First Name List: Begins with G


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All first names beginning with G, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. G (4)
2. G. (4)
3. Gabrel (1)
4. Gabriel (2)
5. Gabrielle (1)
6. Gadies (1)
7. Gail (7)
8. Galen (1)
9. Galogero (1)
10. Galsey (1)
11. Garland (2)
12. Garnet (3)
13. Garrett (1)
14. Garrick (1)
15. Garry (1)
16. Gary (9)
17. Gasaway (1)
18. Gaston (1)
19. Gavin (4)
20. Gay (1)
21. Gayle (4)
22. Gaylene (1)
23. Gaylor (1)
24. Gealey (1)
25. Gealy (1)
   26. Geddes (1)
27. Gene (6)
28. General (2)
29. Geneva (2)
30. Genevieve (2)
31. Genoah (1)
32. Gentry (1)
33. Geo (1)
34. Geoffrey (3)
35. Georganna (1)
36. George (505)
37. Georgetta (1)
38. Georgia (17)
39. Georgiana (2)
40. Georgiane (1)
41. Georgianna (1)
42. Georgianne (1)
43. Georgie (1)
44. Georgilda (1)
45. Georgina (6)
46. Gerald (11)
47. Geraldine (6)
48. Gerard (1)
49. Geremiah (1)
50. Gerhard (1)
   51. Gerri (1)
52. Gerthie (1)
53. Gertie (4)
54. Gertrudde (1)
55. Gertrude (33)
56. Gibson (1)
57. Gilbert (12)
58. Gilchrist (2)
59. Giles (2)
60. Gilford (1)
61. Gillespie (1)
62. Gillette (1)
63. Gillian (1)
64. Gillis (1)
65. Gillman (1)
66. Gina (1)
67. Ginny? (1)
68. Giovanna (1)
69. girl (2)
70. Gladis (1)
71. Gladyce (1)
72. Gladys (30)
73. Glaydis (1)
74. Gleason (1)
75. Glen (10)
   76. Glena (1)
77. Glenda (2)
78. Glenn (8)
79. Glenwood (1)
80. Glet (1)
81. Gloria (2)
82. Glyn (1)
83. Glynne (1)
84. Godfrey (5)
85. Golda (4)
86. Goldie (6)
87. Gomer (1)
88. Gordan (1)
89. Gordon (29)
90. Grace (68)
91. Gracie (4)
92. Grady (2)
93. Graeme (1)
94. Graham (5)
95. Grahame (3)
96. Grand (1)
97. Grandison (1)
98. Grant (12)
99. Granville (9)
100. Grason (1)
   101. Grayce (1)
102. Green (7)
103. Greenbury (2)
104. Greene (1)
105. Gregory (1)
106. Grenville (1)
107. Griswold (1)
108. Grizel (4)
109. Grover (10)
110. Guilda (1)
111. Guion (1)
112. Gunnild (1)
113. Gus (2)
114. Gussee (1)
115. Gussie (1)
116. Gustav (2)
117. Guy (10)
118. Gwen (2)
119. Gwendolyn (3)
120. Gwendolyne (1)
121. Gweneth (1)
122. Gwenette (1)