First Name List: Begins with B


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All first names beginning with B, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. B (5)
2. B. (4)
3. Babe (1)
4. Baby (8)
5. Bailey (3)
6. Ballard (2)
7. Balus (1)
8. Barbara (51)
9. Barbary (6)
10. Barilla (1)
11. Barnabas (1)
12. Barney (2)
13. Barnie (1)
14. Barry (5)
15. Bartholomew (2)
16. Barton (1)
17. Bartrie (1)
18. Basil (2)
19. Baslam (1)
20. Bates (2)
21. Bauds (1)
22. Baxter (3)
23. Beatrice (21)
24. Bedford (1)
25. Bedy (1)
26. Beecher (1)
27. Beitie (1)
28. Belinda (5)
29. Bell (2)
30. Bella (3)
31. Belle (6)
   32. Belvie (1)
33. Ben (10)
34. Benj (2)
35. Benjaman (1)
36. Benjamin (135)
37. Benjamine (1)
38. Bennett (2)
39. Bennie (1)
40. Bennitte (1)
41. Benson (1)
42. Benton (5)
43. Berenice (1)
44. Berke (1)
45. Berleigh (1)
46. Bernard (8)
47. Bernhardt (1)
48. Bernice (14)
49. Bernida (1)
50. Berrien (1)
51. Berry (2)
52. Berryman (4)
53. Bert (3)
54. Bertha (51)
55. Berthaline (1)
56. Bertie (4)
57. Bertrand (1)
58. Beryl (6)
59. Besse (1)
60. Bessie (38)
61. Bessy (1)
62. Beth (3)
   63. Betha (1)
64. Bethana (1)
65. Bethany (1)
66. Bethel (1)
67. Bethuel (2)
68. Betsey (10)
69. Betsy (18)
70. Bette (2)
71. Bettie (9)
72. Betty (39)
73. Bettye (2)
74. Beulah (11)
75. Beverley (1)
76. Beverly (5)
77. Biggers (1)
78. Bill (8)
79. Billie (4)
80. Billy (6)
81. Bin (1)
82. Bird (1)
83. Birdie (7)
84. Birt (1)
85. Birth (1)
86. Bistina (1)
87. Blaine (2)
88. Blair (1)
89. Blanch (6)
90. Blanche (15)
91. Blassingham (1)
92. Bob (2)
93. Bobbie (3)
   94. Bobby (3)
95. Bolton (1)
96. Bonita (1)
97. Bonnebelle (1)
98. Bonnie (11)
99. Bonnylin (1)
100. Borren (1)
101. Bose (1)
102. Bowmer (1)
103. Boy (1)
104. Boyd (2)
105. Br? (1)
106. Bradford (4)
107. Bradley (1)
108. Brag (1)
109. Brandon (2)
110. Brantley (1)
111. Braxton (2)
112. Brenda (5)
113. Brendan (1)
114. Brent (1)
115. Bret (1)
116. Brett (4)
117. Brian (8)
118. Brianna (1)
119. Briant (1)
120. Bridget (5)
121. Brieanna (1)
122. Brigit (1)
123. Brodie (1)
124. brother (1)
   125. Bruce (14)
126. Brusi (1)
127. Bryan (2)
128. Bryant (1)
129. Bryce (1)
130. Bud (3)
131. Buddy (2)
132. Buel (1)
133. Buelah (2)
134. Buell (1)
135. Buena (2)
136. Buffy (1)
137. Buford (2)
138. Buie (1)
139. Bunty (1)
140. Burcha (1)
141. Burchette (1)
142. Burdett (1)
143. Burdetta (1)
144. Burnice (1)
145. Burr (4)
146. Burt (1)
147. Burton (2)
148. Buster (1)
149. Buttonhead (1)
150. Buvena (1)
151. BY7779 (1)
152. Byrd (1)
153. Byrl (1)
154. Byron (3)