the other 200 acres of Greene Co. land to John Morris Sr.

      1802: Nov 3 Tn, Greene Co, an Alexander McFarlane married Mary Crawford; bond by John Hall.This Mary Crawford is the daughter of Isabella McFarland (daughter of William McFarland, son of Duncan), therefore it is not this Alexander. The Alexander who married Mary Crawford would have been born abt. 1780. He ended up moving to Alabama according to probate records in 1848 in Greene Co. concerning the estate of Isabella Crawford and her deceased daughter Mary McFarland (Alexander's wife) Could this Alexander be a grandson of the first Alexander?

      Below are notes found on internet about Alexander. It looks like the research of Mary T. Haines:
      QUESTIONABLE LINK: Not sure if the Alexander who married Mary Crawford was the
      same one who was son of Duncan. The one who married Mary Crawford may have
      been Alexander, who may have been son of this Alexander, or perhaps a
      completely different Alexander.
      MILITARY: From the Draper Manuscripts, copied from Microfilm: McFarling,
      Alexer, scout, at Rye Cove, Washington Co. Payroll of Capt Joseph Martin's Co.
      Stationed on frontiers of Washington Co.[must be Tennessee], under command of
      Col Evan Shelby, May 1st to 30 Jun 1777, both days inclusive. From ANSEARCHIN
      NEWS, Periodical of TN Genealogical Society 1978, page 131.
      MILITARY: Pension Record Abstract of Alexander McFarland. Augusta Co. Ct.
      records 1788 to 1799, signed by A. McClenachan, Jacob Kinney, and Nathan
      Ellington. Undated petition of Alexander McFarlin, a soldier under the
      command of Col. Andrew Lewis, was wounded in the Battle of Point Pleasant 10
      Oct 1774. He moved to Clinch, a remote part of Virginia, where invasion of
      savages prevented further application for his annuity. Deposition 17 Jun 1788
      by Dr. Alex Humphreys; 7 Oct 1788 by Alex Gibson that McFarlane was enlisted
      for one year in 1775 at Staunton by Lt. Thos. Hughes of Capt Faunton's Co.
      In the fall of 1776, he was a soldier from Clinch against the Cherokee Indians
      under the command of Col. Christian... that later he was a soldier from
      Nowlachuka against the Indians.
      ...Henrico Co. 8 Oct 1788 by Samp. Mathews; 22 Oct 1788 the McFarlane was about
      38 years of age. Certificates authorizing pension approved by the Executive
      1788 to 1803. REceipts to Zecharia Taliaferro and Morris Austin, signed by
      Alex MCFarland. Warrant endorsements by A. Blair and Jas. Steele.
      ...Russell Co. Ct. records 1798 to 1804 signed by Henry Dickenson. Receipts to
      Henry Smith and Aaron Hendricks, signed by McFarlane,wtinessed by Harry Smith
      and John Ward. Request for payment to John Tate, witnessed by James McFarlane.
      Warrant endorsement by Rich'd Price.
      RESIDENCE: 1782-1795 FROM THE DATA BELOW, Alexander lived at the Big spring,
      which was at the mouth of Meadow Creek (also known as the meadows), located on
      the north side of Sinking Springs, which must have run into the north side of
      the Nolachucky River. Had neighbors in Greene County: ____ CROW, _____ GRAHAM,
      Richard Higgins, Alexander Gilbreath, Evan Jones, Charles Kilgore, John Reed,
      William Hall Jr.
      LAND: 1782 TENNESSEE, Greene County Oct 24 Alexander McFarland entered 300
      acres in Washington County, at the Big Spring, on North Side of Sinking Creek,
      adjacent Crow and Graham (Page 42, grant #235.)
      PLACE: Greene County formed 1783 from Washington County, TN.
      TAXLIST: 1783 TENNESSEE, Greene County: Alexander McFarland.
      RESIDENCE: 1785 Washington County, VA (in a petition to form that part of the
      County into Russel County): Alexander, Robert, Robert Jr., Joseph.
      PLACE: Russell County formed 1785 from Washington County.
      LAND: 1786 TENNESSEE, Greene County Sep 1 Alexander McFarland entered 200
      acres known by the meadows, adj. Richard Higgins (page 330, #46.) (sold 1795).
      LAND: 1787 TENNESSEE, Greene County Sep 20. Alexander Gilbreath entered 50
      acres at Sinking Spring; adj. Gilbreath, from Alexander McFarland's line, &
      Evan Jones. (Page 20, grant #400).
      LAND: 1787 TENNESSEE, Greene County, Sept 20. Charles Kilgore entered 300
      acres on north side of Nolachucky River, including his improvement, adjoining
      Higgins and McFarland (page 35, #556).
      COURT-MILITARY: 1788-1793 VIRGINIA, Augusta County. Revolutionary WAR.
      Alexander McFarland, a soldier under Col. Andrew Lewis and wounded at Point
      Pleasant 10 Oct 1774; aged 38 on 17 June 1788, and lives in Augusta County.
      Pension Continued in Augusta County from 1788 to 1793. SOURCE: "Virginia
      Colonial Soldiers" by Lloyd D. Bockstruck 1988; Genealogical Publishing
      Company, Baltimore, MD; page 242; and in "CHRONICLES OF THE SCOTCH IRISH
      TAXLIST: 1790 VIRGINIA, Russel County: Alexander.
