Joseph McFarland, RoM02

Joseph McFarland, RoM02

Male 1711 - 1759  (48 years)

Personal Information    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    All

  • Name Joseph McFarland  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    Suffix RoM02 
    Birth 1711  Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    Birth 1711  Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Birth Abt 1715  Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Possessions 30 Jan 1752  Tinicum, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Penn Patent for 150 acres for 45 Lbs. Book A, No. 17, pages 65-68, 
    Burial 1759  Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Probate 4 Nov 1759  Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Will 4 Nov 1759  Tenecum township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Death 6 Nov 1759  Tinicum, Bucks, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    Death Dec 1759  Tinicum, Bucks, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Possessions 1762  Bucks Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Advertisement for sale of land 
    Person ID I29882  MacFarlane
    Last Modified 8 Jun 2024 

    Father Robert McFarland, BY3019 RoM02,   b. Between 1675 and 1685, Northern Ireland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Abt 1751, Donegal Twn., Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 76 years) 
    Mother Jennet,   b. Abt 1690, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aft 1752 (Age > 63 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1705  Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F90  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Jean,   b. 1715, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Marriage Abt 1737/38  , , Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married Abt 1738  Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location  [3, 4
     1. Jean McFarland  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     2. Rachel McFarland,   b. Abt 1739, Tinicum Township, Bucks, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
    +3. Robert Mcfarland,   b. 12 Jan 1740, Tinicum Twn, Bucks Co., PA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 22 Jan 1823, Peters Township, Franklin, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 83 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
    +4. John McFarland,   b. Abt 1741, Tinicum Township, Bucks, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1797, , Ohio, West Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 56 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
     5. Joseph McFarland,   b. Abt 1743, Tinicum Township, Bucks, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Aft 1800, , Luzerne of, Pennsylvania Find all individuals with events at this location (Age > 58 years)  [Father: natural]  [Mother: natural]
    Family ID F5678  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 29 May 2024 

  • Notes 

    • Mary Helen Haines notes:

      I have merged the line of Joseph McFarland of Bucks Co. PA to the Joseph McFarland mentioned as a son of Robert McFarland in Robert's will and probate documents. The coincidences are too striking to ignore any longer, and the paper of Mr. McDowell, a descendant of Joseph, who discusses the three brothers, along with DNA evidence, has led me to this conclusion while working with descendants of this line, as well as McFarland researcher Gary Morris.

      There are still some unanswered questions about Joseph McFarland, such as this below:
      In the Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish by Chalkey, in the Augusta Co. Order Book II, page 433, says that the court in 1749 examined Joseph McFarland who was accused of "borrowing a saddle" and he was answering for that. It says that he was "late of Lunenberg County." This must be a completely different person.

      Information below is for Joseph of Bucks Co.

      He appears on a tax list in 1738 in Tinicum township. This information is secondary, coming from The History of Bucks County, by J. H. Battle in 1887. The McFarland mentioned is not fully identified.



      THE triangular area partially included between Haycock and Tohickon creeks and the Delaware river comprises the only townships of the county of which the names are of Indian origin. The creeks mentioned separate them from Haycock, Bedminster, and Plumstead. Tinicum creek and its numerous branches drain the larger part of both townships, the course of the main stream being nearly parallel with that of the Tohickon until, at a distance of about five miles from its mouth, the direction changes to the east at a sharp angle and the river is reached at a point midway between the Nockamixon and Plumstead lines. It receives the waters of Nockamixon creek within the boundaries of that township, and of numerous smaller tributaries at intervals in its progress. Gallow's run, mentioned in early records as Galloway's run, is a small stream which reaches the Delaware near the Durham line. The little Tinicum and Mill creeks drain the interior of Tinicum. All these streams unite with the Delaware through deep and narrow valleys. A ridge of hills parallel with its course begins above the mouth of the Tohickon, and assumes greater regularity of contour and elevation within several miles of Kintnersville, where the cliffs are known as the Narrows. These rock walls rise abruptly to the height of several hundred feet almost from the water's edge, confining the river to a narrow channel with scarcely sufficient space at their base for the canal and roadway. Few localities in Bucks county present greater attractions to the naturalist or tourist.

      TINICUM was originally settled by the same nationality as Deep Run in Bedminster- the Scotch-Irish- a people who have virtually disappeared, leaving few memorials of their history. The families of Hughes, Lear, Haverford, Ross, Williamson, Campbell, Stewart, Shaw, and McFarland were represented in 1738.

      Joseph McFarland is listed as a witness to someone else's deed in 1746, and the land is described as being on the Delaware River and Tohickon Creek.

      Joseph McFarland also applied for land in 1746.

      There are three Warrantees of Land in Bucks Co. that seem to be a part of this family. The first one in 1746, is in Patent Book A 14, p. 313 on the waters of Tohickon for 215.114 acres June 10, 1746 is the warrant, and it looks like the Patent was issued, or the survey made on Nov. 10, 1746 for 218.114 acres. Need to go to the source to see what happened to this land.

      Joseph McFarlan was not present on the day his siblings signed the agreement to give deceased father Robert's 248 acre land patent in Lancaster Co. to his son James. However Joseph did sign the document on Dec. 9, 1751. Assuming he was paid a sum of money by James, he would now have money to pay for the warrant and patent of land in Bucks County, which it seems he did three days later.

      From the index of warrants and patents that is available from the State Penn. Archives on-line, p. 199:
      Joseph McFarlin files a warrant for 150 acres of land on Dec. 12, 1751, and acquires the land in a patent on January 30, 1752. (Book A, No. 17, p. 64-67) LDS Film: 1028833

      A journey from Mt. Joy to Philadelphia is abt. 60 miles. A typical day's journey in 1750 is 18 miles per day. Ottsville (area in Bucks Co. today near where Joseph's patent was located) to Mt. Joy is 72 miles.

      Transcription of Joseph McFarlin's 1752 patent in Bucks Co.
      LAND: 1752: Patent of Joseph McFarlin 17 Feb 1752
      .....Thomas Penn vs Richard Penn Esquires due and absolute Proprietories and Governor in Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania & Counties of Newcastle Flint & Sussex on Delaware To all unto whome these Presents shall comes Greeting......... in Provenance of a Warrant from this then Commissioners of Property dated the twenty third Day of February 1701 there was Surveyed and laid out on the twenty sixth day of March then next following unto John Streipers late of Thelderfensing (?) County of Juliers on the Border of Germany Original Purchaser of Five Thousand Acres of Land in this Province a Tract of Land situate on Delaware River and on Tohickon Creek in the County of Bucks computed to contain four thousand four hundred and fourth eight acres purchased as aforesaid which said Tract was in the year 1705 confirmed by Patent unto the said John Streipers under the Hands of the said Commissioners and the Provincial Seal and the said John Streipers dying an alien his Heirs did by their agents and attorney afterward by Deeds of Leave & release dated the seventeenth and eigteenth Days of January 1726 for the consideration therein mentioned grant and convey unto Thomas Logans of Philadelphia Esquire all the said Tract of Four thousand four hundred and forty eight acres of Land and the heirs of the said John Streipers then residing the the said County of Juliers did likewise by their Deed Poll duly executed under the hands and Seals bearing date the twenty fifth day of July 1726 for consideration there in mentioned ....... and release and confirm unto the said James Logans all the said
      ......(Page 65) Tract of Four thousand four hundred and forty eight acres of Land and also the said James Logan afterwards by his Deed Poll duly Executed under his Hand & Seal dated the Fifteenth day of May 1727 for the consideration therein mentioned did grant assign and release unto the then commissioners of Property all the said Tract of Four thousand four hundred and forty eight acres of Lands by reason whereof we are become seized of the said Lands and promises as if the same had never been alienated and whereas in and by a warrant under the Seal of the Land Office bearing date the twelfth day of December last past we required our Surveyor General to accept and receive a survey made on a Part of the said Tract of Four thousand four hundred and forty eight acres into his Office and to make return thereof into the Secretaries Office for the use and .... of Joseph McFarlin the county of Bucks aforesaid which Survey being accordingly accepted by our surveyor General and by him duly returned into the Secretaries Office the Metes and Bounds of the same are set forth and described as following viz: Beginning at a marked Black Oak a corner of George Albright's Land thence by the same north west one hundred and sixty Perches to a marked Hickory thence by the London Companyes Land South west one hundred and fifty nine Perches to a post thence by John Orr's Land south last one Hundred and Sixty Perches to a post thence by Lands of James Hayes and vacant lands north east one hundred and fifty Perches to the Place of beginning containing one hundred and fifty acres and the usual allowances of six acres for cent for roads and Highways and as in and by the Survey thereof remaining in our Surveyor General's Office and from thence Certified into the Secretaries Office may appear now at the .... and request of the said Joseph McFarlin that we would be pleased to grant him a confirmation of the same .... owed(?) that in consideration of the sum of forty five pounds and lawfull money of Pennsylvania to purchase paid by the said Joseph McFarlin (The receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit
      (Page 66)
      and do for ever discharge the said Joseph McFarlin his heirs assign by these presents) and of the yearly quit rent in after mentioned and reserved we have given granted released and confirmed by these presents for us our heirs and successors Do give grant release and confirm unto the said Joseph McFarlin his Heirs and assign the said one hundred and fifty acres of Land as the same are now set forth bounded and limited as aforesaid with all mines minerals ....... meadows and marshes Savannah Swamp cripples woods underwoods timber and trees ways waters water courses liberties profits commodities advantages Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever there belonging or in any wises
      appertaining and lying within the grounds and limits aforesaid [Three full and clear fifth parts of all Royal Mine free from all deductions and proposals for diggings refining the same and also one fifth part of the ore of all other mines delivered at the Tinsmith only excepted and hereby reserved] and also free leave right and Liberty so and for the said Joseph McFarlin his Heirs and assignes to Hawk Hunt fish and fowl in and upon the hereby granted Lands and premisses or upon any part thereof to have and to hold the said one hundred and fifty acres of land and premisses hereby granted (except before excepted) with these appurtenances and unto the said Joseph McFarlin his heirs and assign to the only use ... of the said Joseph McFarlin his heirs ................ for ever to beholden of us our Heirs and successors proprietaries of Pennsylvania as our manor of Pennsburg in the County of Bucks aforesaid in free and common on ..........freely only in law of all other services yielding and paying thereof yearly unto us our Heir and successors at Pennsberg aforesaid at or upon the first day of March in every year from the first day of March last past one half penny Sterling for every acre of the same or value thereof in coins current according as the exchange shall then be between our said Province and the City of London do such persons or persons as shall from time to time be appraised to receive the same and in case of nonpayment thereof within ninety day next after the same shall become due that then
      .....(Page 67) it shall and may be Lawful for us our Heirs and successors or and their Receiver or...... into and upon the hereby granted land and premisses do render and the same to hold and sus....... the said and with rent and all arrears thereof together with the charges accuring (?) by means of such nonpayment and reentry be fully paid and discharged witness James Hamilton Esquire Lieutenant Governor of the said Province who, by virtue of certain powers and authorities to him for this purpose iner ... granted by the said Proprietaries, hath here unto set this Hand and Caused the great seal of the Province to be hereunto affixed at Philadelphia this thirtieth day of January One thousand seven hundred and fifty two the twenty fifth year of Reign of King George the Second over Great Britain and the thirty fourth year of the said Proprietaries Government James Hamilton (Seal)
      .......Recorded the 17 day of February 1752