      LAND: 1792 TENNESSEE, Greene County Aug 26, deed Robert McFarland to Benjamin
      Armstrong, for 121 acres on south side of Nolachucky River, part of Grant
      #818, in 1789. Witness, Alexander McFarland. (Book 2, page 217).
      LAND: 1792 TENNESSEE, Greene County. Alexander, son of Duncan McFarland, Feb
      20, 1792. "On February 20, 1792, Alexander McFarland of Green County, North
      Carolina [[now Greene county, TN]], by virtue of a power of attorney from his
      father, Duncan McFarland, sold 319 acres of land on Jackson River, Bath County,
      Virginia to Jacob Cleek. SOURCE: Bath County Deed Book 1, pages 66 and 68.
      "Early Western Augusta County Pioneers" 1957 by George W. Cleek [page 22].
      Deed Book 1, pages 66 and 68). NOTE: The land which Jacob Cleek purchased is
      approximately ten miles north of Warm Springs, Virginia, on U.S. Route 220.
      PLACE: Alexander settled in that part of North Carolina which is now included
      in the state of Tennessee (now Greene County, Tennessee).
      LAND: 1792 TENNESSEE, Greene County Nov 27 John Reed, entered 150 acres on
      north side of Nolachucky River, at mouth of Meadow Creek, adjoining Alexander
      McFarland, including island (page 374, #1258.).
      LAND: 1793 TENNESSEE, Greene County, Alexander McFarland entered 200 acres on
      north side of Nolachucky River. (Page 406, #1140.) (sold 1799).
      TAXLIST: 1793 TENNESSEE, Greene County Alexander McFarland 450 acres 1 white,
      2 blacks.
      LAND: 1795 TENNESSEE, Greene County, deed, Alexander McFarland to William
      Hall, Jr. for 200 acres on north side of Nolachucky River, on the meadows,
      adjoining Richard Higgins. (book 2, page 436).
      TAXLIST: 1796-1799 VIRGINIA, Russell County, Upper District (1796-1799
      continuous). A gap appears 1791-1795, apparently with the younger Alexander
      living there prior to 1791. No taxlist records after 1799.
      COURT-MILITARY: 1796-1800 VIRGINIA, Russell County. Court Records Oct
      1796-Jan 1800 relating to Pension of Alexander McFarland. Served in War
      against Cherokee Indians 1776, under command of Col. Wm Christie. At battle of
      Pt. Pleasant in year of 1774. During his being on the service he was disabled
      and deprived of the sight of one of his eyes. (FOUND ON INTERNET USGENWEB
      Russell Co, VA).
      TAXLIST: 1797-1799 VIRGINIA, Russell County, Upper District Alexander
      McFarland, lists 2 males for both years that are age 21 years and upward.
      This must indicate the elder Alexander and his son.
      LAND: 1798 VIRGINIA, Russell County Surveyors Book page 319 Oct 13, 1798
      Alexander McFarland, assignee of Richard Price - 23 acres part Treasury Warrant
      10249 dtd Dec 22, 1781 - adjoining a survey of Richard Price - corner to
      Michael Wright.
      LAND: 1798 VIRGINIA, Russell County Surveyors Book 2 Page 29 Oct 28, 1798 Rev.
      James Madison 800 Acres, entry made Nov 18, 1786, part of Treasury Warrant
      22015 dated Dec 24, 1783 on Copper Creek including Copper Springs -- corner to
      Alexander McFarland - corner to William Lee -- corner to Thomas Stapleton.
      LAND: 1798 VIRGINIA, Russell County Surveyors Book 2 Page 327 Oct 30, 1798
      Alexander McFarland, assignee of Richard Price -- 150 acres - part Treasury
      Warrant 10249 dated Dec 22, 1781 -- adjoining a survey of said McFarlands --
      corner to William Lee.
      LAND: 1799 TENNESSEE, Greene County, deed Alexander McFarland of Russell Co,
      VA, and Mary his wife, sell to John Morris Sr. of Greene County, TN, 200 acres
      on north side of Nolachucky River (book 3, page 270).
      MARRIAGE: 1802 Nov 3 Tn, Greene Co, Alexander McFarlane married Mary Crawford;
      bond by John Hall.
      LINKS: Married by a Hall and Alexander of 1795 lived next to a Hall.
      LAND: 1804 VIRGINIA, Russell County Surveyors Book page 17 May 19, 1804
      Alexander McFarlane - 24 acres part of treasury Warrant 1855, dated March 18,
      1796 - on the water of Sinking Creek - corner to McFarlane and William Foster -
      foot of Knobb of Mockerson Ridge - corner to Rauster and Joseph Long.
      LAND: 1810 VIRGINIA, Russell County Surveyors Book page 79 July 3, 1811 David
      Munsey - 42 acres on the waters of Sinking Creek - corner to Alexander
      McFarlanes 150 acre tract -- survey made for Richard Price - corner to James
      DEATH: Alexander is not recorded after 1804 in Russel Co, VA. Since his
      pension stopped, it looks like he died, but there is mention of an old
      Alexander McFarland in early records of Crawford Co, IND (where his brother and
      nephews went to).