      Joseph writes a will on Nov. 4, 1759 that is proved on Dec. 12, 1759. His wife is named Jean, and she and son John are executors. Also mentions sons Robert, Joseph and John and son-in-law, Andrew Booman, as well as Jean. (Bucks Co. Will Book 2, p. 370)

      Joseph McFarland's gravestone is in a cemetery called the Upper Bucks County Revolutionary Cemetery in Nockamixon township. His slab is the only one legible.

      "Here lies the body of Joseph McFarland who quitted this life November 6, 1759. Age 48"

      Conflicting information about burial:
      On the Bucks Co. website is a genealogy record for Joseph McFarland, Sr., submitted by Deanna McFarland, which presents this material:

      Joseph McFarland - Died November 6, 1759, in the 55th year of his age. The Stewart burying-ground, known locally as Bunker Hill Cemetery, and near which he believes to have been the site of the first Tinicum Presbyterian Church, (of which the church at Red Hill is the successor,) is located in Tinicum township 2 1/2 miles, in a direct line northeast from Ottsville, and one mile, in a direct line, southeast from Revere.
      Papers Read before the bucks County Historical Society,IV, page 117 .

      Below is an excerpt from a paper presented to the Franklin County Historical Society, called the Kittochtinny Historical Society. The paper is called Mount Delight, by John M. McDowell and gives the history of McFarland's Delight and the McFarland family that lived there. McDowell is a descendant of Joseph's son Robert, through Robert's son John. He recounts how the eldest Robert, Joseph, and John were immigrant brothers from Ireland and that John moved to Virginia, Robert patented McFarland's Delight, and then sold it in 1778 to Robert, son of Joseph. This author was still living in Franklin County in 1910 when this was written and his McFarland cousins were still living on the family patent. I believe that he was unaware that their family had arrived even earlier than 1732 and that they came with a father named Robert.

      From "Mount Delight" p. 77

      The emigrant ancestor of the branch of the family, which
      has occupied McFarland's Delight since 1778, was Joseph Mc-
      Farland, who with his two brothers, John and Robert, came
      over from Ireland about 1732 and settled in Tinnicum Town-
      ship, Bucks County, Pa. His brother John later moved to
      Virginia and of him we know little.

      From "Mount Delight" p. 78

      Joseph McFarland, the third brother and the ancestor
      of the branch of McFarlands of whom this paper treats, as
      before stated, came over from Ireland in 1732 and settled in
      Tinnicum Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where he
      lived until his death.

      He was a farmer by occupation, a Presbyterian in religion
      and therefore not a tory. By his will, probated on the 12th
      day of December, 1759, and recorded in Will Book B at page
      370, Bucks County, Pa., we learn that his wife's name was
      Jean. Joseph and Jean left surviving them three sons :
      Robert, Joseph and John, and two daughters, Rachel and Jean.
      Of these children we have record only of Robert. Joseph died
      between November 4th, the date of the will, and December
      I2th, the date of the probate of his will. He and his wife
      Jean were interred in the old graveyard near Krauss Hill,
      Tinnicum Township, Bucks County, Pa.

      What appears to be Joseph's oldest son, Robert, warrants land next to his, 20 acres as of June 17, 1752. However, Joseph's son Robert was born in 1740 and only 12 years old. Could this be another Robert?

      Here are the McFarlands in the tax lists for Bucks Co. in the area around Tinnicum township:

      For a Robert Mcfarling, Macfarland, McFarling, McFarlon, in Plumstead twn. present in 1759, 61, 62, 63, 64, and then in 1764 also in Plumstead is James McFarling. Plumstead is adjacent to Tinicum, Who is this Robert? Is this the son of Joseph, living on land that was the first warrant? And then who is James, his brother?

      In Plumstead, which adjoins Tinicum, there is a family of Robert McFarland. Not sure if this is the same Robert McFarlin who marries Elizabeth Simbel in 1761 in the Tohickon Union Reformed Church, however a Robert McFarland of Plumstead dies in
      1769, leaving a widow Elizabeth, son named Andrew (Bucks Co. Orphans court Records, 1685-1852 by Thomas Myers, p. 64.
      R 929.37482 M996B 1999 at Dallas County Library)

      In 1765, in the Bucks County records, there is a widow of James, named Ann, selling a mortgage for property in Plumstead township. Book 11, p. 370. Then the sherriff undertakes finishing the sale in Book 13, p. 17 in 1768.

      In 1766, a James McFarland of Plumstead sold his land to Joseph Cauffman by deed to settle a suit with him. Info came from "Bucks County Sherriffs Deeds, 1749-1776 by Terry A McNealy, 829.37483 M 169B 1989. However, Joseph does not list a son named James in his will of 1759, so I don't believe James should be included as a son.

      In 1775 when the orders for formation of militias in Pennsylvania were issued, in the township of Tinicum were listed in the 2nd Battalion under Capt. Nicholas Patterson, were Robert McFarling, a John McGlahland (is this a misreading of the handwriting?) and Joseph McFarland.(Penn.Archive, 2nd Series, Vol. 14, p. 168. This same information is repeated in Series 5, Vol 5, p. 395) These would be the children of Joseph it would seem.

      In the 1775 tax list in Tinicum there is a Robert McFarling, owning 4 horses, 7 cattle, 12 sheep, 250 acres, rent worth 17 pounds. This must be Robert, son of Joseph.

      In Plumstead in 1775 is Alexander McFarling with no land or possessions. Alexander stays in the area and is present after the Revolution and in the first censuses. Do not know who he is related to.

      After 1775 there are no more references to Robert, John, or Joseph in Tinicum township. The do not appear in tax lists or militia records. I believe because they all moved to Cumberland County, PA. Have not found the sale of land records yet.

      According to "Mount Delight" paper the Robert who buys the land McFarlan's Delight in Cumberland county is the nephew of Robert in Peter's township in 1778. This Robert moves there. (p. 77-79)

      Where does Joseph Sr.'son named Joseph go to? There is a Joseph McFarland on the tax list for the first time in 1773 in Lack township, Cumberland Co. PA. Lack township encompassed the area that is around the Juniata River Valley near present day Huntingdon. Who this Joseph McFarland is, I am not sure. However, there is also a Joseph McFarlan who christens his son Robert Mc Farlan on July 11, 1773 at the Upper West Conochcheague Presbyterian Church in what is today Mercersburg (Peters township), Franklin Co. PA.

      Other McFarlands in Bucks Co.:

      In New Britian town. is a farmer James McFarland, who writes a will Dec. 26, 1757, proved Feb. 24, 1758, with sons Arthur and Robert Scott as executors, and daughters Mary, Elinor, and Margaret. The witnesses are Walter McFarland, Jane McFarland, and Mary Scott., (Bucks Co. No. 2, p. 329, found in Bucks Co. PA Will Abstracts, 1685-1795, Vol 1, 929.37482 B 926198 at Dallas Public Library, p. 188)

      In Oath of Allegiences in Buck County, 1777, on Aug. 28, 1777, Robert McFarland in Plumstead. p. 15. In Bucks County Tax Records, 1693-1778 by Terry A. McNealy, is listed Alexander, Andrew, James, John, and Robert. All the Roberts, except one refer to Robert of Plumstead, 1759, 61, 62, 63, 64. In 1764 also in Plumstead is a James McFarling also.
      In 1766 James McFarland in Plumstead sold to Joseph Cauffman by deed 48 acres of land to settle a suit brought by Cauffman. This came from Deed Book 13, p. 17 (Bucks County Sherriffs Deeds 1749-1776 by Terry A. McNealy).

      Next set of information came from Gary Morris' tree.

      TAXLIST: 1738 PENNSYLVANIA, Bucks County, Tinicum township. On Internet
      USGENWEB for Bucks County PA, under History: "History of Bucks County, PA",
      Part Containing Tinicum Township, Bucks County --- (I believe this indicates
      first occurence of Joseph McFarland). Residing next to William Hill, John
      Shall, James Johnston, John Stewart, James Campbell, James Briggs, John
      Peterson, and John McKee.

      LAND: 1746/1751 "Warrantees of Land in Bucks Co, PA 1733-1889" found at
      Seattle Genealogical Society. Joseph McFarlan 215 acres June 10, 1746. Joseph
      McFarland 15 acres Dec 12, 1751. Robert McFarland 20 acres June 17, 1752.

      QUESTION: Who was the Robert mcFarland of 1752 (see LAND ENTRY, last

      PROBATE: Will Abstracts of Bucks County PA, FHC microfilm #172929. Page 370
      (466) Joseph McFarland of Tinicum Township. Nov 4, 1759 - Dec 12, 1769. Wife
      Jean and son John, executors. Sons Joseph and John. Son Robert right to
      plantation I sold to John Hoberry Leat to lift of my debts. Andrew Booman my
      son-in-law. Witnesses James Davis and William Davis.

      RESEARCHER-EMAIL: (1998) Found on Internet, GENDEX (Genealogy Index). Stewart
      Tarkington at

      SOURCE: "Bard Family" by G. O. Seilham 1908 found at the Seattle Public
      Library. Includes much information on the Joseph McFarland family, especially
      the family of son Robert (born 1740) and his descendants. Has Joseph McFarland
      and children John, Joseph, Robert, James, and Rachel.

      QUESTION: Research of James A. McFarland, descent from Robert McFarland of
      Lancaster County: The Joseph of Bucks County was not the son of Robert. This
      Joseph was the son of Thomas, and first on tax list in 1738 in Tinicum
      township. The Roberts of Cumberland County, PA are the children and
      grandchildren of Joseph. CONFLICT: Joseph did have a son Robert, but he did
      not move to Cumberland County until after Rev. War. Was the mentioned father
      Thomas, the same one who lived in Philadelphia County, and had son Joseph in
      1734? This would be too late.

  • Sources 
    1. [S1049], U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current, (Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Operations, Inc.;;;;;).

    2. [S1167], Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993, (Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Operations, Inc.;;;;;), Wills, 1713-1906 ; General Index to Wills, 1682-1939; Author: Bucks County (Pennsylvania). Register of Wills; Probate Place: Bucks, Pennsylvania.

    3. [S1242] Mcfarlan.ged.GED.
      Date of Import: Feb 21, 1999

    4. [S1243] Mcfarlan.ged.
      Date of Import: Feb 21, 1999

    5. [S1679] GREGORY.GED.
      Date of Import: Feb 21, 1999

    6. [S1749], Pennsylvania, Land Warrants, 1733-1987, (Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Operations, Inc.;;;;;).